
Join us tonight for up to the minute results from TNA, Sacrifice. Tom Hannifan and Mathew Rehwoldt are on the call from El Paso, Texas.
Match Card:
- TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Cora Jade
Champion Masha Slamovich defends against WWE NXT star Cora Jade in an inter-promotional match. Their rivalry began at Genesis when Jade confronted Slamovich, followed by an attack on the February 20 episode of Impact! Masha has sense showed up at NXT.
- TNA X Division Championship – Ladder Match: Moose (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
X Division Champion Moose puts his title on the line against the high-flying veteran Jeff Hardy in what promises to be a spectacular ladder match. Moose wants to redeem himself after losing to Oba Femi, the NXT Champion.
- Ten-Man Tag Team Steel Cage Match: Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Elijah, Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth vs. The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) & The Colóns (Eddie & Orlando Colón)
This feud ignited when The Colóns debuted by interrupting Joe Hendry’s in-ring concert, leading to this massive cage battle featuring talent from both TNA and NXT.
- Six-Man Tag Team Match: Ace Austin & The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. Wes Lee, Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont
A personal rivalry stemming from Wes Lee’s betrayal of his former Rascalz teammates comes to a head in this six-man collision. TNA VS NXT
- Street Fight: Sami Callihan vs. Mance Warner (with Steph De Lander)
This match has been built for weeks with attacks and brawls throughout arenas, these two will finally settle their score in a street fight.
- Singles Match: Tessa Blanchard vs. Lei Ying Lee
Former Impact World Champion Tessa Blanchard faces off against Lei Ying Lee in what should be an intense singles contest. Tessa wants to regain the TNA Knockouts Championship. She continues her quest against the former NXT star.
- Singles Match: Mustafa Ali (with Jason Hotch, John Skyler & Tasha Steelz) vs. Mike Santana
Mustafa Ali brings his entourage to battle the hard-hitting Mike Santana in singles competition.
- TNA Tag Team Championship – Handicap Match: Jody Threat and Dani Luna vs. Ash By Elegance, Heather By Elegance, and The Personal Concierge
The tag team champions face a challenging 3-on-2 handicap match to defend their titles.
- Singles Match: Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin
- Pre-show Match “First Class” AJ Francis and KC Navarro vs. Octagon Jr. and Laredo Kid
1. AJ Frances and KC Navarro (First Class) VS Octagon Jr. and Laredo Kid (Aztec Warriors)
Frances runs down the crowd before the match starts. KC and Jr start the match. He lights up KC with lucha dives and superkicks. Kid tags in and they double KC with a face first slam and double superkick. Laredo delivers a driver, but KC knocks him to the floor and moonsaults onto him. Frances tags in and slows the pace, but stays in control. He and KC make a few tags, working Kid over in their corner. Frances lands a big boot to the face. Kid counters with a faceplant. Jr tags in and they double KC. Twisting senton by Kid and a springboard moonsault by Jr. Frances makes the save. The Warriors goto the air and gain control, until Frances chokeslams Kid from outside leading to a blessing from disguise, after a poke of the eyes by KC and it is over.
Winners by pinfall, First Class
Tessa Blanchard cuts a promo claiming she is best and she cuts off Arianna from NXT. The System cut a promo backstage with The Colons about the steel cage match tonight. They promise blood. Moose runs down Jeff Hardy. Ryan Nemeth announces to the crowd his big brother, Nic Nemeth will be in attendance tonight. Before the pre show ends, Mance Warner and Sami Callihan fight from the back to the ring. Sami grabs garbage cans..
Match 2. Mance VS Sami Callihan
The match is starting now. It was supposed to be on the main card, but here we go. Sami eats the can after Mance runs him into it. He then uses the can lid on him repeatedly. Steph De Lander is with her man. Sami then powerbombs Mance threw a table.
