Video: Undertaker with Trump and Kane respond to Batista
BREAKING: WWE Superstars Kane and Undertaker respond to Bautistas endorsement of Harris.
Who’s side are you on?
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) October 18, 2024
– Batista goes off on Trump..
I wrote this cause it’s what I always wanted to say about Trump pretending to be a tough guy. But we got the amazing @DaveBautista to say it SO much better. Thanks Dave. #TrumpIsAWeakLittleBabyBitch
— Jesse Joyce (@jessejoyce) October 17, 2024
Honestly, this reminds me of when Vince accused Kane & Undertaker of being handicapped: one’s physical (Kane), the other’s mental (Undertaker).
But, at least good for the two of them that they’re no longer on TV, because I’m sure most fans nowadays either wouldn’t know either of them, or wouldn’t care about either of them anymore.
Hell, at least more people now know about The Animal than they do either the Big Red R3t@rd or the Dead B!tch Walking…
It’s an easy choice for sure. The tag team of Trump, Undertaker, and Kane will TRUMP the team of cowardly heels. Three Hall of Famers against the democrat hall of lamers.
Dave was entertaining like hell. This just… was. So yeah, I’d vote for Batista…
Too bad Kane and Undertaker are such clowns and give voice to someone who thinks foreigners eat dogs and cats in Springfield. Idiots
Remember when Kane and Undertaker didn’t speak much? Ahhhh, those were the good old days.
Well, Trump was correct at the end of that video. It should be an easy decision. A far left, radical, no accomplishment cackling witch that can’t answer questions or someone with a proven track record with NO WARS, great accomplishments and someone foreign invaders should fear. TRUMP, all the way.
@Dumb Ass
If only you would give your attention to ACTUAL history, rather than the propaganda fed to you by the right, you’d find out that Trump being “anti-war” is nothing more than a myth. Also, you call Trump someone foreign invaders should fear, yet everyone can see he’s no more than Putin’s puppet.
And yet, Kamala’s boss BEAT Trump in 2020, when Trump didn’t have his Russian boss interfering in the election.
The Undertaker was the leader of the WWF/E locker room. He knows true leadership when he sees it. Kane was the most likable and most intelligent in the locker room. He knows true intelligence and genuine likability when he sees it. Batty Batista was the Mark Jindrak replacement for Evolution and his acting career is based on the same concept of replacing stars that turned down roles.
I’ll ride with The Undertacker and Kane on this one. Batty can just suck up to Kamala in an attempt to earn more acting roles.