Vince McMahon’s personal trainer says Janel Grant is a “predator for men with money”

Apr 7, 2024 - by Colin Vassallo

Vince McMahon’s personal trainer, Michael Monteforte, was protective of his boss in an Instagram post, saying that McMahon was unable to attend WrestleMania for the first time since he created the event.

Monteforte wrote, “Vince McMahon was unable to attend his first WrestleMania. How quickly people forget, that without his vision, there would be no wrestling or WrestleMania. Sadly, when a person is down, the people who say they love you, turn their backs on you.”

Responding to several comments, Monteforte said that we shouldn’t judge a man without getting all the facts and he had the truth “in real time” and accused Janel Grant as a “predator for men with $$.”

He added that she conveniently left out her replies in most of those texts and when they’re published, we’ll see that she is “far from innocent and any victim” and called her “actually the aggressor.”

Colin Vassallo has been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996

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