All Out

* Poll results: Grade AEW’s All Out PPV
The opening credits roll, and Excalibur, Kevin Kelly, and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary from Chicago, Illinois.
ROH World Tag Team Championship Match
Better Than You Bay Bay (Adam Cole and MJF) (c) vs. Dark Order (John Silver and Alex Reynolds) (w/Evil Uno)
Cole and Silver start the match and exchange side-headlock take downs. Cole goes for a handshake, but Silver kicks him in the midsection. Cole comes back with a pump kick and MJF tags in. Cole and MJF go for the double clothesline, but Reynolds and Uno pull Silver out of the ring. Reynolds tags in and MJF asks for sportsmanship. MJF asks for a handshake and Reynolds accepts, but MJF pokes him in the eye. MJF applies a side-headlock and taunts Reynolds before tripping him up. MJF sets up for the Kangaroo Kick, but Silver delivers a shot to his head. MJF knocks Silver to the floor, but grabs his head and rolls out of the ring after taking Reynolds down. Silver attacks Cole on the outside, and then Uno distracts the referee as Reynolds hits MJF in the neck with a chair. The referee calls for the doctor, and he checks on MJF with a few referees.
MJF gets escorted to the back as Cole gets into the ring. Cole delivers shots to Silver and Reynolds, but they take him down with a double-team shot. Reynolds goes for the cover, but Cole kicks out. Silver tags in and drops Cole with a running lariat. Silver goes for the cover, but Cole kicks out. Silver sends Cole to the floor and goes for a dive, but Cole counters with an enzuigiri. Reynolds comes off the apron, but Cole drops him with a superkick. Cole gets Silver back into the ring and goes for Panama Sunrise, but Silver counters it. Cole gets a roll-up for a two count, but Silver comes back with a series of kicks and a knee strike. Silver delivers a fisherman’s buster and goes for the cover, but Cole kicks out again. Reynolds tags in and stands on Cole’s neck. Cole comes back with body shots, but Reynolds delivers an elbow strike. Reynolds slams Cole down and goes for the cover, but Cole kicks out.
Reynolds tosses Cole to the floor and Uno stomps on him. Uno slams Cole into the ring post, and then Reynolds gets him back into the ring and tags in Silver. Cole kicks Reynolds and Silver in the face, and then sends Reynolds to the outside. Cole delivers a neck-breaker over his knee to Silver, and then Uno gets in the corner and flips Cole off. Reynolds tags in, and he and Silver double-team Cole. Reynolds and Silver deliver the Awful Combo to Cole and Reynolds goes for the cover, but Cole kicks out. Silver tags in and he and Reynolds deliver a double clothesline to Cole. Silver goes for the cover, but Cole kicks out. Reynolds grabs one of the titles and holds it up as Silver sends Cole to the corner. Cole counters with a pump kick to Reynolds, and then slams Silver to the mat. MJF comes back out and Cole makes the tag as Silver tags Reynolds.
MJF delivers back elbows to Reynolds and Silver, and then drops them with scoop slams. MJF rams Reynolds and Silver’s heads together, and then slams Silver’s face into the turnbuckle repeatedly. MJF delivers right hands to Reynolds in the corner, and then bites his face. MJF causes Silver to headbutt Reynolds in the corner, and then slams Reynolds down onto Silver. MJF delivers a double Kangaroo Kick to Reynolds and Silver, and then Cole delivers a superkick to Uno on the apron. Cole tags in, and then he and MJF drop Reynolds with a double clothesline for the pin fall.
Winners and still ROH World Tag Team Champions: Better Than You Bay Bay
-After the match, as Cole and MJF are walking up the ramp, Samoa Joe makes his entrance and shoves MJF to the side. Cole has to calm MJF down as Joe gets into the ring, but then MJF runs back to the ring and brawls with Joe. Cole, referees, and security rush the ring to pull them apart.
