Mercedes Mone says she lead by example, Glenn Jacobs tweets on the Harris campaign

Sep 24, 2024 - by Steve Gerweck

Mercedes Mone appeared on WFAN Sports Radio today to promote AEW’s upcoming Grand Slam episode of Dynamite. One of the questions posed to Mone was if she has assumed a mentor type role within the roster since joining and she responded with the following:

“I definitely lead by example. People definitely see what I do and follow what I do. I don’t have to go out there and be like, ‘I’m the leader, I’m the locker room leader or I’m this and that.’ People just see my presentations and how I walk into work and how I leave work and they want to emulate that.”

— Mone was also asked about the Vince McMahon docuseries which will stream on Netflix beginning tomorrow – whether it is a topic of conversation within the locker room and if she will be watching it:

“Well, I haven’t been talking to anyone. I stay in my locker room, I stay in my lane but all I do know, I’m going to grab a blunt, I’m going to get some wine, and I’m going to be watching some Netflix. I can’t wait.”

Glenn Jacobs talks politics:

127 Responses

  1. DB says:

    One sock account down, two to go. However, much like the mythical hydra’s heads, another sock account will take it’s place.

    The situation with the FEMA response continues to spiral downwards. The current Biden/Harris admin will be regarded poorly in future history books written by actual historians.

  2. Woooo! says:

    It’s funny how the Biden Derangement Syndrome sufferers completely ignore the majority of the people from Trump’s four years completely dragging him as being incompetent, inept, & just plain unfit:

    And, these are people who worked for him, so they’d know better than anyone else the kind of person Trump is. Hell, they can attest to how Trump’s response to COVID was a complete disaster, how his response to Maria was outright brainless.

    But, if there’s something I’ve noticed: Trumpers are great at projecting their own side’s flaws & incompetence onto others.

    What I’ve seen in Trump is someone who has lived a sheltered life up until he truly got into politics. He’s been protected by his dad, Fred Trump, and then by the oligarch buddies of Putin that gave him business loans. 2020 turned out to be the first time Trump found out how the real world is when he was finally told “no” for the first time in his life. But, him being the sheltered egomaniac he is, he’s come to sincerely believe in the fantasy world he’s had created for him.

    Honestly, Trump is very much like other egomaniacal, authoritarian wannabe dictators that history has seen come & go who, by being charismatic enough, managed to get a fairly big portion of their fellow countryman to believe in the same delusions they do.

    And, without hesitation, time and time again, history has remembered those types for their inevitable & unfortunate rise to power, as well as their unavoidable, but publicly-embraced fall from grace.

  3. Luke says:

    “Either Wooo! or WrestleFan can continue on”
    Love it. Absolutely love it! On par with the “I know you are, but what am I?” defense. Word of advice: the whole multiple identities thing only works when it’s close to home.
    By the way, I also hit the enter button. Started a new line for me. But I did it on purpose. Guess when you do it accidentally it does something else…

  4. Woooo! says:

    Turns out, you’re the perfect poster-child for Trumpism…since it’s painfully obvious you didn’t read my comment, just like how those who subscribe to Trumpism don’t read things & just make up stuff.

    I told your other Foley face (that’s a “3 Faces of Foley” reference for you non-wrestling fans; Foley’s 3 faces were Mankind, Dude Love, & Cactus Jack) that I was done responding to him. That doesn’t mean I won’t respond to others in this comments section (like how I’m responding to you, for example).

    And, with you thinking that that means I’m completely done here, no wonder you don’t like people who have actually studied history for a living already declaring that Trump will likely be remembered as one of the worst, if not the worst, person in America’s history to ever occupy the Oval Office.

    @Luke (another of DB’s “Foley” faces)
    You know, the stuff you put forth tends to say a lot about who you are as a person. So, the fact that you would make such a statement doesn’t exactly bode very well for you.

    And, I suppose I need to correct myself; this will likely be the only time I ever admit to having said something incorrect.
    I didn’t actually mean to type that I hit the enter button accidentally when I talked about my post getting split in two. I don’t know why my brain went there, but I meant to say that I accidentally hit a number of keys in succession that resulted in half my comment getting posted before I had completely finished it.

  5. Luke says:

    “this will likely be the only time I ever admit to having said something incorrect”
    Never change. You don’t even have a clue why you’re so amusing or what exactly outed your commenting “system”. You just keep doing it over and over and over. Banger after banger after banger…
    Your brain went there because that’s its natural reaction when you need to be convinced people should see you as perfect. Facts (even the completely insignificant ones) no longer matter.
    By the way, you’d get my vote for US president. You’ve created common ground between DB and me. Now that’s true diplomatic talent right there. No joke (luseph?), you could actually suck so bad that you’d unite the whole country in disdain…

  6. Joseph says:

    “I didn’t actually mean to type that I hit the enter button accidentally when I talked about my post getting split in two. I don’t know why my brain went there, but I meant to say that I accidentally hit a number of keys in succession that resulted in half my comment getting posted before I had completely finished it.”

