Update on Liv Morgan and the plans moving forward
Liv Morgan had already been penciled in as to when she would be returning to company storylines in 2024 and currently, this is not believed to change those plans. The belief in WWE was she would be back in by the build to WrestleMania 40 and was very much in the mix for “a high profile program.”
Morgan’s arrest was not widely known within WWE before it became public. Several top executives were aware and spoke with Morgan the day after, but had kept the information within a small circle.
Internally within the company, the arrest does not currently appear to have hurt her standing.
WWE is waiting for the legal process to play out. Morgan is slated to be officially arraigned in February in Sumter County, Florida.
source: PWInsider
I can’t believe that for the small amount that, She was carrying for personal comsumltion she has to go to court. Really doesn’t the state of Florida have better things to do than spend tax payirs money on these frivolous charges
Get rid of this druggie! Send her to rot in AEW or TNA.