ROH World Television Championship Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Shane Taylor
Joe delivers shots in the corner, but Taylor drops him with a shoulder tackle. Taylor delivers body shots in the corner, but Joe comes back with a few of his own. Joe comes off the ropes, but Taylor drops him with a clothesline. Joe rolls to the floor and pulls Taylor out. Joe delivers a chop and slams Taylor’s face into the barricade. They exchange chops and shots, and then get back into the ring. Taylor delivers a few right hands and slams Joe down. Taylor splashes onto Joe and goes for the cover, but Joe kicks out. Taylor delivers left jabs, but Joe comes back with an enzuigiri. Taylor rolls to the floor, but Joe drops him with a diving elbow through the ropes. Joe gets Taylor back into the ring, but Taylor meets him with a shot. Taylor runs the ropes, but Joe drops him with a Manhattan Drop and a kick to the face. Joe connects with a running senton and goes for the cover, but Taylor kicks out at one.
Taylor comes back with shots and drops Joe with a clothesline. Taylor goes for the cover, but Joe kicks out. Taylor tries to suplex Joe back into the ring from the apron, but Joe guillotines him over the top rope. Joe applies a sleeper hold, but Taylor drags him into the ring and drops him with a hanging stunner. Taylor connects with a splash from the middle rope and goes for the cover, but Joe kicks out. Taylor delivers shots and short-arm clotheslines to Joe, but Joe comes back with a clothesline of his own. Joe and Taylor exchange shots, and then Taylor backs Joe into the corner. Joe comes back with a right hand and follows with knee strikes. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch and Taylor taps out.
Winner and still ROH World Television Champion: Samoa Joe
Jim Ross has replaced Kevin Kelly on commentary.
AEW TNT Championship Match
Luchasaurus (c) (w/Christian Cage) vs. Darby Allin (w/Nick Wayne)
Allin low-bridges Luchasaurus to the outside and stomps on his hand on the apron. Allin gets on Luchasaurus’s back, and then rams him into the ring apron. Allin charges at Luchasaurus, but Luchasaurus catches him and throws him into the barricade. Luchasaurus slams Allin into the ring steps and Cage tells Luchasaurus to punish, finish, and maim Allin, and then Luchasaurus gets in Wayne’s face. Luchasaurus kicks Allin’s head into the ring steps a few times, and then sets the steps on their side as Allin has been busted open. Luchasaurus drops Allin face-first onto the steps, and then lays the steps down on Allin’s injured back. Luchasuaurs walks up the steps and Wayne goes after Cage. Cage backs away and Wayne lifts the steps off of Allin’s back. Allin gets back into the ring, but Luchasaurus drops him with a side slam. Luchasaurus goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out.
Luchasaurus chops Allin in the corner and whips him into the opposite corner. Luchasaurus chokes Allin with his boot and goes for an overhand chop, but Allin ducks and Luchasaurus hits the turnbuckle. Allin comes back, but Luchasaurus drops him with a headbutt. Luchasaurus goes for a choke slam, but Allin gets free and gets a roll-up for a two count. Allin connects with a low cross-body and goes for the cover again, but Luchasaurus kicks out once more. Allin comes off the ropes, but Luchasuaurs drop him with a shoulder tackle. Luchasaurus chokes Allin with the wrap from his back, and then clubs him across the chest. Allin falls to the floor, but guillotines Luchasaurus over the top rope. Allin puts Luchasaurus in a chair and delivers right hands. Allin goes up top and drops Luchasaurus with a senton on the floor.
