10/23/24 AEW Dynamite Recap

Oct 23, 2024 - by Michael Riba

The show opens with another video for the Death Riders and the chaos that they caused on last week’s Dynamite. Moxley says a little piece of someone will be destroyed on Dynamite tonight, but it will be for their own good and for the greater good.

Live in the parking lot, a mob of babyfaces are waiting for the Death Riders to arrive.

Excalibur and Matt Menard are on commentary, while Tony Schiavone is in the ring, from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Schiavone introduces Adam Page after a video replay of what happened between Page and Jay White from last week airs. Page starts talking, but he is attacked by Colten Gunn. Page gets the upper hand on Colten and tries to choke him with his belt, but White and Juice Robinson run to the ring to make the save. White gets a few shots in before Page escapes the ring. Page limps up the ramp and White asks him where is going. White says Page can’t hide from him, and then brings up that he is 4-1 against Page. White says they haven’t seen the last of each other, and if Page isn’t down with that he has two words for him: guns up.

A video package airs for Sammy Guevara and Shelton Benjamin. Guevara says he is an AEW original and gives it all in the ring every time he’s in it. Guevara says he wants to be one of the best, and one of the best had a great debut last week on Dynamite. Benjamin says they are here to crack heads, and MVP says they have to trust the process. MVP says they have done it before and they will do it again.

Match 1 – Singles Match
Sammy Guevara vs. Shelton Benjamin (w/MVP)
Benjamin delivers a knee to the midsection and delivers a few shots to Guevara. Guevara comes back with shots of his own, but Benjamin comes back with elbow strikes and knee lifts. Benjamin takes Guevara down, but Guevara comes back with a dropkick that sends Benjamin to the outside. Benajmin comes back in, but Guevara delivers an enzuigiri and sends Benajmin to the floor again. Guevara drops Benjamin with a springboard moonsault and runs the ropes, but MVP stands in from of Benjamin. MVP backs away and Guevara dives, but Benjamin counters with a belly-to-belly suplex on the ramp as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Benjamin drops Guevara with a suplex in the ring. Benjamin goes for a t-bone suplex, but Guevara rolls through and gets a two count. Guevara kicks Benjamin in the face, and then follows up with another kick and a jumping knee strike that sends Benjamin to the floor. Guevara drops Benjamin with a dive over the ropes, and then gets him back into the ring. Guevara goes for a springboard, but Benjamin catches him. Benjamin goes for a suplex, but Guevara lands on his feet and comes back with a cutter that barely gets a one count. Guevara delivers an enzuigiri and comes off the ropes, but Benjamin counters with a superkick. Benjamin follows with a thrust kick and delivers an exploder powerslam for the pin fall.
Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Renee Paquette is backstage and tries to interview Mariah May as comes out of the locker room. May has Anna Jay’s bag, and then throws it down the hallway. May says Jay doesn’t belong in the ring or in AEW with her, and then Jay attacks her from behind and they brawl.

A video package for the fallout between Kyle Fletcher and Will Ospreay airs. Schiavone is back in the ring, and he introduces Don Callis and Fletcher. Callis says Fletcher has something to say, and then Fletcher says the crowd can boo him all they want because the only person he is here to talk to is Ospreay. Fletcher says it has been eleven days since he cost Ospreay his title and since Ospreay has been laid up in a hospital bed with a herniated disk. Fletcher says he took every comparison of him to Ospreay as an insult because he is better than Ospreay in every single way. Fletcher says he saw Ospreay’s history and saw the writing on the wall, so he had to get out of Ospreay’s shadow. Fletcher says Callis made him realize that Ospreay never wanted him to reach his full potential and surpass him. Fletcher calls Ospreay selfish and says he will give Ospreay one chance to face him in the ring next week. Fletcher says he will send Ospreay back to his hospital bed for a lot longer than eleven days when he destroys his neck with Tiger Driver after Tiger Driver. Fletcher says if he wants to stand atop AEW, he can be nothing like Ospreay. Callis takes out a razor, and Fletcher shaves his head as he says from this day forward he is nothing like Ospreay.

