AEW Collision Jan 6 2024

Jan 6, 2024 - by Achal Mohindra

AEW Collision
January 6 2024
Live From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators:  Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuiness and Kevin Kelly

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

When we go live, Dasha introduces “Nature Boy” Ric Flair,

Match 1: Tag Team Match
Darby Allin and Sting w/Nature Boy Ric Flair Vs The Work Horseman – Anthony Henry and JD Drake.

Before the match Henry attacks Darby Allin on the outside, then JD Drake hits Sting with a chair, JD Drake hyper extends the leg of Sting and then sends Sting in the barrier, Henry and Darby start match, JD Drake tags in and does a dive of the top rope, powerbomb backstabber by Henry on Allin, Darby tries to tag Sting but Drake punches him and sends him of the apron. Drake misses his top rope moonsault, then Darby tags Sting in and nails a Stinger Splash on Drake and then sends Henry to the outside, Darby nails a coffin drop of the top rope on the outside, Scorpion Death Drop on JD Drake for the win.

Winners via Pinfall: Darby Allin and Sting

We see video about The Callis Family challenging Sting and Darby Allin to a match on Dynamite in Jacksonville.

Match 2: Singles Match for AEW Continental Championship
Challenger: Trent Vs Champion: Eddie Kingston

Tie up and Eddie sends Trent to the corner, Kingston goes for chomp but missed and then Eddie takedown on Trent followed by kicks, Trent counters with a Tornado DDT and then a pinfall for a two count, Trent with a suplex for a two count. Kingston sends Trent in the corner and then nails machine gun chops and then chops to the face of Trent which sends Trent to the outside and now Trent is busted open,  Trent tries a over the top jump and is met with a chop, then a Saito suplex on the outside.

Kingston with punches and chops to Trent, Kingston with chops and fists to Trent, Kingston with a running knee to Trent in the corner, Trent climbs to middle rope and is tripped and dropped on his head on the middle turnbuckle, Eddie with chops and then a running knee by Trent to counter,  Trent with punches to Kingston, dropkick by Trent sends Kingston to the outside and then nails a taupe dive through the middle ropes, Trent with a powerbomb of the middle rope for a two count. Kingston with chops then a ensugui and DDT for a two count.

Kingston goes for half and half suplex, but countered into a back suplex, then two release German suplexes, Trent nails a running knee and then a Gotch Drop for a two count. both men on their knees and punches exchanged, discus forearm and a half-and-half suplex, Trent misses elbow and running elbow and back chop following by a Exploder Suplex, Northern Lights Bomb for the win.

Winner via Pinfall and still AEW Continental Champion: Eddie Kingston

We see a interview earlier about Tony Schiavone interviews Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale about keeping streak running in 2024 and continually winning and earning opportunities.

Commercial break

Match 3: Proving Ground Match Non-Title Tag Team Match – Win match or Survive 10 minutes to earn future title shot.
Kommander and “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith Vs ROH World Tag Team The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven)

Taven and Kommander start match, and a side back breaker suplex for a two count. Kommander with a huricanrana on Taven, then Keith tagged in and kicks and punches to Taven, blind tag by Mike Bennett and a suplex on Keith, Bennett with chops to Keith, chops exchanged, Taven tagged in a suplex on Keith for a two count.

Taven with a suplex on Keith, then a baseball dropkick and quick legdrop by Mike Bennett, piledriver attempt countered, double wristlock Kamura but Keith gets to the rope to break the hold, comingiri drop and dive of the top rope by Taven for a two count, and Keith got the leg up and release suplex on Mike Bennett into the corner, Kommander and Matt Taven tagged in and spiral spinning DDT on Taven, and then sends Bennett to the floor, running headbutt by Keith and a super plex of the top of Keith Lee shoulders, but Bennett escapes the ring, over top moonsault by Kommander on the outside, Bryan goes for a suplex but blocked and running knee, and then Double Team Bulldog by The Kingdom for the win.

Winners via Pinfall ROH World Tag Team The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven)

Backstage: Rene Paquette is with Bullet Club Gold – Gunns and Jay White, and The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn walk in and says we need to create a faction to tackle The Undisputed Kingdom and help each other out as Jay White has faction experience in Japan and Billy knows about factions.

Commercial break

“Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland comes to the ring, Adam says unless you missed Worlds End, me and Christian had a big fight and I won the title, but then lost because of Kill Switch, Christian said I go to back of the line, I just work harder than Christian Cage and you need to kiss the ass of Luchasaurus – I meant Kill Switch, I will fight hard to earn the shot against Christian Cage, then says I am in ring gear and ready for a fight in a open challenge. Cole Karter and Griff Garrison come out, Griff says he steps up to the plate of facing a Hall of Famer, and look at me since I accepted your challenge. Adam says you are stepping up from sea level to Mount Everest, Garrison slaps Adam Copeland.

Match 4: Singles Match
Adam Copeland Vs Griff Garrison

Boot by Copeland and then chops in the corner, DDT by Copeland on Garrison, then a back body suplex, Copeland sends Garrison into the corner and then goes for a spear, Maria holds leg of Adam Copeland then Cole Karter trips Adam Copeland on the outside, then Griff takes down Copeland and chokes him on the rope, Hammer Throw on Copeland into the corner, Garrison with a suplex for a two count, chin lock by Garrison on Adam Copeland, suplex by Garrison for a two count. Copeland with a pull drop then a hanging face plant, and then Adam Copeland takes down Cole Karter then hangs Griff Garrison on the middle rope and then a crossbody of the top rope for a two count.

