The Undertaker sits down with President Donald Trump for Six Feet Under podcast

Oct 21, 2024 - by Colin Vassallo

President Donald Trump’s episode on The Undertaker’s podcast Six Feet Under was published just a few hours ago.

The one-hour interview featured an incredible amount of time talking about professional wrestling, including Trump turning the tables and asking Taker several questions about his wrestling career.

Trump also got in deep discussion about his WrestleMania 23 involvement with Umaga, Bobby Lashley, and Vince McMahon, telling Taker that he wondered to McMahon why did they have to follow Undertaker vs Batista instead of going before. He mentioned multiple times that WrestleMania 23 holds the record for the most WWE pay-per-view buys, something that Trump looked proud of.

The President also discussed his mugshot, how he got involved with professional wrestling, the assassination attempt, and of course, the upcoming election.

Colin Vassallo been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996

43 Responses

  1. Luke says:

    No, it’s actually because they’re brainwashed or intimidated by one option instead of two. You’re talking to someone who’s actually lived in such a country.
    Second point – this does mean that the system is a failure. Also, you may want to look up the word “anomaly”. One of two candidates winning isn’t it.
    I also see you “forgot” about the third, most important question. I’ll try a different route, a more straightforward one. How can a system where two idiots always win with one genius on numbers alone be called a success?

    Thing is, Trump was always a politician, he just never had an office before.
    And “people have been frustrated with our political system for a long time” isn’t something you say about a system that’s a success.
    Face it, politics are for politicians and the human waste they actually represent (for example pre-president Trump). The system is a failure because it’s created by them to benefit them. The best guys like us can do is take advantage whenever they do something that accidentally benefits us.

  2. Luke says:

    Hard as he may try, some things are still bound to slip through the cracks.

  3. Joseph says:

    When you have nothing to say, call the other person stupid, say they can’t comprehend something and say you’re done with it.

  4. Shhhh says:

    Congrats! You’ve proven, for the upteenth time, not to disappoint when it comes to having become predictable in your behavior. As you’ve tried (and, for you, unfortunately failed to) pointing out, it’s hard to overcome certain natural personality traits. Yours is that, try as you might, there are things you’ll never understand. And so, there is no point in continuing to interact with you as it relates to what you’re clearly deflecting from the fact that you don’t comprehend.

    Also, if you want to attempt to highlight telltale signs of the same person being behind more than one name, the fact that, for you, Joseph, & DB, how you act towards someone you disagree with & therefore, believe is inferior. As you would say, “some things are still bound to slip through the cracks”.

    And, when you can’t seem to be able to credibly dispute information, name-call, or ignore provable history & wrongly state politics overall is the same.

  5. Joseph says:

    “And “people have been frustrated with our political system for a long time” isn’t something you say about a system that’s a success.”
    Part of me agrees with you but I also believe that our political system can and still does work. I think it still works because of the checks and balances in our government. I think the electoral college works. I think it’s a failure because of the two-party system we have in place. You can have other parties run, but in the end, it’s just democrat vs republican. It’s also a failure because someone can serve in the senate for basically a lifetime. They just have to be reelected every six years. With the President you have two terms and you’re out, you can’t run again. With the senate you can go as long as you get elected. I don’t think it was designed by them to benefit them. I do however believe that it was corrupted by them to benefit them.

    At this point, whenever I read something you’ve written, all I see is wa wa wa.

  6. Rob Dam Van! Shirt Typo! says:

    You know, you don’t do your cause any help by falling back on your trademark personality traits.

    Looking at the situation from a reality-based perspective, you’ve actually done more than enough to pretty much confirm just about everything WrestleFan has said about you.

    But, overall, in the long run, if it’s your intent to eventually render your opinion irrelevant to normal people, then by all means, continue on. You’re doing a helluva job, Joey (to paraphrase another illegitimate President other than Trump).

  7. Joseph says:

    Again, wa wa wa is all I see.

  8. DB says:

    Matt! He actually wore shoes for this episode.

  9. Luke says:

    It’s only a success (as a concept) if you assume the people in charge are smart and good (as in care about more than just themselves). And that’s pretty much true of any system. But they never are. This is the common denominator.

    @Wrestlevin and the Chipmunks
    You just outed yourself again. But the funniest thing (I’m actually laughing as I type this, thank you for another positive note to start the day) is that I don’t disagree with you about Trump… Like I said before, it’s all about your entertainment value, and you will continue to provide that for me because you just can’t help yourself. I’d even consider paying you for it, but plenty of artists lose their “edge” when their art starts making money, I’m not gonna shoot myself in the foot. However, I sincerely want to thank you for being you.

