CM Punk merchandise sales strong, former WWE superstar open to a Royal Rumble return

Dec 22, 2023 - by staff

– While speaking on the Kliq This Podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash revealed the numbers that he heard regarding CM Punk’s merchandise sales during his first 24 hours back with the company. He said “I think he did $600,000 worth of merchandise in like the first 24 hours that he came back. I watched SmackDown last Friday because I knew he was gonna be on. That was the reason I watched. I wasn’t gangbusters over his initial interview that he cut.”

– While speaking on Rewind Recap Relive, Former WWE star Heath Slater revealed that if WWE gives him the call about returning for the 2024 Royal Rumble then he will accept. He said “If I ever got the call to say, ‘Hey, man, we wanna hit the 3MB music and have you come out in the Royal Rumble,’ I would say, ‘Well, hell yeah, let’s do it. Those are the moments that live on. Those are the moments that you remember. Those are the moments that get you excited and fun.”

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