The Undertaker sits down with President Donald Trump for Six Feet Under podcast
President Donald Trump’s episode on The Undertaker’s podcast Six Feet Under was published just a few hours ago.
The one-hour interview featured an incredible amount of time talking about professional wrestling, including Trump turning the tables and asking Taker several questions about his wrestling career.
Trump also got in deep discussion about his WrestleMania 23 involvement with Umaga, Bobby Lashley, and Vince McMahon, telling Taker that he wondered to McMahon why did they have to follow Undertaker vs Batista instead of going before. He mentioned multiple times that WrestleMania 23 holds the record for the most WWE pay-per-view buys, something that Trump looked proud of.
The President also discussed his mugshot, how he got involved with professional wrestling, the assassination attempt, and of course, the upcoming election.
Colin Vassallo been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996
Honestly, I was an average fan of Undertaker back during the Attitude Era days.
He was a wrestler I looked forward to seeing on TV on a weekly basis.
But, at this point, it seems he favors taking the route of his “brother” in order to stay socially relevant in this day & age.
What’s that saying, “oh, how the mighty have fallen…”
Or “how to ruin your 35 yr legacy in a few easy steps.”
Watch out what you say about Trump & those who support him, or DB Lukoseph will go after you, accusing you of being a sock account of me (they’ve unfortunately already done it to Wooo!, Shhh, Rob Dam Van, James, etc).
Of course, at this point, all that shows is that, as usual, their tyoe of person has nothing constructive of substance to contribute, so they resort to childish antics.
The irony being that there’s likely more people who visit this site who either don’t care about politics, or who would rather support Harris, and when they look at Gerweck’s resident Trumper hydra, it’ll only make them think that much less of people who essentially idol worship Trump.
READ SLOWLY. I don’t care who you support. You’d be just as stupid whether you supported Harris, Trump, Ventura, Mussolini, Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, Confucius, the Toxic Avenger, or Snarf from the Thundercats. I only care about the entertainment value you provide and will continue to provide because you just can’t help yourself. That means I actually like you. I just don’t respect you for crap…
If he had Kamala Harris on, I wouldn’t think any differently of him. But since he had Donald Trump on, people act like he’s ruining his reputation and saying he’s this or that. The sad part is you see nothing wrong with not liking someone simply because of their political views.
Remind us: how often have rightists called for boycotting various brands because they embrace liberal/”woke”/DEI policies?
So, honestly, stay on your high horse as much as you want; just don’t complain when people don’t care to give attention to what you have to say, because for as much as you may support Trump, rightists are as much guilty of boycotting stupid sh!t as they accuse leftists of.
Honestly, even when I don’t like someone for the ideals/values/views they hold (e.g. because a lot of rightist ideals/values/views generally end up being exposed as completely stupid & void of any worth), I will still give them props for being willing to stand up for something. But, in the end, they’re the ones who will have to deal with the consequences of what they support.
So, in the end, you can interpret my behavior whatever way you want. But, in the end, you’re the one one who will have to deal with the consequences of how you respond.
It’s wrong no matter who does it.
@Joseph and DB
How many props has WrestleFunfair given either of you for being willing to stand up for something?
Speaking of…
So how about that political system that’s not a failure? I’m genuinely curious here.
“Remind us: how often have rightists called for boycotting various brands because they embrace liberal/”woke”/DEI policies?”
I don’t see the two as being comparable to each other. On one hand you have someone who is deciding to not spend their money at a certain place because that place embraces certain policies. Something both the left and the right have done and continue to do. On the other hand, you have someone deciding they no longer like someone simply because of their political views. There are people who have ended friendships over a difference in political views. It’s idiotic.
So, let me see if I understand what you’re saying…
You believe it’s stupid for a man & a woman who have been friends for years to suddenly see their friendship end when the woman, who is pro-choice, finds out that the man is completely opposed to abortion, even in cases of rape & incest?
Or, you believe it’s stupid for a white man & a black man who have been friends for years to suddenly see their friendship end when the black man finds out that the white man is actually a member of the KKK or any other white nationalist/supremacist groups?
I suppose it wouldn’t be surprising if I find out that you likely don’t have very many female or black friends.
I mean, if you find those situations idiotic, I’m sure there’s lots of people who would find your personality idiotic.
Honestly, I suppose it’s not unexpected that you’d see the two situations as apples & oranges.
But, in the end, it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that you likely have very little, if not none at all, friends in the way of Democrats/leftists/liberals because you believe that what they stand for, what they support, is something you don’t agree with.