Footage of Konosuke Takeshita defending the International Championship over the weekend airs, in a match in which Ricochet went after Takeshita. Renee interviews Ricochet, and he says he told Takeshita he would do whatever it takes to get his hands on him. Ricochet says payback is a bitch, and then MVP walks up and says yes it is. MVP tells Ricochet he has a nice suit and walks away.

Match 2 – Tag Team Match
Brian Cage and Lance Archer (w/Don Callis) vs. The Pillars of Destiny (Hunter Grey and Parviz)
Archer clubs one of the guys in the back, and then delivers elbow strikes in the corner. The other guy comes in, but Cage and Archer beat him down. They deliver a powerbomb/chokeslam combination and get the pin fall.
Winners: Brian Cage and Lance Archer

The mob of babyfaces are still in the parking lot, and then they say Mark Briscoe’s match is next. Orange Cassidy tries to walk away, but Chuck Taylor stops him and says they have known each other for a long time. Taylor says he doesn’t know if anyone can beat Moxley’s new group, but it’s time for Cassidy to step up.

Match 3 – ROH World Championship – Ladder War
Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Chris Jericho
Briscoe throws a ladder into the ring and beats Jericho down. Briscoe slams Jericho into the turnbuckles on the apron, and then knocks him through two tables that were set up at ringside. Briscoe delivers more shots to Jericho and chops him against the barricade. Jericho comes back with a suplex to Briscoe, and then slams him face first into the ring steps. Jericho hits Briscoe with a piece of the table and grabs another ladder and tries to take it into the ring. Briscoe sends the ladder into Jericho’s face and goes for a Jay Driller through more tables. Jericho fights out and delivers shots, but Briscoe comes back and sends Jericho to the floor. Briscoe puts Jericho on the ladder against the barricade and goes for a dive through the ropes, but Jericho moves and Briscoe crashes through the ladder. Jericho sets a ladder up in the ring and climbs, but Briscoe comes back and delivers shots to him. Jericho knocks Briscoe into the ladder, and then hits Briscoe in the head with it. Briscoe has been busted open as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Briscoe slams Jericho through a ladder in the corner. Briscoe goes up top, but Jericho comes back and hits him with a ladder a few times. Jericho climbs up, but Briscoe shoves the ladder over and it lands on Jericho. Briscoe goes for a senton and lands on the ladder and Jericho, and then brings a table into the ring. Jericho climbs a ladder, but Briscoe cuts him off and they exchange shots on the ladder. Jericho slams Briscoe’s face into the ladder and throws him down, but Briscoe comes right back and shoves the ladder over. They exchange shots and Briscoe crotches Jericho on a ladder and then slams the ladder down. Briscoe sets a table up and puts Jericho on it, and then climbs a ladder. Bryan Keith runs to the ring and climbs the ladder, and then Rocky Romero comes out and hits Keith with a kendo stick. Briscoe climbs back up as Romero beats Keith up the ramp. Briscoe delivers a Froggy Bow to Jericho through the table, and then delivers a Jay Driller. Briscoe climbs the ladder, but Big Bill hits the ring and chokeslams Briscoe through two tables on the floor. Bill puts Jericho on his shoulders and climbs the ladder, and Jericho pulls down the belt.
Winner and new ROH World Champion: Chris Jericho
-After the match, Tomohiro Ishii and Rocky Romero come to the stage. Ishii stares down Jericho as Jericho raises the title in the air.

A video package plays for the ongoing feud between Kamille and Kris Statlander.