    USA #0 says: October 9, 2024 at 3:59 pm
    NOTE: I accidentally hit the “enter” button halfway through my reply, which is why it came out in two parts like this.

  7. Luke says:


  8. Joseph says:

    I know, I just couldn’t help myself. Besides, he can always deny it, or just say it was a ploy by us to throw everyone off the scent that we’re all the same person.

  9. Woooo! says:

    Not sure if you’ve ever heard the phrase, “the b*tch doth protest too much”. Every time you, Joseph, & DB try to refute the case that you’re not the same person, it just that much more makes sense to believe you are.

    For all you know, maybe I did that sarcastically just to finally completely deflate that conspiracy theory; from time to time, I do engage in weird stuff just to throw people off. I mean, it’s not the first time someone (WrestleFan) sarcastically admitted to something that’s not true just to debunk something.
    And, yes, WrestleFan did that (sarcastically admitting to being someone else) for another article on here to someone just to show how utterly stupid that conspiracy theory is.

    So, as long as you continue believing the conspiracy that myself, WrestleFan, & whoever else are the same person, I’ll continue believing that you, Luke, & DB are the same person.

  10. James says:

    Hey, I just posted a comment for the article about Jesse Ventura and Gail Kim, but I’d like to get involved in this by admitting that I, too, am a sock account for WrestleFan.

    In fact, besides WrestleFan & Wooo!, I also operate under other names on here. Honestly, by this point, I’ve lost count of how many other names I’ve posted under on here.

    So, @Luke, @Joseph, the next time you interact with someone not named WrestleFan or Wooo!, or even this name, you might want to start asking yourself if it’s really me under some other additional name.

    I mean, come on; if you two take seriously Wooo!’s statement on face value, then I guess me being willing to claim that I’m a sock account as well should prove to everyone how far you’ll go in accusing others of something based on something posted to the internet while denying what you’re claiming of others.

  11. Rob Dam Van! Shirt Typo! says:

    I know I haven’t posted here in some time, but after seeing the convo here, I’d like to pop in & say….

    I’d like to admit I’m a sock account for WrestleFan as well. I’ve decided to finally admit my truth before @Luke & @Joseph end up exposing me.

    And, for any of WrestleFan’s other 100 or so “sock accounts” on here, let’s band together using the slogan “I’m a WrestleFan account”.

    Hopefully, it’ll help people see what kind of persons @Luke & @Joseph are.

  12. Shhhh says:

    Yea, I’m another person who hasn’t posted here in some time, but I felt the need to chime in as well.

    I’ll admit to being a WrestleFan sock account as well. I’m coming forward now for fear that Luke & Joseph would expose my truth.

    So, “I’m a WrestleFan account”.

  13. Joseph says:

    I can’t imagine posting under fake accounts just to make it look like people are agreeing with me. How pathetic must one be to do that? With @Luke and @DB I can disagree with them because I know I’m talking to two individuals. But with this, this is just sad. But in a way, it kind of makes sense.

  14. Rob Dam Van! Shirt Typo! says:

    Sounds like maybe you don’t visit this website that much. I’ve posted comments to articles on here before, just like James pointed out, and even what Shhhh referenced. Maybe you can’t imagine being willing to go to great lengths just so everyone can see how completely mentally deranged someone is.

    What’s really pathetic is the fact of taking anything posted to the internet at face value. What’s to say Wooo! didn’t post what he did just to mess with you & DB? As it’s been pointed, months ago, in the comments section of some other article on here, WrestleFan once sarcastically admitted to being Wooo! or whoever just to deflate your whole conspiracy theory about them being the same person. What’s to say that @Woooo! doesn’t have his own approach to debunking stupidity?

    And, as it’s been pointed out, what’s to say you aren’t Luke & DB, using those accounts to talk to yourself.

    But, hey, if you want to blindly believe everything you see on the internet, that’s your choice.

    As you just said, doing so it just sad, but in a way, it makes sense, based off past comments you’ve made.

  15. Shhhh says:

    Make whatever wild statements you want, but doing so isn’t going to prevent people from looking at this string of interactions & coming away thinking you’re as delusional as Luke & DB; probably why it would make sense for you to try brushing off accusations that you don’t use other names to post comments on here, because you don’t want people realizing you’re likely doing the same thing you’re accusing WrestleFan of concerning Wooo! & whoever else.

  16. DB says:

    This is becoming like one of those story lines where the diabolical machinations of a deranged heel aligns a few single wrestlers into an uneasy faction of sorts.

    I’ll, figuratively speaking, do the old in ring nod to @Joseph and @Luke as the cameras switch between each of us for the crowd’s entertainment. I hope Steve Gerweck is getting a few chuckles while moderating all this.

    Man, I love pro wrestling.

