3/13/25 TNA Impact Recap
TNA iMPACT! Results – March 13, 2025
• Eddie Edwards defeats Leon Slater to gain advantage in the steel cage 10 man tag match at Sacrifice
• Wes Lee defeated Laredo Kid
Trey Miguel tells Wes Lee to be prepared for tomorrow.
• Xia Brookside defeats Rosemary by DQ, Rosemary used the poison mist on Xia after Xia took a chain from Rosemary and threatened to use it, but that’s when Rosemary used the mist.
• JDC defeats Deaner
• Tessa Blanched & Cora Jade defeat Masha Slamovich & Lei Ying Lee
• Mustafa Ali takes out Mike Santana and leaves a drink by his side
• Joe Hendry defeated Ryan Nemeth in 18 seconds to retain the TNA World Title
• Joe Hendry defeated Hammerstone to retain the TNA World Title
This is Hammerstone’s last match with the company
After the match, The System and The Colons gang up on Joe Hendry, then Elijah, Leon Slater and The Hardys show up to make the save. This leads to a ten-man brawl all around the ring, and Moose and Jeff Hardy toss each other into Frankie Kazarian as the show ends.