Allegations made against Chris Jericho involving Kylie Rae

Dec 30, 2023 - by staff

Apparently a lot of accusations are coming Chris Jericho’s way after Nick Hausman compared Jericho to Harvey Weinstein on his podcast.

He claims a lot of stories about Chris Jericho will come to light in the future when people are “ready to talk” about it.

The latest is the story about Kylie Rae going to Jericho’s hotel room after being told ‘everyone’ would be there to get there and find out it was only Jericho, who then ‘made a pass at her’ which eventually led to her quitting #AEW

7 Responses

  1. USA #1 says:

    Off course many useless, untalented women will try to capitalize on this rumor to get their 15 minutes of fame.

  2. Pisto75666 says:

    Guess Jericho should change his nickname to the Ayotollah of Non Disclosure.

  3. Pete Haines says:

    I’ve heard rumors that Nick Hausman likes to get sued.

  4. DB says:

    Why did Kylie Rae leave Impact Wrestling suddenly? She should stay off social media, then get her mental health sorted out first and foremost.

  5. CM Chippunk says:

    Jericho’s been around forever, and has been a big star for almost as long, but nary a peep about this kind of behavior until now? Sus.

  6. James says:

    Innocent until proven guilty.

  7. Diggles says:

    Kylie rae has been a total flake everywhere shes gone. Even admitting to mental health issues, and drug abuse. Am i really supposed to believe she wasnt responsible for nuking her own career? Its all jerichos fault? Nope, not buying it. If a dude invites you to his hotel room, he isnt just being friendly, hes trying to smash. Seriously, why else would he ask you up to his room? This is a no brainer, if youre not interested , stay your ass away from room 112.

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