Audio: LAX on BFG heading to Canada, the passing of Bobby Heenan, Mysterio, El Patron, GFW/Impact name, more
This Day In Wrestling History – September 14th
This Day In Wrestling History – August 21st
This Day In Wrestling History – August 5th
This Day In Wrestling History – May 17th
This Day In Wrestling History – September 17th
GRP #137: Roman Reigns suspended, his future, Nancy Benoit’s sister speaks on Y2J’s podcast, Lesnar on WWE 2K17 cover, more
GRP #127 with Teddy Long: The passing of Chyna, Reflecting on her career, WWE suspensions, Ryback upset, TNA, and more
GRP #72: TNA’s interest in Del Rio, Benoit-2K15, Sunny on Skype, NXT
GRP #52: Long and Karazian interview thoughts, declining ratings, Bound for Glory, and more
GRP #13: Hart-Hogan, Owen Hart WWE HOF, Impact, ratings, and more
GRP #11: WWE Network frustrations, Wrestlemania 30, WWE HOF, more