NXT Report, 1/21/25

Jan 21, 2025 - by Scott Porter

Join us tonight for up to the minute results from WWE, NXT.  Coverage begins at 8pm.  Vic Joseph and Booker T are on the call.  COREY GRAVES IS ALSO AT THE ANNOUNCE TABLE…

– Tony D’Angelo (c) w/The Family vs. Ridge Holland For The WWE NXT North American Championship 

– Lexis King (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey w/The No Quarter Catch Crew For The WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship 

– Giulia Segment 

– Oba Femi (c) vs. Eddy Thorpe For The WWE NXT Championship 

Yes, Corey Graves is at the announce table.  He says he is where he wants to be.

Match 1.  Tony D’Angelo (c) w/The Family vs. Ridge Holland For The WWE NXT North American Championship

They tie up to start, but quickly try to establish whom is the stronger.  Tony lands a few hiptosses and a shoulder off the ropes.  They end up throwing hands in the corner.  Tony backdrops Ridge from there.  Shawn Spears comes out to watch from ringside.  Back from break, The Don lands a fishermans for a long two count.  The two then engage in a slugfest mid ring.  Ridge comes out with the advantage with a suplex, but eats a running Tony D shoulder.  Shawn interferes, leading to Jensen and Niko come out and mix it up with the family.  Izzy Dame comes out of nowhere and kicks Ridge in the crotch, leading to a spinebuster and pin for the champ.

Winner and still champion, Tony D’Angelo

Backstage Wes Lee cuts it up with Dion Lennox backstage.  This looks like it will lead to a match tonight or at a later date.  Wes then turns his attention to Trick Williams, who wants none of his jokes.  Trick slaps Wes into the lockers.  Wes’ entourage wants nothing to do with the former NXT Champ.

Bayley comes out in street clothes.  The crowd chants welcome home.  She addresses the crowd gratitude and it is her job to get rid of Roxanne Perez.  Bayley runs down the locker room with praise.  Giulia comes out with the NXT Womens Championship.  They praise each other.  Cora Jade and Roxanne come out next.  Perez tells them they are boring.  The fans are booing the two so loud, you can barely hear them speak.  Jade tells Bayley she walked out on NXT.  Roxanne tells Bayley she is no longer needed.  A fight breaks out, which is the only thing that can stop the boos.  This looks like a tag match is being set up.  Kelani Jordan, Jaida Parker, and Karmen Petrovic all start arguing and pushing backstage.  Both Kelani and Karmen don’t like Jaida.  Back in the ring, the brawl with the ladies continues into the break.

Match 2.  Dion Lennox VS Wes Lee (with Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont)

We comes in irate, but Dion lands a pop up forearm that absolutely floors him.  Wes counters with a kick to the face.  Dion shoulders him off the ropes.  Spinebuster by Lennox for two.  Wes blocks a suplex and goes to a series of boots and finishes him with a Pele kick.

Winner, Wes Lee

Wes dismisses Dion and calls out Trick Williams.  Trick comes right out and punches Lee out of the ring.  He then tells Wes they will have match next week.  Trick then disses Dion as he leaves the arena.  Dion gives Trick a dirty look in return.

We get a vignette for Lexis KingCharlie Dempsey is wanting a rematch, but he is up for the challenge.  Stephanie Vaquer cuts a backstage promo and she wants the North American Championship from Fallon Henley and Shotzi. 

Match 3.  Heritage Cup Champion, Lexis King VS Charlie Dempsey (with The NQCC)

Round one begins with scientific takedowns.  King lands a dropkick and arm drag.  Dempsey snap mares into a headlock.  King reverses and drives his knee into Dempsey’s back.  They both trade backslides and rollups.  The two shake hands, but Dempsey takes a forearm shortcut to King’s face.  Dempsey locks on a sleeper.  King gets free.  He gets two off a backslide and the bell saves King from a chicken wing tapping him out.  Round two is during the commercial break.  Dempsey is pinned off a backslide by King as the second round ends.  Round 3 begins with Dempsey looking for revenge.  King eats a punch to the face when trying to break,  being tied up in the ropes.  Dempsey is in full desperation mode.  King refuses to break the rules.  Dempsey gets a pin off a double underhook.  We are going to sudden death.  King thinks about getting the brass knuckles but doesn’t.  Dempsey jumps him and locks on front face lock.  King suplexes free.  King goes to the chops to further the advantage.  He suplexes Dempsey and gets a near fall off a top rope crossbody.  Dempsey suplexes him.  King reaches for the brass knuckles.  Dempsey jumps him.  King throws him to the floor and he dives on him, while fighting off the NQCC.  King then crotches Dempsey and lands the coronation for the win.