They get back into the ring, and Luchasaurus applies an Argentine Back-breaker, but Allin gets free and drops Luchasaurus with a Crucifix Bomb for a two count. Allin goes for the Coffin Splash, but Luchasaurus counters out and drops Allin with a German suplex. Luchasaurus applies the Argentine Back-breaker again as Cage tells Wayne to throw in the towel for Allin. Wayne gets ready to fight Cage, and then Allin gets free and pulls Luchasaurus into the ropes. Allin dives onto Cage and goes up top. Luchasaurus cuts him off and climbs with him. Allin bites Luchasaurus’s hand and slams his head into the turnbuckle. Allin delivers an avalanche Code Red and goes for the cover, but Luchasaurus kicks out. Allin goes up top, but Cage hits Wayne in the back with a chair. Cage sets up for a Con-chair-to on Wayne, and Luchasaurus knocks Allin down.
Luchasaurus delivers a Tombstone Piledriver, then follows with another and throws Allin into the turnbuckle. Luchasaurus delivers a clothesline to the back of Allin’s head and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TNT Champion: Luchasaurus
-After the match, Cage goes for a Con-chair-to on Allin as Luchasaurus holds Wayne to watch. Shawn Spears leads a group to the ring to make the save, and then Cage and Luchasaurus leave the ring and walk backstage.
Singles Match
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro
They lock up and Hobbs shoves Miro down. They lock up again, and Hobbs does it again. They lock up a third time, and this time Miro shoves Hobbs down. Miro delivers right hands and beats Hobbs into the corner. Miro stomps Hobbs down, but Hobbs comes back and they exchange shots and shoulder tackles. Miro runs the ropes, but Hobbs drops him with a clothesline. Hobbs drives his shoulder into Miro’s midsection a few times in the corner, and then follows with an elbow strike. Hobbs clubs Miro across the back, but Miro comes back and delivers a leg lariat. Miro goes for the cover, but Hobbs kicks out. Hobbs goes to the apron and guillotines Miro, but Miro comes back with a dropkick. Miro stomps on Hobbs, but Hobbs comes back with an overhead throw. Hobbs stomps on Miro and chokes him over the middle rope.
Hobbs suplexes Miro across the ring, but Miro comes back with right hands. Hobbs delivers a knee strike and splashes Miro in the corner. Hobbs goes for another splash, but Miro dodges and Hobbs crashes to the floor. Miro drops Hobbs with a rolling senton from the apron and drives him into the apron and the barricade. Miro delivers a chop and right hand, and then gets Hobbs back into the ring. Hobbs comes back with a body block and goes for the cover, but Miro kicks out. Hobbs applies a sleeper hold, but Miro gets to his feet and they exchange short-arm clotheslines. Miro gains the advantage and finally drops Hobbs. Miro puts Hobbs on the apron and delivers clubbing shots to his chest. Miro tries to bring Hobbs back into the ring, but Hobbs counters and slams Miro down. Miro comes back and slams Hobbs down. Miro kicks Hobbs in the face, but Hobbs comes back with a power slam. Hobbs goes for the cover, but Miro kicks out.
Hobbs and Miro exchange shots, and then Miro comes off the ropes and drops Hobbs with a clothesline. Miro kicks Hobbs in the face and goes for the cover, but Hobbs kicks out. Miro stomps on Hobbs’s back and locks in Game Over. Hobbs gets to his feet and backs Miro into the corner to break the hold. Miro comes off the middle rope, but Hobbs catches him and slams him with a spine-buster. Hobbs goes for the cover, but Miro kicks out. Hobbs stomps on Miro’s back and goes for Game Over, but Miro escapes and slams Hobbs with a spine-buster. Miro stomps on Hobbs’s back, locks in Game Over, and Hobbs taps out.
Winner: Miro
-After the match, Hobbs asks for a handshake, and Miro accepts. Miro turns to leave, but turns back toward Hobbs. Hobbs backs away and Miro goes to leave, and then Hobbs attacks him. Hobbs chokes Miro out, but Miro’s Hot and Flexible Wife, CJ Perry, comes to the ring and hits Hobbs with a chair. Hobbs gets to his feet and backs Perry down, and then Miro hits Hobbs in the back with the chair and sends Hobbs to the outside. Miro stares Perry down, and then leaves the ring without her.
