Kenny Omega comments on the Brawl Out situation with CM Punk
Kenny Omega comments on the Brawl Out situation with CM Punk during his live twitch stream last night.
“I thought my duty as an EVP during Brawlout would be to enter the situation while there was chaos, deescalate it, and create a peaceful environment for everyone. I was able to create a peaceful environment for the most important person in that altercation and that was Larry. And I swear to god honestly that was my biggest and then and yeah it sounds funny but like I look at animals and our pets as people and as you know Dobby of course one of the most important people in my life. So to get little Larry out of there was the most important thing to me and that was the success. Unfortunately um try as I may say things were too chaotic for me to be able to do anything by my own power. That was a moment when I had seen that there were I believe it was in that instance when I realized that the way that I wanted to go about things wasn’t necessarily the way that other people wanted to. It was also the way that other people necessarily didn’t want to. And then it was also maybe not the way that the boss wanted to take care of it. And I am also I also thought of myself as a liability because I am I don’t want to say old school I’m not old school I’ve just played a lot of contact sports and I’ve gotten into jiu-jitsu and boxing and mixed martial arts. I just know that sometimes when when you when you perform or when you fight when everything’s on the line when you give your heart when you give your soul towards something and you’re in that moment of high stress or high anxiety or you’ve maybe emptied the tank and you’re just physically exhausted. Yeah we need an environment like that sometimes emotions get the best of you and people will want to throw hands. And in the case and I’m unfortunately or fortunately a believer of it I think if it’s decided that hey this is the best way to solve things and you can shake hands after and move on after I’m a believer I’m actually a believer of fighting. I am and it sounds terrible to say and which is why like don’t make me an EVP in 2024. You know we can’t do you can’t do that stuff anymore. I just feel that it’s sometimes that’s how you have to settle things sometimes and and I don’t mean you have to settle it and then it has to be shown on screen everyone or people have to brag online about who won who lost. No like it’s not for that purpose it’s for the purpose of just getting that stuff out that you need to get out and um I mean I’ll even I’ll admit there were there were a number of times even now with me where I thought that that might have been the most appropriate answer it never came to that we were able to talk things out and we became better friends and there was a level of respect at that point on between myself and these other parties maybe I’ll share these stories later it’s um but I always it’s it’s crazy as much as I believe in cooler heads prevailing sitting down and talking sometimes it was just like hey I can’t even think straight until I start throwing some hay you know and or maybe that I need to be smacked around a little bit whatever the case might be I think if it’s a contained scenario and if it’s not a situation where it’s you know there’s like pulling people’s eyeballs out you know low blows hair pulling or scratching you know what I mean if it’s just like hey let’s just let’s just hang and bang a little bit I can see it sometimes being conducive for a positive work environment again this is exactly why I have no power nor should I so that that’s just how I feel and I’m gonna I’m gonna leave it at that what I mean if it’s just like hey let’s just let’s just hang and bang a little bit I can see it sometimes being conducive for a positive work environment again this is exactly why I have no power nor should I so that that’s just how I feel and I’m gonna I’m gonna leave it at that”
Source: thecleanerscorner
Is this written by a 12 year old!?…man’s an embarrassment
It sounds like even Kenny is saying the Bucks and Jericho are the cancer. Punk wanted to talk to everyone, meetings were set, and everyone’s lawyer all of the sudden said no at the last minute. And with Kenny even saying that when banging out your problems physically can get you to a point where you can all come to respect one another, and then with Punk admitting that things went physical and then he wanted to talk afterwards, then who else can you blame for this mess? Yea, Khan is the boss. But he lets those idiot other EVPs and the has-been clown get away with this nonsense.
So, sorry to all you AEW stans. But even Kenny sees the writing on the wall here.
Agree with Jake here. You have to see the whole clip and realize that Kenny wanted to sort things out. Other people were the problem be that the Bucks or Khan.
@ Jake Allen: THIS!
If someone that close to the boss says all of that, it definitely means something and it looks like Punk is not that big of an a-hole like people think. But we all know how AEW stans will react. Haters gonna hate