    Joseph, don’t you dare tell (insert whatever pronoun applies) where (insert whatever pronoun applies) screwed up this time! Don’t ruin the fun again! The day started great, let’s keep it that way.

  10. Joseph says:

    It’s a success because it continues to work. It’s works in spite of the corruption from both sides. It works, not because certain people are good and care about other people, but because the system does as it was intended.  

    Got it.

  11. Rob Dam Van! Shirt Typo! says:

    Keep it up, Jo! Don’t let any common sense coming from me prevent you from making the argument to anyone here why your opinion should carry any weight for anyone other than yourself. When you look at the situation here; compared to the overall number of people who leave comments for articles posted on this site with any sense whatsoever of regularity…, Luke, DB, & USA #1 are looking very much like a minority group here.
    Even before 2016, the number of people aligned with Republicans on here wasn’t a very large number at all.

    If I wanted to, right now, I could ramp up the allegation that you & Joseph are the same person & claim you just outed one of the two of you as a sock account of the other by how you “two” act in your insulting manner towards, myself, WrestleFan, Wooo!, Shhh, etc. Simply looking at the logic of the situation, it’s just not possible for two actually different people to be acting almost in the same insulting behavior towards others; subtle differences would, at some point, start being seen in behavior. So, when you have names that claim to be unique people (you & Joseph), but they act with an almost unified behavior in the way you guys do (like how both of you resort to the same style name-calling), it’s practically an almost dead giveaway it’s actually one person attempting to masquerade as more than one.

    So, believe whatever you want. As long as you’re going to perpetuate your theory, I’ll continue doing the same for mine.
    And, yeah, that’s my explanation for where you & Joseph are screwing up in your failure of an attempt to make the argument that you’re two real people & not one person masquerading as two. No two people on this planet will ever share the same style of behavior when it come to insulting the way you & Joseph are displaying right now.
    But, lemme take a wild guess: in another failed effort to try & prove my theory wrong, you’ll continue that same insulting style alongside Joseph while you deny you’re basically become the very thing you’re accusing me of.

  12. Luke says:

    See? I told you it’d be more fun.

    Please put some work into your personas to make them at least a little distinguishable from each other. You’re not even trying. I know you can’t give up the desperate need validation, that’s always gonna be the common thread, but what I’m asking for is a little… I don’t know, color, pizazz. Perhaps create someone new now, lay low (for longer than a couple of posts), and then POUNCE! Maybe add a Snarf. Or even better, a Skeletor.

    And please try to be original. I really don’t mind you claiming Joseph and I are the same person, but it does nothing for the image you’ve been trying to create here. See, accusing two people who have been arguing about various things here for years of being the same person just because that’s what they accuse you of just doesn’t cut it. Especially when no one cares.

    Lastly, pick a lane. I’m not doing multiple Trump articles anymore. (Although I don’t know why since I obviously love him…) If you want me to address anything else I haven’t, bring it here.

    Remember when you loved me once upon a time? Do it for old times’ sake…

  13. Joseph says:

    You’re right. Staying silent is more fun.

  14. Shhhh says:

    Well, sure, I suppose staying silent would be better off for the “two of you”.

    I mean, what’s that old saying? “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt” So, I’m glad that you “two” at least made one good decision to finally shut your mouth(s).

    And, to a degree, I suppose I should feel honored that you think I can pull off whatever performance you think I’m putting on. But, it also doesn’t dissuade anyone from continuing to believe you are what you accuse myself, WrestleFan, Wooo!, Rob Dam Van, etc. of, as it was you who initially made that accusation. And, if my interactions with Trumpers on Twitter/X has taught me anything, more often than not, it’s that, when it comes to Trumpers, “every accusation is a confession”.

    Oh, and not sure where you come off believing that any of us have ever liked you.

    For now, I will say this much: the “two of you” never seem to disappoint when it comes to how predictable your behavior eventually becomes. Yet another reason not to believe anything you say.

  15. Joseph says:

    I can’t decide if this is one big joke or a delusional rant.

  16. USA #0 says:

    Well, at this point, the “three of you” (a.k.a. DB Lukoseph) are nothing but one big, delusional joke.

    To highlight something here: when you have someone accusing you of using multiple accounts, they’re generally trying to hide the fact that they’re the one actually guilty of it (they want that spotlight off themself, so they’ll accuse others of doing it to escape that attention). I’ve come across such situations in the past on social media, so based off my past encounters with it, this whole thing with DB Lukoseph ever so completely stinks of deflection & projection coming from “them”.

  17. DB says:

    @Joseph Most likely both.

  18. Luke says:

    “believing that any of us have ever liked you”
    Dude, you’re better than weed!

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