Frontrunner to host Wrestlemania 42, plus notes up Nic Nemeth and Britt Baker

Jan 20, 2025 - by Steve Gerweck

Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) comments on losing the TNA Championship to Joe Hendry.

Britt Baker is said to be ‘wildly unpopular’ in the women’s locker room in AEW to the point where one person has said that no one wants to see her come back.

(source PWTorch)

– The word making the rounds locally in Louisiana is that New Orleans is currently the frontrunner to host WrestleMania 42 next year.

(source: PWlnsider)

4 Responses

  1. Bestofbothworlds says:

    Women’s wrestling as a whole needs to stop.

  2. Luke says:

    Stupid people as a whole need to stop, but there’s just way too many of you to contain…

  3. bestofbothworlds says:

    You can simp all over these women all you want but it won’t take away that women’s wrestling doesn’t draw money and is a waste of air time. WM 35 Main event and Evolution PPV are prime examples.

  4. Luke says:

    Pointing out you’re stupid isn’t equivalent to simping over anything. You’d know that, if you weren’t… Yeah…
    Women’s wrestling does draw, it just doesn’t draw as well as men’s wrestling. That’s pretty much the case for all sports and forms of physical entertainment (excluding porn). However, women main eventers outdraw men midcarders. WWE’s women outdraw AEW’s main eventers (and perhaps of all other companies in the world). If women’s wrestling didn’t draw, no one would promote it. Not being at the absolute top of the ladder doesn’t mean you don’t draw.

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