TNA Impact Report, 2/8/24
Join us tonight for detailed results from the latest episode from TNA Wrestling. Tom Hannifan and Mathew Rewholdt are once again on the call. The matches are being held in Orlando, Florida.
- Trinity & Jordynne Grace VS Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans
- Alex Shelley vs. Eddie Edwards
- Chris Sabin vs. John Skyler
- Mike Bailey vs. Zachary Wentz
- Josh Alexander vs. Alan Angels
- Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside
The show begins with a salute to Toby Keith, the country singer who became a focal point of TNA in the first run for the promotion. He passed away from cancer. We follow up with a highlight reel from last week’s show. The GYV’s took match one in the series with the ABC. for the World Tag Team Championship.
Match 1. X Division Champion, Chris Sabin VS John Skyler (with Jason Hotch)
This match is brought to us by Mustafa Ali. (Whatever that means.) Sabin lands a crossbody off the second rope and flows it into an arm drag and twist. Skyler gets free, but is quickly locked back in another arm bar. Skyler flips Sabin to the floor and sneaks behind him and hurls the champion into the stairs. Back in the ring, Skyler stays on the offense and lands a belly to belly after some kicks and punches. Sabin counters eventually with a DDT and a kick to the head. Skyler kicks out of a pin attempt at two. Hotch interferes on the outside and Skyler spears Sabin. Cradle Shock and it is over.
Winner by pinfall, Chris Sabin
Alex Shelley cuts a backstage promo on Eddie Edwards and Moose.
Match 2. Tasha Steelz VS Xia Brookside
Steelz strikes first with a DDT off the ropes after a few minutes of trading arm twists. Steelz stays in control with chops and a few aggressive pin attempts. Xia locks in a octopus, but Steelz gets free and levels Brookside with a sidewalk slam. Steelz rolls up Xia with a handful of tights and it is over.
Winner by pinfall, Tasha Steelz
The ABC cut a promo about the Grizzled Young Vets. They vow to make it even in their series the next match. Just then the GYVs attack the champions from behind. Ace Austin looks to have injured his arm in the attack.
Jake Something approaches Frankie Kazarian about his actions. Jake says his actions from last week will make him get revenge.
Match 3. Mike Bailey VS Zachary Wentz (with Trey Miguel)
Wentz takes control after after Bailey outworks him on the outset. Trey helped him gain the advantage. Wentz trips Bailey, who drops to his knees hung over the second rope. Trey interferes more. Bailey gets to his feet and pump kicks Wentz to the floor. Bailey moonsaults on to him. Wentz avoids a kick and punches Bailey hard in the face. Wentz ends up crotching Bailey on the top rope, and suplexes him on the floor. Wentz stays on the offensive back in the ring, but Bailey counters with a snap suplex eventually. The two end up center ring, both laying in heavy blows. Wentz connects with a big knee and face drivers Bailey for a long two count. The two exchange kicks, with Bailey winning that exchange. Trey knocks Bailey off the tope rope, cutter by Wentz and it is over.
Winner by pinfall, Zachary Wentz
The Rascalz beat on Bailey post match until Trent Seven makes the save. Steve Maclin then enters and takes out Seven. Nic Nemeth enters and superkicks Maclin and the Rascalz from the ring. Nemeth, Seven and Bailey stand tall.
Kon has a vignette.
We get a clip of Crazzy Steve laying a beating on Rhino. Then we Rhino cut a backstage promo saying he will take his Digital Media Championship next week.
Match 4. Trinity & Jordynne Grace VS Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans (with Jai Vidal)
Grace, the Knockouts Champion, starts with Evans. She and Evans trade power moves with Grace eventually suplexing Evans and tagging in Trinity. Trinity delivers the split leg drop. Evans recovers and headbutts her. Trinity gets Evans to her corner and tags Grace back in. Hannifan and Mathew do a great job of putting over Trinity, obviously knowing this is her last televised match with the promotion. Shaw tags in as well and she knocks Trinity to the floor from the apron. Grace and Shaw go at it physically and tag out to Trinity and Evans. Trinity gets an advantage and crossbodies Evans for a two count. Trinity then mule kicks Evans and gets a two count off a rear view. Evans is doubled by Trinity and Grace. Star struck and a code red and it is over.
Winners ,Trinity and Jordynne Grace
Shaw looks on in disgust as we go to break.
Deaner is approached by AJ Frances backstage. Joe Hendry shows up. He tells Frances nobody likes him. Deaner looks on chuckling at Hendry’s comments about Frances. Frances tells him he will be seeing him around.
Match 5. Richard Adonis and Ori Gold VS Kon
This is a squash match. Kon destroys them.
Lights go out, PCO enters. They brawl and security enters to break it up. They can’t do it and they continue slugging it out. They battle up the ramp into the backstage. We go to break.
Match 6. Alan Angels VS Josh Alexander
Angels jumps Josh before the match. He hurts his leg, but the match starts and Josh suplexes him all over the ring. Josh’s suplexes are almost slams, as he hurls Angels five or 6 feet. Angels tries to fight back and dives on Josh on the floor. He quickly goes to the top and frog splashes Josh. Alexander kicks out at one. Josh blocks a C$ from Angels. He then locks on an ankle lock. Angels wizards Alexander. Josh knee lifts Angles and backbreakers him. Josh taps Angels with another ankle lock.
Winner by submission, Josh Alexander
Simon Gotch, dressed as a fan, jumps Alexander post match. He came and left threw the crowd.
Match 7. Alex Shelley VS Eddie Edwards (with Alisha)
We know with The System, Moose and Brian Myers are always close by to help Edwards. Shelley shoulders Eddie to the floor after they bounce the ropes several times. Alex then spin kicks Eddie to the floor. Alisha grabs Shelley’s boot from the apron, allowing Eddie to gain control. Eddie works the head and throat of the former champion. The brawl ends up on the floor and Eddie lays in a series of chops. Alex manages to avoid a kick by Eddie, who cracks his leg on the post. Shelley then goes on the offense, highlighted by a joint manipulation into a stomp on the back of Eddie’s elbow. Alex locks on a straight jacket, taking Eddie to his knees. Back in the ring, Eddie blocks a kick and lays in a huge chop. Alisha interferes on the outside. Eddie goes back to the chops. Shelley fights threw the pain and dragon screws Edwards. Edwards is still favoring the leg from kicking the post. Shelley turns up the heat and delivers an kick to the head. Shelley then locks on the figure 4. Eddie gets to the ropes after about a minute in the hold. Eddie tries to lock it on again, but Alisha interferes and Eddie kicks himself free. Eddie can’t deliver the backpack with the bad wheel. Alex then clips the leg. Eddie lands a belly to belly out of nowhere. Alex blocks a tiger driver. Eddie lands a series of knees to the face. Alex kicks out at one defiantly. Shelley gets to his feet and kicks Eddie twice. Then pins him after reversing a Boston Knee Party.
Winner Alex Shelley.
Myers and Alisha attack Shelley post match. Kushida makes the save. Kevin Knight then enters and dives off the top to the floor on The System.
The show ends with the faces celebrating.