UFC fighter referenced in Janel Grant lawsuit

Jan 25, 2024 - by staff

With regards to the new sex trafficking lawsuit:

In July 2021, the suit said, Vince McMahon instructed former WWE employee Janel Grant to create personalized sexual content for a WWE superstar that he was trying to re-sign.
The suit didn’t name the professional wrestler, but described him as both a UFC fighter and WWE talent. People familiar with the matter identified the wrestler as Brock Lesnar, one of WWE’s biggest names.

The suit said McMahon shared the explicit photos with the star and informed Grant that “he likes what he sees.” After the star agreed to a new WWE contract, McMahon texted Grant in August 2021 to say “that part of the deal was f—ing U.”

That December, McMahon gave Grant’s personal cellphone number to the WWE star, the lawsuit said. The wrestler asked her to send a video of herself urinating, the suit said, and after she did, he called her a “b—.” That same month, the suit said, the star expressed a desire to “set a play date,” but a snowstorm disrupted his travel plans.

source: The Wall Street Journal

One Response

  1. USA #1 says:

    Lucky bastards!

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