AEW TBS Championship Match
Kris Statlander (c) vs. Ruby Soho (w/Saraya)
Statlander shoves Soho into the corner, and then Soho comes back with a waist-lock. Statlander counters and takes Soho down. Soho comes back and slams Statlander down by her hair a few times. Statlander comes back with a few shots, but then Saraya distracts her. Statlander chases Saraya around the ring, and then Soho dropkicks Statlander from the apron. Soho slams Statlander into the barricade, and then drives her face into it. Soho gets Statlander back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Statlander kicks out. Soho clubs Statlander across the back and kicks her in the midsection. Soho chokes Statlander over the ropes, and then Saraya chokes Statlander behind the referee’s back. Soho goes for the cover, but Statlander kicks out. Soho applies a straitjacket hold, but Statlander gets free. Soho delivers a back elbow and goes for the cover, but Statlander kicks out.
Soho chokes Statlander in the corner and sends her across. Statlander comes back with a few clotheslines, but Soho drops her with a back-heel trip. Soho goes for the cover, but Statlander kicks out. Statlander comes back with right hands and a roundhouse kick. Soho comes back with a knee strike, but Statlander delivers No Future to Soho. Statlander dodges shots in the corner and delivers a back elbow. Statlander follows with a kick and an uppercut. Statlander delivers elbow strikes in the corner and follows with an uppercut and a knee strike. Statlander drops Soho with a power slam and goes for the cover, but Soho kicks out. Statlander picks Soho up, but Soho counters with a suplex. Statlander comes back with a back-breaker and follows with a Falcon Arrow. Statlander goes for the cover, but Soho kicks out. Statlander applies the Gory Special, but Soho counters out and gets a two count.
Soho gets another two count, but Statlander goes for Sunday Night Fever. Soho rolls through and they exchange two counts and drop each other with shots. Statlander sends Soho to the apron, but Soho slams her head into the turnbuckle. Soho goes up top, but Statlander cuts her off with an elbow strike. Statlander delivers an avalanche power slam and goes for the cover, but Soho kicks out. Statlander and Soho exchange forearm shots and elbow strikes, and then Soho delivers a Poison-rana. Soho follows with a spinning DDT and then connects with a low hurricanrana. Soho goes for the cover, but Statlander kicks out. They exchange slaps as they get to their feet, and then Statlander delivers the Blue Thunder Bomb. Statlander goes for the cover, but Soho kicks out. Statlander goes to the ropes, but Saraya gets on the apron. Soho pulls Statlander down and delivers No Future. Soho delivers Destination Unknown and goes for the cover, but Statlander kicks out. Saraya gets on the apron again and Soho grabs the spray paint. Toni Storm emerges from under the ring and steals the spray paint from Soho. Statlander delivers Sunday Night Fever and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TBS Champion: Kris Statlander
Jim Ross leaves the commentary team, and is replaced by Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat for the next match.
No Disqualification Strap Match
Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks
Starks refuses to put the strap on and ducks out of the ring. Danielson goes after him, but Starks beats him down and busts Danielson open. Starks gets back into the ring and lets the strap be put on his wrist, and then the bell rings. Starks takes Danielson to the outside and continues to beat him down. Starks takes Danielson back into the ring and slams him down. Starks goes for the cover, but Danielson kicks out. Starks whips Danielson with the strap, but Danielson comes back with a few headbutts. Danielson follows with kicks to Starks, but Starks sends him to the apron. Starks hits Danielson in the head with the strap, and then chokes him with it. Starks brings Danielson back into the ring, but Danielson counters out as Starks is up top. Danielson whips Starks with the strap and then chokes him with it. Danielson whips Starks with the strap again and follows with low dropkicks in the corner.