Main Card
Street fight continued…
We are now into the main show and the match continues. Sami cuts the fingers of Mance with a poster’s edge. He then razors it over his mouth. Mance counters a cactus driver and puts Sami threw a garbage can with a choke slam. Sami then trips Mance onto a rim of a chair, landing on his chin and throat. Sami gets a staple gun. Steph hands Mance a stapler. They both staple each others forehead, arms, chest, neck and other body parts. Mance seems to get the best of this exchange, until Sami staples him in the crotch. He then staples his tongue to the turnbuckle. He then DVDs him into a chair, but Mance kicks out. Mance blocks a stunner and lariats Sami. Steph hands Mance a screw driver, but Sami stops him and gets a two off a stunner. Steph powders Sami’s eyes, blinding him. Knee by Warner and it is over.
Winner by pinfall, Mance Warner
Match 1. Lei Ying Lee VS Tessa Blanchard
Tessa is really leaning into the hatred the crowd has for her. Lee has a flashy entrance, but Tessa looks unimpressed and as the match begins, she disrespects Lee with her arrogant actions. Lee eats a slap and finally has had enough. She lands several punches and an arm drag. Tessa begs for mercy, but then pulls Lee to the floor. They brawl there, but Tessa gets to the ring first and then uses the ropes to choke Lee. The match spills back to the floor and Tessa pounds Lei for several minutes, eventually back in the ring. Tessa flips the crowd off. Lei gets a two off a rollup. Blanchard delivers a basement dropkick. Lei lands a jaw breaker, high knee and multiple kicks. She follows with a fishermans and basement dropkick. Lei then racks Tessa into a cutter for a long two. Blanchard knocks Lei off the ropes and splashes her. She then goes to the boots to the head. Lei counters with a leg lariat to Tessa’s legs. This was a wicked move. They end up on the 2nd rope. Lei lands a twisting superplex for another long 2. The fans don’t believe it wasn’t 3. Tessa blocks the rack and turns it into a cutter. She goes to the top and hits the magnum and it is over.
Winner, Tessa Blanchard
Ryan Nemeth cuts a promo, having a tantrum he won’t be joining his bothers team in the cage tonight.
Match 2. Six-Man Tag Team Match: Ace Austin & The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. Wes Lee, Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont
The Rascalz both want Wes Lee, but Ace starts with him. Ace trips him and kicks him in the head. Trey and rannas Dupont to the floor. Wentz ranna Igwe and then corkscrews him off the top. Wes and Igwe work over Ace in their corner. Tyson corkscrew uppercuts Ace. Ace gets triple teamed for a few mins. Ace finally lands a dropkick to Dupont and Igwe off the top. The Rascalz come in together and they double Wes with art of finesse, for Chris Bey. Double stomp by Wes on Trey, then he gets double choke slammed by Igwe and Dupont. Ace punts Igwe off the apron and then Wentz does the same. Trey DDTs Wes on the floor. Igwe and Dupont are laid out and Wes is left alone. He eats a lightning spiral, a fold and a spinning moonsault by Wentz and it is over.
Winners, Ace Austin and The Rascalz
Eric Young enters the arena to join the announce team.
Match 3. Steve Maclin VS Frankie Kazarian
Maclin and Frankie start slow, but Kaz lands a double knee and legdrop to gain the first advantage. He then showboats to the crowd as he slaps around Maclin. This pisses Steve off and he land a few punches, Thesz press and an Olympic slam. He then spears him, while Frankie was upside down in the corner. Kaz bails and DDT’s him upon re-entering the ring off the ropes. They both go for finishers and are blocked. Maclin Scuds Kaz from the ring to the floor. High knee in the ring gets Maclin a two count. Kaz locks on a chicken wing. Maclin fights to his feat, and he dives to the floor. Kaz refuses to let go of the hold and has to be pulled apart. Kaz went for brass knuckles. EY grabs them and he hits Kaz. Maclin hits the KIA and it is over. Maclin has no idea that happened.
Winner, Steve Maclin
Spitfire cut a promo about their match backstage.