Adam Cole makes his way to the ring. Before Cole can talk, he is interrupted by Roderick Strong, who is with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Strong says they know Cole had to get stuff off of his chest about MJF, but they knew all along that MJF was just using him. Strong says MJF didn’t check in on Cole while he was injured, but they did. Bennett says MJF thinks their group was formed because of him, but they were friends long before MJF was around. Taven says they all said yes to Cole before he could even finish the question, and says his favorite moments are when they are all together. Strong says is is proud of Cole for working his ass off to come back from his injury and for coming back to finish what they started in taking out MJF together. Strong says he wants MJF first, and then Cole says Strong is right. Cole says they are going to finish what they started and says how about the start tonight. Cole tells MJF to come to the ring, but MJF appears on the screen while getting a massage.
MJF says he keeps telling Cole that he will never get his hands on him, and then says whichever of Strong or Cole can win three matches in a row first can have a match with him at Full Gear. MJF says he will not show up in person until Full Gear, and then the Undisputed Kingdom all hug in the ring. Kyle O’Reilly is then shown watching the monitor backstage.

A video package for the feud between Jamie Hayter and Penelope Ford airs, and then Renee interviews Hayter. Hayter says everything that Ford says is BS, and then says she has always worked for what she has achieved. Hayter says she is looking for a fight, but Ford is nowhere to be found. Hayter says she is going to make Ford her victim of her return and challenges her to a match in two weeks.

Match 4 – Trios Tag Team Match
The House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Malakai Black) vs. Jaden Monroe, Kevin Koa, and Pirata de la Muerte
Black delivers the End to Muerte, and then one of the others goes to the apron. Koa is left in the ring, but Black takes him down and tags Matthews in. Matthews stomps on Koa’s arm, but Koa comes back with a forearm shot. Monroe tags in, but Black tags back in and Matthews takes Monroe down. HOB triple-team Monroe, and then King delivers a shot to Koa as well. King smashes Koa in the corner and follows with the cannonball as Matthew and King connects with shots to Koa as well. HOB triple-team Monroe, and then Matthews delivers the stomp and gets the pin fall.
Winners: The House of Black
-After the match, Matthew challenges Adam Cole to a match next week.

Backstage, Renee asks Cole for his reaction, but Cole says he wants to go ask Matthews about it. Cole walks up toe HOB as they come backstage, and then Black and King walk away. Cole asks Matthews if he has a problem with him and asks him what his deal is. Matthews says he wants to prove that Cole is fragile and then walks away.

Match 5 – Singles Match
Kamille (w/Mercedes Mone) vs. Queen Aminata
Aminata applies a waist-lock, but Kamille takes her down immedaitely. Kamille sends Aminata to the corner, and then drops her with a short-arm lariat for a one count. Aminata slams Kamille in the corner and follows with elbow strikes. Aminata takes Kamille down with a hurricanrana, and then follows with a knee strike for a one count. Aminata gets a roll-up for a two count, and then Kamille comes back with a back-breaker as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Aminata comes back with a jaw-breaker to Kamille. Aminata delivers a few forearm strikes, and then follows with a running elbow strike. Aminata delivers a snap neck-breaker and follows with a running kick in the ropes. Aminata goes for the cover, but Kamille kicks out at two. Aminata applies a body lock submission, but Kamille lays back and gets a two count. Aminata transitions into a rear choke, and then delivers a forearm shot. Aminata picks Kamille up, but Kamille counters out and goes for a powerbomb. Aminata rolls through for a two count, and then Kamille applies a Torture Rack and slams Aminata down for a two count. Kamille delivers a twisting face-buster and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Kamille
-After the match, Kris Statlander comes to the ring and gets face-to-face with Kamille. Mone and Kamille try to attack Statlander, but Statlander sends Mone to the outside and goes after Kamille. Mone trips Statlander up, and then Kamille slams Statlander down.