Danielson dropkicks Starks to the floor, but Starks comes back and takes Danielson down. Starks turns his attention to Steamboat, but Danielsons pulls him into the ring post repeatedly. Starks has now been busted open as Danielson whips him with the strap against the ring post. Danielson gets Starks back into the ring and kicks him in the chest a few times. Danielson follows with running dropkicks in the corner, and then Starks comes back with a clothesline. They exchange shots with the strap and Starks beats Danielson down. Danielson fires up and whips Starks with the strap again. Danielson kicks Starks in the chest and whips him with the strap. Danielson kicks Starks in the head, but Big Bill shows up and beats Danielson down. Steamboat leaves the commentary booth and delivers shots to Bill. Danielson sends Starks to the outside, and he lands on Bill.
Danielson dives onto Starks and Bill and gets Starks back into the ring. Starks comes right back with a Spear and goes for the cover, but Danielson kicks out. Starks delivers rights and lefts, and then goes for Rochambeau. Danielson gets free and delivers the Busaiku knee strike. Danielson goes for the cover, but Starks kicks out. Danielson stomps on Starks’s head repeatedly and then locks in the LeBell Lock. Danielson transitions and uses the strap in the LeBell Lock, and then Starks passes out.
Winner: Bryan Danielson
AEW WrestleDream is announced for Sunday, October 1, 2023 from Seattle, Washington, and live on pay-per-view.
Footage of the Over Budget Charity Battle Royale from Zero Hour is shown. Adam Page was victorious, and then Nigel McGuinness make the announcement that Page will donate $50,000 to the Chicago Public Education Fund.
Taz has joined the commentary team.
Tag Team Match
Eddie Kingston and Katsuyori Shibata vs. The Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta)
Shibata and Yuta start the match. They lock up and Shibata takes Yuta down. Yuta counters out, but Shibata gains control through some spin drills. Yuta gets to the ropes, but Shibata delivers a knee strikes and kicks Yuta in the back. Shibata kicks Yuta in the head a few times, but Yuta comes back with a body shot and an uppercut. Shibata drops Yuta with an uppercut, and then Castagnoli tags in. They lock up and Castagnoli delivers a few uppercuts. Castagnoli kicks Shibata in the midsection and goes for a dropkick, but Shibata holds onto the ropes. Shibata goes for a PK, but Castagnoli ducks under. Kingston tags in, but Castagnoli tags out and goes to the floor. Kingston and Yuta exchange chops and then Kingston delivers a right hand to Castagnoli. Kingston and Castagnoli brawl on the outside, but then Yuta drops Kingston with a dive through the ropes.
Castagnoli slams Kingston into the barricade and gets him back into the ring. Yuta goes for a quick cover, but Kingston kicks out. Yuta connects with a leg drop and goes for the cover again, but Kingston kicks out. Castagnoli tags in and delivers shots to Kingston in the corner. Yuta tags back in and kicks Kingston in the midsection, but Kingston comes back with a knee to the midsection. Castagnoli tags in and stomps on Kingston. Castagnoli follows with a double stomp and then delivers an uppercut. Castagnoli kicks Kingston in the head a few times as Yuta tags back in. Yuta works over Kingston on the mat and Castagnoli kicks Kingston in the face a few times. Kingston counters Yuta and drops him with an STO. Shibata and Castagnoli tag in, and then Shibata beats him down in the corner. Castagnoli comes right back and does the same to Shibata.
Shibata counters back and dropkicks Castagnoli in the corner. Shibata takes Castagnoli down and goes for the cover, but Castagnoli kicks out. Shibata applies an arm-bar, but Castagnoli counters with a side slam. Yuta tags in and he and Castagnoli hit the Fastball Special on Shibata. Yuta goes for the cover, but Shibata kicks out. Shibata comes back with a spinning back fist and works over his ankle and knee. Castagnoli gets in the ring and chops Shibata a few times. Shibata counters Castagnoli and locks him in an ankle lock while keeping Yuta in the hold as well. Castagnoli counters with an up-kick, and then knocks Shibata down which applies the hold deeper on Yuta. Shibata lets go of the hold and tags in Kingston. Kingston delivers a chop and a DDT to Yuta. Kingston follows with a corner clothesline and the machine gun chops. Kingston slams Yuta down and goes for the spinning back fist, but Castagnoli cuts him off.