Match 4. Tag Team Title Match. Handicap Match: Jody Threat and Dani Luna (C) vs. Ash By Elegance, Heather By Elegance, and The Personal Concierge
Ash and Dani start off, leading to a double team with Heather and Ash. PC tags in and drops the bottom rope double axe handle. He quickly exits. Dani hits a back breaker on Heather. Jody tags in and they double Heather in a MCMG type combo offense. Dani Heather end back in the ring. PC distracts Dani and Heather knocks Dani off the apron to the floor. Ash jumps Dani on the floor. PC tags in with a few kicks. Dani gets triple teamed in the corner. The Ashs hit a nasty tandem lung blower. Dani finally lands a suplex on Heather. Ash and Jody tag in. Jody ends up beating both of them up. She suplexes Ash and Heather. Jody dives on the floor on both of them. PC breaks up a pin after a blue thunder by Jody. Jody then loses it and she and Dani land a treasure drop. Ashe jumps Jody and Heather double stomps her for the win.
Winners and NEW TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, Ash and Heather by Elegance.
Out comes Dakota Jackson and Lash Legend come out and motion for the tag belts.
Match 5. Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali (with Tasha Steelz and his cabinet)
The story of the addiction Mike Santana battles everyday is the story. Mustafa has tried to exploit the issues so this has gotten very personal. Santana comes out with a nice tribute to Eddy Guerrero. Santana lands a big slam after they trade feel out moves. Santana then goes for the 3 amigos, but he is cut off at two. Then Santana blocks a DDT and then finishes the 3 amigos. He then sentons Mustafa on the floor. Mustafa scores with a double thrust to the throat, but Santana dropkicks him to the apron. They end up on the top. Mustafa face plants him on the top turnbuckle. He then 45os to the floor onto Santana’s arm, injuring it. Ali lands a side kick and rolling elbow. Ali then goes to work on the injured arm. Ali then sinks in a crossface. Santana gets to the ropes. Ali kicks him hard to the floor and dives out to him, but Santana cutters him mid air. Santana pulls Mustafa back in the ring and he delivers kicks and lariats. Ali somehow lands a delayed German. Ali misses a 450, but hits a tornado DDT for two. Ali misses another 450, but hits a superkick. Rolling cutter for two by Santana and then a frog splash for two. He then suplexes Ali. Ali’s cabinet interferes repeatedly. He gets slapped by Tasha and Ali rolls Santana up with added rope leverage for the win.
Winner, Mustafa Ali
Ali puts a beer in the ring for Santana, as Mike looks on in disbelief.
Match 6. TNA Knockouts Champion, Masha Slamovich VS NXT’s Cora Jade
Cora jumps Masha prior to the bell, but Masha easily recovers. The fans seem to be in favor of Jade, even though she should be playing the heel. Jade lands some kicks to the head and a double stomp. Jade connects with a running elbow to the back of the champ. Cora then kicks Masha in the face for a two count and then a suplex. Masha lands a few strikes, but Jade kicks her in the face and then lands a high knee. Masha face plants her in the corner and then hurls Jade from the corner. Masha lands several high knees and a rolling kick to the head. Jade delivers a destroyer on the apron. Masha crumbles to the floor. Jade retrieves Masha to the ring. She can’t win the title by count out. She gets a two off a Jaded. Masha got her foot on the bottom rope. Masha then eats boot, but gets to her feet. They trade blows. Spinning kick and piledriver and Masha retains.
