“Speedball” Mike Bailey update, Linda McMahon eyes “Woke” Universities
– “Speedball” Mike Bailey disclosed that, subsequent to tonight’s match at DPW, he has concluded all his current professional obligations. Bailey will now return to Canada, where he will deliberate on the forthcoming of his career.
– Linda McMahon, nominated as the head of Education by Donald Trump, looks to tax woke Universities.
Former WWE exec Linda McMahon could body-slam higher education as Trump's Education Secretary nominee.
The plan?
Tax university endowments at 37%, slash their research slush funds, and potentially… pic.twitter.com/lwBPsAWvxq
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) December 9, 2024
Many universities do not deliver the quality of education required to enable students to excel after graduation. There are far too many grifters employed at these institutions living off the fees of students, and the subsidies from taxpayers.
There needs to be a change. Not just in the US, but around the world. By introducing competition, breaking the cartels of universities, we can offer students reduced costs for education, lowering their debt loads without the need for bailouts. The salaries of administrators should not be a given, and should be results driven. Lifetime tenure for staff must be eliminated to prevent freeloaders from exploiting the system for their own greed.
Hopefully, these initiatives by Linda will send shock waves throughout the education complex, leading to more positive outcomes.
She could also bring Mike Rowe aboard. He also has plenty to say about fixing the US education system.
All true, but what amazes me is that you think these people actually want to make something better and not just “rule”. How do you expect uneducated people whose ticket in was money, not brain, to fix education? Why do you expect anyone to fix education in a world where politicians thrive the most when society is dumb?
Multiple flaws in your logic. Not sure if you’re aware, these is competition amongst universities. Tuition, however, remains an issue. There’s no reason for schools like Alabama, which generated nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in revenue, to raise the tuition to attend the school.
I cannot think of a single school that demanded a bail out. You’ve clearly confused them with the auto industry, the oil industry, and the tech industry.
You cannot run a government the way you run a business. America has tried many times before, with Hoover, Reagan, and Trump, and it ALWAYS ends in failure and financial strife. Get ready folks, because with the return of Trump, history will repeat for a third time.
First, to Disgruntled’s point, Eisenhower filled his cabinet with executives from private business as well, looking to run the government like a business. They found out very quickly that that just was not possible, hamstringing much of their domestic agenda for the first 3 years.
Second, the issue with higher education in America lies with financing first and foremost. This can be tracked back to Reagan’s push, as Governor of California, to strip “liberal” colleges and universities of government funds, leaving students and their parents to carry more and more of the costs. When the “Reagan Revolution” arrived in 1980 the push to “defund” higher education went national. And now we’re where we are.
The politically elite on the right use “Woke” and DEI as the crowbar to pry into these colleges and universities to further attack, weaken, and dismantle the institution of higher education. This should concern everyone, left, right, and center.
There’s a reason they’re doing all this; a reason they’re working so hard to rile up “uneducated” or “under-educated” people to join their fight against higher education, institutions those people, from personal experience, know less than nothing about. There is a reason that the elite on the Right are causing their base to fear education and growth. This is the same group who, hypocritically, claim religious persecution at every turn, accusing the elite Left of a systematic attack on Christianity which, from what I can see, just isn’t happening.
Highest education was one of the very first things we began to set up in this country, enabling our future leaders, a slew of the key founders and early presidents, to learn, grow, and develop into real leaders. Attacking higher education is an attack on the very spine of this nation. A well educated and well informed citizenry is key to the survival and evolution of a democracy and the lifeblood of a free people.
Attacking higher education will only force the government, something the hard Right detests, to fill more gaps in innovation, creation, and production. Education, and higher education in particular, enables people to live independently of the government. Part of that process is the challenging of standards, norms, and ideals. This is how individuals find their own way, learn to respectfully disagree, and develop their own political and life philosophies.
“Woke”, which the elite Right cannot even define, is not the enemy; it is those who wish to tear down higher education by any means necessary. If defunding won’t work they will find another way. When “Woke” fails, they will find something else. This was will never end until we make them stop.
Ask yourself why attacking higher education is such an important goal for the elite Right? Why fixing education (something America has been wrestling with since before WWII) is a near-constant political weapon for the elite Right? Why free-thinking children and adults are a perceived threat to the elite Right?
Don’t fall for the hype, like a wrestling angle; step back and think about it. Use your brain, not your heart. Emotion has nothing to do with this.
100% to all of this. The right wants their voters to be angry and ignorant. It makes things easier for them and they know it.
Linda should think about trying to fix her own house before scaring people over those imaginary “woke” boogeymen under the bed.
@Motorhead, that was one of the most intelligent comments I’ve ever seen on this site.
Let’s get rid of the woke cancer that’s poisoning our youth’s minds. The great America of old is finally coming back.
To those that defend the current state of universities, would you pay more for an item or service if it was less than advertised. Be honest with yourselves.
Around the Western world, we are seeing increased spending for “education”, and the quality of graduates produced is declining. As a general rules, this shows that just spending money does not equate to improved outcomes. Employers are reporting graduates are less prepared for the workplace than in previous decades.
The problem with those disparaging private entrepreneurs guiding government fail to acknowledge that the bureaucratic state is like an all consuming blog that feeds off a fiat monetary system that produces more debt, and is guarded by many whose jobs aren’t dependent on results. These leeches of the system will fight tooth and nail to protect their careers, passing on the bill to present and future taxpayers.
On the subject of woke, the term has evolved to meaning a movement based on Marxism, that creates a victim class regardless of any actual infringement on the victim, and will protect their created fantasies against any logical arguments based on reality that dismantles that fantasy.
The only ones that want to spend more money on reduced outcomes for students are those that want people in the world that lack skills required to think critically, making it easier to have a docile working class for the corporate socialist state. I would prefer to have able students to be taught without having enormous debt laden on them for the benefit of overpaid academics and managements.
John D. Rockefeller once said, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” and lobbied the US education system to the path towards where we are today, and in the Western world. It seems as if his legacy, adopted by the bureaucratic blob of the academic complex, is what ails education today.