Shibata sends Castagnoli to the outside and double-teams Yuta with Kingston. Kingston goes for the cover, but Castagnoli comes back in to break it up. Shibata and Castagnoli exchange uppercuts, and then Shibata drops Castagnoli with an overhand right. Shibata and Castagnoli brawl in the floor, and then Castagnoli slams him into the barricade. Castagnoli delivers a pair of running uppercuts against the barricade, and then Yuta drops Kingston with a German suplex and gets a two count. Yuta delivers elbow strikes and slaps Kingston in the face. Kingston slaps Yuta into the corner and Castagnoli tags in. Castagnoli and Kingston exchange shots and Castagnoli delivers a clothesline. Castagnoli goes for the cover, but Kingston kicks out. Castagnoli delivers the hammer-and-anvil elbow strikes and follows with the Neutralizer for a two count.
Castagnoli goes for the Riccola Bomb, but Kingston counters with a spinning back fist. Kingston drops Castagnoli with a Northern Lights Bomb and goes for the cover, but Yuta breaks it up. Kingston delivers the spinning back fist to Yuta and Shibata puts Yuta in a sleeper hold in the ropes. Castagnoli comes back with an uppercut to Kingston and gets the pin fall.
Winners: The Blackpool Combat Club
Singles Match
Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis)
Omega applies a wrist-lock, but Takeshita turns it into one of his own. Omega counters back with a side-headlock, but Takeshita counters into one of his own again. Omega drops Takeshita to a knee, but Takeshita drops Omega with one shot. Omega comes back with a shot of his own, but Takeshita keeps the advantage and sends Omega off the ropes. Omega delivers a few kicks to the face, but Takeshita comes back with a dropkick. Takeshita goes for a jumping knee strike, but Omega blocks it. Omega goes for a suplex, but Takeshita counters with a high-angle back-drop driver. Takeshita slams Omega into the barricade and follows with a kick to the face. Omega comes back with a kick to the midsection, and then delivers a rolling senton on the floor. Omega connects with a moonsault from the barricade and gets him back into the ring. Omega delivers a dropkick to the knee and takes Takeshita down.
Omega applies an Indian Deathlock, but Takeshita delivers a few shots to break the hold. Omega comes back with shots of his own, but Takeshita rakes his eyes. Takeshita runs the ropes and drops Omega with the Takeshita-line. Takeshita delivers a few elbow strikes in the corner, but Omega comes back with a kick to the face. Omega goes for a hurricanrana, but Takeshita holds on and slams him face-first into the turnbuckle. Takeshita takes Omega to the outside and drops him with a brain buster on the floor. Takeshita grabs a few chairs and goes to swing one at Omega, but the referee stops him. Callis grabs the chairs and puts them onto Omega, and then Takeshita connects with a senton over the top rope onto Omega. Takeshita gets Omega back into the ring and kicks him in the face. Takeshita delivers the Blue Thunder Bomb and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out.
Takeshita connects with a senton and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out again. Omega comes back with a few chops and takes advantage with a few more shots. Takeshita comes back with a forearm shot and goes for a running knee, but Omega ducks and Takeshita falls to the floor. Omega delivers more shots to Takeshita on the outside and gets him back into the ring. Omega delivers a missile dropkick and follows with a snap-dragon suplex. Omega delivers a second snap-dragon and follows with a knee strike to the neck. Omega drops Takeshita with a reverse-rana and goes for the cover, but Takeshita kicks out. Omega goes for the V Trigger, but Takeshita shoves him away. They both counter German suplexes and then deliver shots to each other. Omega runs the ropes, but Takeshita ducks under and drops Omega with a clothesline.