Winner and still TNA Knockouts Champion, Masha Slamovich
Match 7. X-Division Champion, Moose, with Alicia Edwards VS Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match
Both run and grab ladders. Hardy is throw off the ladder, but knocks Moose off the apron to the floor. Hardy suplexes Moose on the floor. Moose blows a TOF and throws Jeff into the stairs. Moose them drops Jeff on the apron, back first. Jeff drops the double leg on Moose’s crotch. He then rams Moose with a table. He then puts a ladder on Moose and jumps on the ladder from the apron. Jeff goes back in the ring to climb the ladder. Moose stops him with a chair to the back. He then powerbombs him off the ladder. Moose spends a few minutes setting up ladders in the ring in positions so they can be used as weapons. He then powerbombs Jeff on it. Moose then gets a table. He goes for another powerbomb, but Jeff backdrops him to the floor and dives on him. They end up on ladder together. Jeff delivers a twist of fate on Moose. The ladders all collapse under the weight of the move. Jeff gets crotched on the top rope next. Moose then superplexes Jeff off the top and then spears him. Moose had thrown all the ladders out of the ring so he can’t go to the top. They both get to their feet. Jeff backdrops Moose out of the ring onto a prone ladder. That was brutal. Jeff then gets another table. Jeff then hits him with a chair. He puts Moose on the table and hits him with another table. Jeff then goes to the top swantons him on the floor threw the table. Jeff gets anther ladder in the ring. Jeff climbs the ladder, but Alicia hits him with a kendo stick. Jeff delivers the twist of fate on Alicia. Moose then spears Jeff thew a propped up table in the corner. This is nuts. Moose climbs the ladder and gets the belt.
Winner and still X-Division Champion, Moose
Santino Marella is approached by Mike Santana. Santana begs for a rematch with Mustafa Ali. He sets it up for Thursday. Santana bans the Cabinet from ringside. First Class head out with champaign to promo their merch and piss off the fans. They call everyone losers. Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr come out and interrupt them. They call them assholes. A fight breaks out ending this segment.
Main Event. Ten-Man Tag Team Steel Cage Match: Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Elijah, Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth vs. The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) & The Colóns (Eddie & Orlando Colón)
Elijah sings us a song, as Eddie waits for him in the cage. Every min someone else will enter. Elijah throws hands and backdrops Eddie. Elijah walks the ropes like the Spoiler. Brian Myers comes out next. Now we have a 2 on 1 advantage. The System land a System overload. Nic Nemeth heads out next. He neckbreaker Myers and DDTs Eddie. Orlando comes out next. He delivers a series of suplexes to Nemeth and a back breaker to Elijah. The numbers game is hard to overcome. Leon Slater heads out next. Slater shows off his amazing aerial skills right away. Eddie Colon enters next. He goes right after Slater, throwing his head into the cage. He then dropkicks Elijah off the top rope. Matt Hardy comes out next. He side effect Eddie and clotheslines Eddy. Leon and Matt hit a plot test. JDC comes out next with a steel chair. He uses it on Slater and then powerbombs him into the fencing. Myers uses the chair on Leon, the Joe Hendry’s music hits. Myers tries to block Joe from entering, but he is thrown by the champion. Hendry does a series of fallaway slams. Joe soaks in the cheers. He mounts the turnbuckle with Eddie Edwards and fallaways him from the top. Myers crotches Joe. For a few mins we have a 10 way brawl. Ryan Nemeth comes out to ringside. Eddie Edwards crotch Slater on the top rope. JDC and Eddie try to superplex him off the top of the cage, but he blocks it. He then delivers a swanton 450 off the top of the cage. Ryan distract the ref and he misses a pin. Nic hits a danger zone. Joe gives Myers a standing ovation. Elijah high knees Edwards. He then crotches JDC on a chair. Hardy hits the twist of fate and then another on the chair for the win.
Winners, Nic, Matt, Joe, Leon and Elijah
Ryan locks himself in the cage with Nic and Matt post match. Nic levels Matt. Ryan then pounds on Matt. Nic then DDTs Matt on the cage as Ryan uses the chair to make it so nobody can climb into the locked cage. Matt is now a bloody mess. They continue to just pound on Matt. The show ends with the beatdown continuing.
This was a pretty solid PPV. There wasn’t a single match I took time away from to do something else.
Having the Mance vs Callihan match start on the pre-show, then continue on the main telecast might get future viewers to tune in earlier, helping with viewship.
Well done TNA.