Tony Khan on competition between wrestling companies

Apr 16, 2024 - by Steve Gerweck

Tony Khan on competition between wrestling companies: (via IndieWire)

“There’s a number of big factors that would play into why wrestling has seen such a great renaissance in recent years. I think it comes from the great competition in wrestling right now, and the fact that there are so many great stars competing right now.”

“Everyone knows that the most real thing in wrestling is the competition between the companies. The companies hate each other, and it will be a natural resource that powers the industry.

They want to beat each other and take everybody’s free agents, and that makes it interesting for everybody else.”

4 Responses

  1. Luke says:

    Okay, but what other company besides WWE is experiencing a renaissance? AEW is nowhere near the numbers it was doing a few years ago. Tony’s latest stunt is turning away even some diehard fans, each week more people are opening their eyes to the fact that he has no idea what he’s doing and his company would be dead if it weren’t for Big Poppa Shad’s endless supply of money. This isn’t industry-wide, it’s just one company.

  2. USA #1 says:

    The Pakistani must be talking about competing with other irrelevant companies like TNA and the other midget companies operating in high school gyms. I don’t think he’s that delusional to think he can compete with the great WWE.

  3. Disgruntled Jobber says:

    Fans need an alternative. WWE has skated by for so many years because no one dared to take them on. WCW had a good thing going, until egos ruined it all. And TNA ended up burying itself because Dixie Carter got conned by Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff.

  4. Luke says:

    @Disgruntled Jobber
    That last sentence, you realize that it still holds true when you swap AEW for TNA, Tony for Dixie, Buck #1 or Buck #2 (I don’t know which one has custody of the brain) for Hogan, and Meltzer for Bischoff?

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