Winner and still Heritage Cup Champion, Lexis King

King looks disappointed in his means to victory, but the story isn’t him turning bad yet.  He has to comes to grips he had to fight fire with fire.  Then a smirk comes over his face and he looks like he is ok with his actions.

Chase U is dead, or is it.  We get a hint of a return.

Match 4.  Karmen Petrovic (with Ashante Adonis) VS Jaida Parker

These two talk a lot of smack pre match.  Petrovic lands a kick to the face and a back karate kick.  The third time was once to man, Parker catches her and puts her in the electric chair.  Parker works Karmen over in the corner and ropes.  Karmen fights back with more kicks, but Parker lands a spinning neckbreaker.  Karmen rolls up Parker for 2 and hits some running forearms and a lariat.  After a sling blade she gets a two count.  Parker faceplants Karmen, Kelani Jordan comes out and distracts Parker, leading up to Petrovic roll up victory.

Winner, Karmen Petrovic

We get some more backstage interaction in the ladies locker room.  It all is about taking on the WWE Tag champions next week. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson have a shot against Bianca Belair and Naomi.    

Match 5.  Niko and Brooks Jensen  (With Shawn Spears) VS The Family, Channing Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino (with Rizzo)

This is just a brawl.  Lorenzo dives out on the Jensen and Niko after they tossed to the floor.  Luca tag in.  Jensen gets Channing on the floor.  Luca is taken down by Niko and Jensen tags in and clotheslines Luca.  Niko takes a header off a arm twist.  Stacks tags in and gains an advantage.  Jensen somehow backdrops Luca to the floor.  Lariat by Niko on Stacks Lorenzo and it is over.

Winners, Niko and Jensen

Fraziom are interviewed backstage.  Yoshiki Inamura and Josh Briggs cut them off and say they need to worry about them in NXT, not defending their belts Thursday on TNA, Impact.  They claim they are being dodged.  OTM comes and and a brawl with Inamura and Briggs breaks out.

Izzy Dame is shown with Tony D’Angelo.  Stacks seems upset he wasn’t out with them at ringside.  Tony walks off pissed they are complaining about his absence.  Ethan Page has a vignette.  He is taking pride for injuring Je’Von Evans.  Evans is shown with his broken jaw.  He wants Page.  Cedric Alexander says he will get revenge for him.  Grayson Whaler and Austin Theory talk to Ava about their segment scheduled for next week on NXT.  They make a comment they should be involved in the main event tonight.

DDP is shown at ringside.

Main Event.  NXT Champion, Oba Femi VS Eddie Thorpe

Femi isn’t a full blown face, but he is the crowd favorite tonight for sure.  Thorpe strikes first with a slam and elbow drop.  Femi is furious and stands up and hurls Thorpe repeatedly around the ring.  After a huge backdrop, Femi fires up and Eddie runs to the floor.  Femi grabs him and tosses him back in.  Thorpe catches him coming back in the a knee and then a running kick, which knocks the champ off the apron.  We see A Town Down Under in the crows nest watch on.  On the commercial split screen, we see Oba working over Thorpe in the corner, but Eddie tripping the legs out from the champion.  Eddie fights off a comeback, by avoiding a elbow drop.  He floats to a rear chin lock.  Femi stands up and just tosses Eddie across the ring.  He then works him over with lariats, kicks and a sidewalk slam.  After a spinebuster, Femi gets a 2 count.  Eddie reverses a slam into a triangle.  Femi gets free and lariats Thorpe.  Thorpe stunners Femi from a vertical suplex.  He gets a two off a top rope diving Indian chop.  He then dropkicks Femi’s legs.  He then snap Germans him.  Femi blocks a Indian chop.  Choke slam by Femi for two.  Femi shoulders the post by accident.  Femi catches Eddie diving in and throws him.  Fall from grace and it is over.

Winner and still champion, Oba Femi

A Town Down Bark at Femi.  Trick comes out and goes face to face with Femi.  Thorpe tries to attack Trick and gets trick shot.  Femi and Trick end the show starting at each other.


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