If you honestly believe a situation like that is idiotic, I’m willing to bet that the stupidity you see coming from it, more likely than not, is stupidity you’re likely projecting onto that situation from yourself.
First example is of two friends who had been friends for years and all of the sudden the one friends finds out the other friend is pro-life. If they had been friends for years, I would think that they would know where the other one stood on this issue. I could understand if the example was two people dating and this conversation came up. In that case the relationship might come to an end because they’re not compatible with each other.
Second example is of a black man who finds out his white friend is a member of the KKK or a white supremacist group. I’m curious, do you have any real-life cases like this? It’s something I find highly unlikely to happen. I simply don’t see someone who is a current member of the KKK or a white supremacy group being friends with someone who is black. Not just friends, but a black man they’ve been friends with for a long time.
You asked if I had any female or black friends. Why? If I say no, what does that prove? Nothing. Since we’re asking idiotic questions, my question to you is, do you actually know any females or black people?
To add to Joseph’s question: Or people?
Still waiting for that political system, o wise one.
“So how about that political system that’s not a failure? I’m genuinely curious here.”
I know this question wasn’t addressed to me, but I don’t think our political system if a failure. I think it’s the people involved that have failed it and it’s become corrupted. Republicans and Democrats have become more concerned with power and fighting each other than solving actual problems. Politicians have become more concerned with lining their pockets and doing the bidding of special interest groups. It’s become a business. A business in which only the very rich can play and because of that, so many people who can’t afford it, can’t play the game.
I was hoping to get some fun out of this and you had to get all serious…
What you said is exactly why it’s a failure (and still not the only reason). Otherwise, this situation would have never been possible. And funny thing, the same can be said of pretty much every other political system. Also law, medicine, journalism, religion…
There was another situation that came to my mind as a way to prove that you are indeed the idiotic one (concerning being friends with someone for years, but never truly knowing as much as possible about them), but at this point, at least from my perspective, it’s no longer worth it to get you to understand the point (since it seems like you either aren’t able to, for whatever reason, or you simply chose not to, again, for whatever reason), so I won’t talk about that anymore.
And, as far as your question, I do have women & African-Americans that I consider friends.
Truth be told, if you were to answer my question by saying that, no, you don’t have black or female friends, contrary to what you believe, it would actually say a lot about you. In fact, it may even prove what I’ve said about people like you.
And, truth be told, you might consider some things stupid, but then again, that may be more a reflection of your personality than how something actually looks.
Not sure why you’re asking about a political system that’s not a failure, as I don’t think I ever said anything in any way related to such a concept. But, truth be told, I would say the closest a situation would come to a political system being a failure is when those affected by it choose to do nothing when it’s used for the wrong reasons/purposes.
And, to address Joseph’s answer… you sound very much like an older sibling of mine who tends to state almost the same thing. And, truth be told, making such a claim is provably ignorant, as anyone who studies history will no doubt be able to explain to you how such a generalization absolutely paints the most incorrect picture.
@WrestleFrog (not Terry Tomko)
“WrestleFan says:
October 19, 2024 at 11:18 pm
Well, thanks for admitting to not being a student of history, or more specifically, political history, as not every political system since the dawn of our species has been a failure. But, I guess when you intentionally chose to remain ignorant, it’s your own fault when you come off looking stupid to others.”
I didn’t want you to come off as stupid as me because you forgot to back it up with any facts, I wanted to give you a chance to redeem yourself. No worries, everyone knows how you can get lost in all this…
Or is it “truth be told” now?
Well, thank you for reminding me, as I will openly state, my memory isn’t always the best.
And, as I stated, the only time a political system is a failure is when those affected by it do nothing when it’s used for the wrong purposes.
And, the funny thing is, even Joseph actually puts for a valid argument stating that the US’s political system isn’t a failure.
Of course, political systems, like those in Russia, North Korea, China, etc. (communist dictatorships) likely seem to be the closest to ones tettering on failure, but I would never say that, in areas where free & fair elections are held, the political system at work is failing.
The interesting thing is, for how you imply the failure of political systems, I have yet to see you back up your statement with any facts.
So, it would appear that, for your attempt at a “gotcha” moment, you’re as much a political failure as you claim political systems are.
1. Those dictatorships don’t have people jumping at each other’s throats like you guys do.
2. How exactly can you consider it a success when it allows someone like Donald Trump to be elected not only elected once, but now may very well be elected a second time?
3. You consider Joseph an idiot. So how can a system designed to treat you – an erudite and brilliant all around stand up guy – and him – a common idiot – with equal importance be considered a success?
So truth be told, everyone knows that… Gotcha!
