Tweet: Bobby Eaton found
GRP #125 with Teddy Long: NXT talent debuts on Raw, Lesnar’s WWE pay, Ryders wins IC title for a day, more
The Midnight Express inducted into the GERWECK.NET Hall of Fame; Eaton responds
GRP #64: ECW Exposed, Jim Ross, Grumpy Cat, Cesaro, ROH live, and more
GRP #62: Monday Night War, best theme music, dream matches, Shamrock, Reigns, and more
This Day In Wrestling History- July 16th
This Day In Wrestling History- July 5th
This Day In Wrestling History- June 18th
This Day In Wrestling History – May 19th
This Day In Wrestling History – May 10th
GRP #9: Thoughts on WWE Network improvements, editing of content, new content to be added, and more