Mar 11, 2025 - by Scott Porter

Join us tonight, as NXT invades New York City for Roadblock.  Booker T, Corey Joseph and Vic Joseph will provide play by play for the televised event.  Coverage will begin at 8pm Eastern.

* NXT Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Moose

* TNA Tag Team Championship Match: The Hardys (c) vs. Fraxion

* NXT Women’s Champion & Women’s North American Championship Match: Giulia (c) vs. Stephanie Vaquer (c)

Street Fight: Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans

* Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez

Match 1.  TNA World Tag Team Champions, The Hardys VS NXT Tag Team Champions, Nation Frazier and Axiom

This match is for the TNA straps.  Fraxiom double Matt and Jeff after a feeling out start.  Frazier and Axiom both end up flying to the floor in spectacular fashion on the legends.  We goto break.  Hardys gain control upon the return and Jeff drops and elbow.  Jeff then lands an inverted suplex on Axiom.  Frazier makes the save, but Matt takes him out with a side effect on the floor.  Axiom eats a plot twist.  Axiom pushes Matt into Jeff, crotch first.  Axiom hit their finishes but Matt breaks up the pin on Jeff.  Jeff hits the Whisper and Twist of Fate for two on Frazier.  Axiom backslides Jeff for two and follows with a big knee.  Axiom missile dropkicks Frazier by accident.  Jeff swantons for the win.

Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boys

Jaida Parker is shown asking Mickey James if she will get the winner of the Guilia / Vaquer match.  The D’Angelo Family have some tense moments planning for their immediate future backstage.

Match 2.  Roxanne Perez VS Jordynne Grace

Booker claims this should be the #1 contenders match.  Grace lands a spinebuster and goes on the ground and pound.  Perez ends up on the floor and takes out Grace, attempting to dive on her.  Perez injured Grace leg on the metal stairs and she centers her offense on the new target.  Perez works the leg for several mins.  Grace gets free, but falls under own weight.  Perez then viciously ties twists the leg around the post and stomps it as we go to break.  Perez locks on the figure four, as seen in the split screen commercial view.  Grace back elbows Perez and then slams her hard.   The two trade slaps mid ring.  Grace slams her again and again.  Perez clips the knee.  Grace delivers a sit out powerbomb for two.  Perez then fights free from a musclebuster.  Perez then superkicks Grace and rannas her.  Perez gets a two off a frog splash, and floats to crossface.  Perez gets a two off a backslide.  Grace slams her and finishes Perez with Joseph calls beastmode.

Winner, Jordynne Grace

The Undertaker confronts Oba Femi backstage.  He says he is watching him and he says he is impressed.  He then tells Oba to defend his yard.  He fist pumps the Champion.  We also get a Trick Williams / Eddy Thorpe hype video.

Match 3.  TNA X Division Champion, Moose VS NXT Champion Oba Femi 

Moose heads out first.  Loud Moose chants can be heard.  Femi comes out to even more chants.  The crowd erupts even before they lock up.  The two trade power moves, neither gain a true measurable advantage, but the shots are stiff.  Femi finally plants Moose’s small of his back on the edge of the apron.  That stings and we go to break.  During the break, Moose recovers and lands a massive dropkick.  Femi throws Moose, when he was locked in a headlock, then powerbombs him.  Moose spills to the floor.  He follows, but Moose whips Femi into the metal stairs.  Moose then pump kicks him, but Femi counters with a massive uppercut off a top rope diving Moose then fireman’s carry.  They end up on the top, where Moose superplexes him.  Femi just stands and suplexes Moose in return.  They trade blows mid ring.  Femi eats a pump kick and hulks up.  Moose counters a fall from grace and powerbombs Femi for two.  Oba then presses Moose and throws him to the floor from the ring.  Moose beats the 10 count.  They trade blows again and spill to the floor.  Moose slams Femi threw a table, after throwing him into the pose.  Spear by Moose for two, a long two.  Fall from Grace by Femi and it is over.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Oba Femi

Fallon Henley wants a rematch for the North American belt and tells Ava.  Ricky Saints walks in and mentions he would like to face Ridge Holland next week.  Ethan Page walks by and tells Ricky NXT doesn’t like outsiders.

Match 4.  Ethan Page VS Je’Von Evans

The blood feud has been going on for a while and quickly spills to the floor.  Evans is in fact wearing pants covered in blood.  There is No DQs in this match.  Weapons start piling in the ring and Page uses a chair first on Evans back.  He then returns the favor repeatedly.  Evans kicks Page’s face into a chair.  Evans gets a table and sets it up in the corner.  The time allows Page to recover.  They trade kicks, punches and chair shots.  Evans slams Page on a chair.  Page then throws Evans off the top rope onto two chairs and then slams Evans threw the table for two.  Back from break, Page delivers an egos edge for a long two.   The two trade blows mid ring.  Evans cutters Page from the apron to the floor threw a table.  That was nuts.  Evans then dives from the ring over the top and onto Page, hurling themselves over the announce table.  Evans gets a 2 count off a spinning dive off the top rope.  Evans grabs a chair and puts Page neck in the chair, Ethan gets free, but Evans cutters him on the chair, then springboard cutters Page with the chair around Page’s neck and gets the pin.

Winner, Je’Von Evans… wow

The lights go out and the masked 4 men enter the ring and attack Evans.  Their faces are shown briefly, but I can’t name the group.  They stand tall.

We get vignette for North American Champion, Shawn Spears’ group, The Culling.  Eddy Thorpe is interviewed about his underground match next week with Trick Williams.  He runs down the former champs.  Trick jumps him, after running threw the crowd.  Williams pounds on Thorpe, until the security pull Thorpe to the back.

Main Event.  NXT Womens, Guilia VS Stephanie Vaquer (TITLE VS TITLE)

It is mentioned they met once in the Stardom promotion in Japan.  The two shake hands then then start throwing them immediately.  We then get a few classic star downs.  Guilia wows the crowd with some impressive rollups, we have not seen in the states.  She connects with a missile dropkicks.  Steph then lands a dive from the top to the floor and we go to break.  Guilia lands a cutter off the apron during the break.  Steph hip attacks and then does the 10 knee face plant on Guilia.  The fans seem to be behind Steph.  Guilia catches Steph on the top, she double underhooks her of the top.  Guilia lands another suplex and a driver.  Guilia is gaining some cheers with her movers.  Steph lands a dragon screw.  SVB and Steph gets a long two count.  Steph misses a spinal tap and Guilia floats from a triangle to a surfboard.  Steph gets to the ropes.  Knee by Guilia for two.  They trade kicks and slams.  SVB again by Steph and then another.  IT IS OVER.  NEW CHAMPION\


Steph gets the confetti salute, as Guilia looks on.  The Dark Angel stands tall as the show ends.


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