Just out of curiosity, what’s your definition of success? We may not be on the same page here…
“There was another situation that came to my mind as a way to prove that you are indeed the idiotic one (concerning being friends with someone for years, but never truly knowing as much as possible about them), but at this point, at least from my perspective, it’s no longer worth it to get you to understand the point (since it seems like you either aren’t able to, for whatever reason, or you simply chose not to, again, for whatever reason), so I won’t talk about that anymore.”
You said a lot without really saying anything.
” I do have women & African-Americans that I consider friends.”
What does that mean? You consider them to be friends? That could be someone you know from work, school, or even from being online. That could be people you don’t really talk to but are friendly with.
“Truth be told, if you were to answer my question by saying that, no, you don’t have black or female friends, contrary to what you believe, it would actually say a lot about you. In fact, it may even prove what I’ve said about people like you”
It wouldn’t say anything about me except that I currently don’t have any female or black friends. Either way, it shows nothing. You’re assuming that just because someone is a female or black that they’d have the same point of view as you do on certain issues. You’re assuming that just because someone is female or black, they think like you do. Truth be told I don’t really care what someone believes. It’s never been an issue if we have different views. If we’re friends, we’re friends. I’m pro-life. If my friend is pro-choice and getting ready for an abortion, I’m not going to stop being their friend.
Do you have any friends that have a different viewpoint than you do?
“,I was hoping to get some fun out of this and you had to get all serious…
What you said is exactly why it’s a failure (and still not the only reason). Otherwise, this situation would have never been possible. And funny thing, the same can be said of pretty much every other political system. Also law, medicine, journalism, religion…”
The corrupt man corrupts.
“How exactly can you consider it a success when it allows someone like Donald Trump to be elected not only elected once, but now may very well be elected a second time?”
Once again, I know it’s not addressed to me, but a lot of people have been frustrated with our political system for a long time now and they see Donald Trump as an outsider who was able to get in and change things. He’s not a politician. He’s not one of the boys. That appeals to a lot of people. To me, that is why the system still works. It’s because someone like him can be President.
And, the fact that it seems there’s concepts you don’t understand, whether intentional or otherwise, says a lot without really saying a lot.
And, as far as the friends thing, I guess that’s another issue I’m done discussing with you, as again, you seem not to comprehend it, whether that’s intentional or otherwise.
Honestly, I wasn’t very surprised to how you reacted to what I said.
As far as the people within those dictatorships not going at each other like how Americans do… that’s likely because they’re busy dealing with suffering through such horrid conditions that they don’t have the time to be arguing with their fellow citiziens.
What you seem to ignore is that not everyone in America who is eligible to votes always does vote. And, it’s in that situation that you can have something like Trump getting into office. Again, that doesn’t mean the system is a failure. It does mean that anomalies can & sometimes do happen.
You asked about the woman who is pro-choice and her male friend who is pro-life. Would it be stupid if she ended the friendship over his views on abortion? Yes, I think it would be.
Now I could understand if she was pregnant after being raped by her father and the male friend wanted nothing to do with her because she was planning on having an abortion. In that situation I can understand with, and even agree with ending the friendship because that guy isn’t being the friend that she needed. He wasn’t there to support her like a friend should. In that case it’s not about disagreeing on something, it’s about not being a friend when the person needs you.
Whenever I say something in disagreement with something you said you tell me I don’t understand and then you tell me you’re done talking about it without ever answering my question. But either way, you’re right. Talking to you is pointless.
Listen; it’s understandable that, with your level of intelligence, you don’t seem to comprehend the points being made. After all, those who support Trump generally tend to have comprehension problems. It’s quite ironic, since Trump himself seems to prove, time and time again, he’s unable to comprehend lots.
And, as for your claim of questions you put forth never being answered; just because you, as always, don’t seem to comprehend the response given doesn’t mean it’s not a response. The problem is that you choose to interpret your your inability to comprehend the answer given as meaning that your question goes unanswered. And, to take such a stance in the face of an answer being given, whether or not you comprehend it, doesn’t help your case/situation any; rather than you thinking it makes the other person look incompetent, it actually makes you look inept.
However, in the long run, since you still seem to falsely believe that I (along with Shhh, Rob Dam Van, & some others) am (a) “sock account(s)” of WrestleFan, I honestly don’t expect you to respond to my comment, just like I honestly won’t expect you to comprehend what I’ve said either.
It’s an unfortunate reality, but a reality nonetheless.
And, as you even paraphrased WrestleFan, I won’t be interacting with you anymore after I post this for this article, because, as you yourself claim, “talking to you is pointless”.