Copeland goes for a spear but is met with a discus clothesline, Adam with punches to Garrison and then a avalanche suplex of the top rope and then a cross face for the win via Submission

Winner via Pinfall “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland.

After the match Cole Karter tries to attack Adam Copeland but is met with a uppercut and a spear.

Backstage: Ric Flair is with Sting and Darby Allin and says on Wednesday in Jacksonville, Florida we face the Don Callis Family and says it will be show time on Wednesday.

Match 5: Women’s Division Singles Match
Skye Blue Vs Kiera Hogan

Tie up in the middle of the ring, Blue with a takedown, and then a side headlock, Blue with a boot to Hogan in the corner, slap by Hogan to Skye Blue, drop toe hold on Blue and then hip attack, back elbow by Hogan blocks move, then running kick to Hogan on the rope by Skye Blue.

Blue with punches and chops to Hogan on the outside, Hogan with chops to Blue against the barricade, Blue counters with a snap vertical suplex on the outside, Hogan missed her legdrop and then counters with a drop kick, rear chin lock by Blue on Hogan, takedown of Hogan by Skye Blue pulling her hair, Blue throws Hogan to the mat by her hair, Blue goes for move of middle rope but met with a thrust kick by Kiera Hogan, shotgun drop kick and then a running drop kick in the corner, backbreaker by Hogan for a two count. Hogan with chops to Blue in the corner. kick to Hogan in the corner and then kicks exchanged, Fallaway Slam by Skye Blue into a Dragon Sleeper for the win.

Winner via Submission Skye Blue

During match commentators announce the Sting and Darby Allin Vs The Don Callis Family in Jacksonville will be a Tornado Tag Team Match.

We see a video of Sereena Deeb training for her return.

Before the match we see a video about Claudio Castagnoli challenges Hangman Adam Page to a match on Dynamite.

Match 6: Singles Match
Claudio Castagnoli Vs Anthony Everett

Claudio with a takedown and then Everett goes to the outside and Claudio runs at him and sends him near timekeeper table, then a giant swing and releases after 10 spins, uppercut by Claudio, then Everett sent to outside, head to gut and then Everett climbs to the top rope and goes for a moonsault but is caught with an uppercut, then a Neutraliser Power Bomb for the win.

Winner via Pinfall Claudio Castagnoli

Lexy Nair is with AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks says he will destroy Sammy Guevera this Wednesday in Dally’s Place and then Big Bill Says they issue a challenge for Battle of the Belts IX – AEW World Tag Team Championship: Big Bill and Ricky Starks Vs Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara in a Street Fight if Sammy survives Wednesday.

Match 7: Tag Team Match
FTR – Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler Vs House of Black – Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews

Tie up between Matthews and Harwood, Wheeler tagged in, Matthews with a arm drag takedown, side headlock by Wheeler, head scissor takedown by Wheeler, then Dax tagged in and a double drop toehold, Malakai tagged in, shoulder block, over the top, standing switch, Malakai with kicks blocked, and then Malakai sits down and then Dax Harwood sits down, then Malakai goes to where Dax Harwood’s family are sitting at ringside.

Tie up between Harwood and Black in the middle of the ring, arm drag, Matthews tagged in, kick to Harwood, Black tagged back in, snap mare takedown by Black on Harwood, scoop slam on Black by Harwood, Wheeler tagged in and a leg drop on Black and then knocks Matthews of the mat, Malakai with kicks and uppercut countered, float over takedown by Wheeler on Matthews, Double team on Harwood in their corner, sliding dropkick by Black for a two count, Back elbows by Wheeler on both Black and Matthews till Matthews drops Wheeler on mat and then a top rope moonsault by Malakai Black on Cash Wheeler on the outside. Wheeler sends Black into Matthews in their corner, ensuguri kick by Black on Wheeler then goes to tag Dax but Dax is dropped to floor by Buddy Matthews.

Rear chinlock by Matthews on Cash Wheeler, Cash sends Matthews into Black and then nails a rolling bomb for a two count, but can’t tag Dax Harwood, Malakai Black tagged in and back elbow to Black and Dax tagged in with punches and forearm shot to Black, short clothesline by Dax on Malakai, punches in the corner to Matthews, Manhattan Drop to Malakai Black, standing switch, brainbuster driver on Malakai Black. Go behind and rollup on Black for a two count, Double Team on Harwood, Wheeler assists and pulls Matthews to the outside, Dax chops Black and takes him down and Dax Harwood with a super plex then splash by Cash Wheeler then Buddy Matthews with a knee which nails Wheeler which lands on Malakai and Dax.

Cash Wheeler with a dive through the rope caught by both House of Black and then kicks to Wheeler and then send Cash Wheeler over the announce table, Malakai Black brings in a chair and is about to use it then looks at Dax’s wife and daughter, FTR hit Shatter Machine on Buddy Matthews but count is broken by Malakai Black, Black with kicks to Wheeler, piledriver spike on the apron by FTR on Malakai Black, Brody King comes out and then Daniel Garcia comes out with a chair shot multiple times to Brody King, Curb Stomp by Matthews on Wheeler but Dax gets foot on rope, then a powerbomb and rollup by Dax Harwood for the win.

Winners via Pinfall FTR – Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler

After the match Brody King attacks Daniel Garcia then a curb stomp to Cash Wheeler and then a chair against head of Dax Harwood and then a spin kick to head of Dax Harwood, then another powerbomb to Daniel Garcia, we then see Julia Hart do a 10 bell salute.

End of Collision.


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