Hogan expected to miss SNME, Undertaker gives McConaughey a WWE Legacy Belt (photo)

Jan 24, 2025 - by Steve Gerweck

– Hulk Hogan will reportedly not be attending tomorrow’s WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event in San Antonio, TX due to “family commitments”.

(Source: Sportskeeda’s Dr. Chris Featherstone)

– The Undertaker gifted Matthew McConaughey the Texas Longhorns WWE Legacy Title Belt.

McConaughey attended Smackdown in Austin, TX Friday night. He even got involved during a Kevin Owens promo segment, with “The Prize Fighter” verbally dressing down the actor as he stood over him on the commentary desk at ringside.

10 Responses

  1. What? says:

    Brooke did just give birth, so the “family commitments” thing could be legit. However, after his reception on Raw you have to think that “family commitments” could be code for “let’s not put him on live TV for a while.”

  2. Luke says:

    Come on. If you had a baby, would you let Hogan anywhere near it?

  3. Joseph says:

    Hogan was booed on the January 6th edition of Raw and people are still talking about him. Negative attention is still attention and as P.T Barnum once said, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”. If he was able to be there, he’d be there because whether or not people boo him or cheer him, they’re still paying attention to him and reacting to him.

  4. Luke says:

    I don’t believe that. Both about Hogan and the Barnum quote. Especially in the idiotic PC era where they “cancel” people.
    Also, it may have not been his call.

  5. Mackdeezy says:

    Brooke had a twins and Nick got married. Mountains out of molehills, people!

    That said, ehhh, he can stay gone.

  6. What? says:

    @Joseph: That’s true in a WWE ring. When you’re one of the most popular characters from one of the most popular eras of wrestling, and you are expected to get a hero’s welcome every time you appear but instead practically get booed out of the building for reasons that have nothing to do with what you did in a WWE ring, that’s a problem. Luke is right – strong chance it wasn’t his call.

  7. Joseph says:

    @Luke, @What?
    It’s like @Mackdeezy said, Nick got married. I don’t think they told him to stay away. But I could believe that when he told them he couldn’t make it, they didn’t really fight him on it.

  8. Luke says:

    One, you usually plan weddings months ahead of time. If he was never going to be there, why was he advertised?
    Two, it’s Hogan. Not the kind of guy who chooses family over money.
    Plus, don’t know how much truth there is to it, but it’s been reported that Jesse doesn’t want him there and Jesse’s way more valuable to WWE right now. Hell, Barry Horowitz is more valuable to WWE right now.
    We’ll see if he appears on the next one. I say no. I also say WWE severs any ties with him as soon as they’re legally allowed to.

  9. Joseph says:

    Some weddings take months to plan. Some don’t. Some weddings can happen within a day and some within a week. Some take a year or more to plan. I have no information on Nick Hogan’s wedding because to be honest, I could care less what their wedding plans were.

    Hogan was booed on Raw. If he had shown up on SNME, how many people would have tuned in just to see if it happened again?

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