Outside the arena, the mob of babyfaces are in front of a truck, but The Patriarchy get out of it. Kip Sabian appears between two other vehicles, and the Patriarchy chase him through the parking lot and into the arena. They back Sabian into the corner, but Hook appears on the screen and Renee asks him if he knows who attacked his dad. Hook says it’s the scumbag in the ring and he is about to beat his ass. Hook drops Nick Wayne with a T-bone suplex and goes after Cage, but Sabian drops Hook with a low-blow from behind. Cage tells Sabian he knows why he has been doing what he is doing. Cage tells Sabian he will deal with him later and tells him to get into the corner. Wayne goes for Wayne’s World, but Hook catches him in Redrum. Cage hits Hook in the back with his metal case, and then Wayne delivers Wayne’s World. Cage delivers the Killswitch to Hook onto the metal case, and then tells him this isn’t what it seems like.

Match 6 – Trios Tag Team Match
Daniel Garcia and Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) vs. The Elite (Jack Perry, Matthew Jackson, and Nicholas Jackson)
All six guys brawl before the bell. Garcia and Perry spill to the floor, and then Party sends the Bucks to the outside and dive onto them. Garcia gets Perry back into the ring and stomps him down in the corner as the bell rings. Perry comes back with a thumb to the eye, and Matthew tags in. Garcia delivers a shot to Matthew, and then Kassidy tags in. Nicholas tags in, and the Bucks try to double-team Kassidy, but Quen tags in and all four guys drop each other with neck-breaker and then kick back up. Garcia and Perry get into th ering, and Garcia and Party take advantage. The mob of babyfaces are still waiting outside as the Bucks come back and take advantage of the match. The Bucks double-team Kassidy and Perry drops Garcia with a draping DDT from the apron to the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Kassidy slams Matthew into the ring steps. Nicholas tries to kick Kassidy, but he ducks and Nicholas kicks Matthew in the face. Perry tags in, but Kassidy delivers an enzuigiri. Garcia goes for the tag, but Matthew pulls him off the apron and Nicholas tags in. Matthew slams Garcia into the barricade, and then he and Perry double team Garcia on the outside. Perry powerbombs Kassidy through the timekeeper’s table, and then Nicholas takes Kassidy down in the ring. The Bucks deliver Risky Business to Kassidy and Nicholas goes for the cover, but Kassidy kicks out at two. Kassidy comes back with kicks and shots to the Bucks, and then drops them with an arm-drag/hurricanrana combination. Quen tags in and delivers shots and kicks to the Bucks, and then delivers them to Perry as well. Quen slams Perry down, and then takes the Bucks down with a double hurricanrana. The Bucks come back with superkicks, and then Kassidy tags in. Perry takes Kassidy down and Nicholas goes for the cover, but Kassidy kicks out at two. The Elite triple-team Kassidy in the corner and then the Bucks delivers the diving stomp/powerbomb combination, but Quen breaks up the cover.
Perry goes for a piledriver on to Quen on the apron, but Garcia comes back and sends Perry over the barricade. Kassidy fights the Bucks off, but the Bucks go for the TK Driver. Quen blocks it, and Kassidy rolls Matthew up for the pin fall.
Winners: Daniel Garcia and Private Party
-After the match, Kassidy says they proved they can beat the Bucks and want a rematch for the AEW World Tag Team Championship. The Bucks leave the ring, but Kassidy says he has an offer the Bucks won’t turn down. Kassidy says if they lose, they will split up, and Quen looks confused. The Bucks turn around and accept and Kassidy says it will happen next week.

Outside, Marina Shafir gets out of the truck, and the rest of Moxley’s crew attack Garcia and Party in the ring. Moxley drags Chuck Taylor to the ring and Claudio Castagnoli puts a chair around Taylor’s head. They stomp on it as Orange Cassidy rushes the ring to make the save. Moxley’s crew escapes the ring as the babyfaces rush out to help. The Elite are still on the stage and they ask if they should go, and then Cassidy seethes in the ring as everyone checks on Taylor as the show comes to a close.

Announced for next Wednesday’s Fright Night Dynamite
-AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Private Party
—if Private Party lose, they will split up as a tag team
-Kamille vs. Kris Statlander
-Kyle Fletcher vs. Will Ospreay
-Shelton Benjamin vs. Swerve Strickland

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