Video: Alexander says he was once supposed to appear in NXT as part of the TNA crossover

Feb 6, 2025 - by Steve Gerweck

Josh Alexander reveals he was once supposed to appear in NXT as part of the TNA crossover, but it didn’t materialize:

“There was one certain situation where I was supposed to go, and it did not happen. There were maybe two other situations where I was asked to go, and it got shut down for whatever reason that was. No hard feelings on my end.

I have options on the table, so there are no hard feelings or nothing like that. There were definitely plenty of stories that could have been told, whether it was The North reunited for one night only or if I went one-on-one with Ethan Page in some capacity, just because of all the history we have together.”

(source: StraightTalk wrestling)

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