  17. John says:

    115 responses that’s wild

  18. Joseph says:

    In all my years I have never come across anyone as pathetic as this. Before it was entertaining but now it’s really sad reading this crap. I don’t have to lie or deceive anyone to get my point across. Believe what you want. Accuse me of doing whatever. The fact that you see nothing wrong with using these fake accounts to deceive and lie to people tells me everything I need to know about who you are and what you believe in.

  19. WrestleFan says:

    As pathetic as pushing conspiracy theories about someone using multiple different names? Sounds like someone trying to cover up what they themself are doing. Or, they’re trying to cover up the fact they’re losing whatever discussion they’re in, so they resort to baseless claims.

    And, as I’m about to prove, you’ve already lied (about Rob Dam Van & Shhh). I can do a Google Search using Gerweck & their names & articles easily show up where they’ve commented in the past.

    So, in the end, like you said, “believe what you want. Accuse me of doing whatever”. The fact that you have to lie about accounts on here being fake when a simply Google search proves you wrong, as well as having to resort to accusing someone of using sock accounts simply because you’re that insecure about whatever tells me everything I need to know about who you are and what you believe in.

    It’s funny that you’d talk about a heel that way, considering that wrestling characters that have featured your kind of nationalist personality generally ended up being interpreted by wrestling fans as heels.
    Plus, as long as the comments stay civil & non-threatening, I’m sure Steve doesn’t mind building up pages of comments for articles.

    On one hand, I’d say that’s what comment sections are for; leaving comments. On the other hand, when you have people like Joseph/Luke/DB acting the way they are, and people having to step forward & put a spotlight on such unbelievable thinking, sometimes, things can tend to get drawn out.

  20. Foley! Foli! Folé! has done it again says:

    Projection: The attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings or attitudes to other people (Merriam-Webster). That’s the psychological definition. In politics, it’s accusing the other side of things you yourself are doing. Like for example, being the same person using multiple names when you are a person using multiple names. It’s a common deflection tool. Another common deflection tool is that when you’re caught red-handed, just say you were joking or trying to mess with people.

    But what do I know. I’m just a sock account watching the inaugural Gerweck Commenters Trios Championship match between DB Luseph and WoooostleFan #0 (still workshopping those; I’ve never named a faction before). Each trio accusing the other of being one person, only one with anything approaching proof of such, “sarcastic” as it’s claimed to be. But little do they realize…we’re all the same person! DB, Luke, Joseph, Woooo!, WrestleFan, USA #0, me, you…we’re all just sock accounts designed to extend the conversation to drive site traffic. The problem is no one can remember who the original poster is. Gerweck? Meltzer? Tony Khan? Ryback? Who knows? Just kidding. It’s Mercedes Moné, allegedly the subject of this article.

    I don’t even get that deep into political stuff, but this is pretty entertaining. I mean, it should be, with one person writing the whole thing apparently. In “3 Faces of Foley” terms, we are all Mr. Socko. So…have a nice day!

  21. WrestleFan says:

    I’m WrestleFan. I’m a republican, I whack off to Trump.
    So yeah, that’s about how hard it is to post here as someone else. Carefully choosing the people who likely won’t care enough to respond.
    Jesus, dude, put this much effort into something constructive, maybe you’ll actually get laid or something…

  22. WrestleFan says:

    Well, at this point, just to move on from this whole interaction, I will no longer respond to DBLukoseph, and my comments from here on out are simply in response to what the article talks about. Here’s to hoping Wooo!, USA #0, Shhh, & Rob Dam Van will consider doing the same, so that the comments section can get back on track.

    And, to begin, a comment about Jacobs: if Trump really wanted to do what he promised during his 2016 campaign, he would have already.

  23. Luke says:

    @WrestleFan et al
    The funniest thing about this is how you’re convinced people actually care…

  24. Joseph says:

    “And, as I’m about to prove, you’ve already lied (about Rob Dam Van & Shhh). I can do a Google Search using Gerweck & their names & articles easily show up where they’ve commented in the past.”


    “So, in the end, like you said, “believe what you want. Accuse me of doing whatever”. The fact that you have to lie about accounts on here being fake when a simply Google search proves you wrong, as well as having to resort to accusing someone of using sock accounts simply because you’re that insecure about whatever tells me everything I need to know about who you are and what you believe in.”


  25. WrestleFan says:

    Honestly, the fact that Jacobs can so easily lie shows that, truth be told, libertarians are nothing more than Republican-lite, and it shows they’re just as stupid & ignorant.

    Does he not realize that, if Trump actually wanted to do the stuff he talks about, he would have done it already during his four years in office?

    One can only hope that, in the years to come, Democrats can start turning over not just Congressional districts, but also local governments as well, in the southern region.

    I honestly can’t wait to see if Jacobs reacts as predictably as Trump & Musk will should Kamala get elected 47POTUS…

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