Takeshita delivers an elbow strike, but Omega comes back with a power bomb. Omega delivers a knee strike and goes for the cover, but Takeshita kicks out. Omega delivers the V Trigger and goes for the One Winged Angel, but Takeshita counters and slams Omega down. Takeshita goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. They exchange more shots and Omega drops Takeshita with a shot to the head. Omega delivers the V Trigger and climbs with Takeshita on his shoulders. Omega goes for an avalanche One Winged Angel, but Takeshita gets free and drops Omega with an avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb. Takeshita goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Takeshita delivers the Powerdrive Knee and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Callis tries to stab Omega with a screwdriver, but Omega dodges him. Omega delivers a knee strike to Takeshita and follows with the V Trigger.
Omega picks Takeshita up, but Takeshita grabs the screwdriver. The referee sees it and takes it away, but Takeshita gets free. They exchange roll-ups and Takeshita drops Omega with a German suplex. Takeshita delivers a knee strike and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Takeshita drops his knee pad and delivers another knee strike for the pin fall.
Winner: Konosuke Takeshita
Eight-Man Tag Team Match
FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) and The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. Bullet Club Gold (Jay White, Juice Robinson, Colten Gunn, and Austin Gunn)
Harwood and White start the match, but White tags out to Colten. Wheeler tags in, but Colten ducks to the floor. Colten comes right back in and they lock up. Wheeler applies a wrist-lock, but Colten turns it into one of his own. Wheeler counters back and takes Colten down. Colten counters back, but neither man can gain the advantage. Colten kicks Wheeler in the midsection, but Wheeler comes back with a hip-toss and a side-headlock take down. Austin tags in, but Wheeler takes him down with a hurricanrana. Matt tags in and works over Austin, and then Nick tags in and delivers a double stomp. The Bucks double-team Austin, and then do the same to Colten. The Bucks dropkick Austin into the corner and then Harwood tags back in. White tags in and they lock up. White applies a side-headlock and follows with a knee strike. White delivers a few shots to Harwood back and stomps him in the corner.
Harwood comes back with a shot to White, and then Robinson tags in. White distracts Harwood and Robinson takes advantage. Robinson beats Harwood down in the corner and White tags back in. White drives his shoulder into Harwood’s midsection and follows with a chop. Harwood comes back with a chop to White and fights his way out of the corner. Wheeler tags in, and FTR double-team White. Wheeler goes for the cover, but White kicks out at one. Wheeler delivers a chop, but Robinson tags in and takes advantage. Robinson gouges Wheeler’s eyes, and then all eight men get in the ring and brawl. FTR and The Bucks take advantage and eventually lock in quadruple Sharpshooters. Harwood tags back in, but Robinson sends him into the ring post. Robinson gets Harwood back into the ring and tags in Colten. Colten stomps on Harwood and delivers a right hand in the corner.
White tags in and drops Harwood with a snap suplex into the corner. White goes for the cover, but Harwood kicks out. Robinson tags in and keeps Harwood grounded. Harwood fights back, but Colten makes the tag and throws Harwood to the floor. White slams Harwood’s head onto the apron and gets him back into the ring. Colten delivers a dropkick and goes for the cover, but Harwood kicks out. Colten connects with a splash in the corner, but Harwood dodges a second one. Robinson tags in and knocks Wheeler to the floor. White and Austin deliver shots to Harwood in the corner as Robinson taunts The Bucks. Robinson goes for a cannonball senton, but Harwood dodges it and makes the tag to Nick as Austin also tagged in. Nick delivers shots to Robinson, Austin, and Colten and takes them all down. Matt tags in and delivers a superkick to Robinson.
The Bucks double-team Robinson, and then do the same to White and Austin. Matt goes for the cover, but Colten breaks it up. Nick and Colten get sent to the floor, and then Wheeler tags in and gets a roll-up on Austin for a two count. Matt goes for a superkick, but Austin ducks and Matt almost kicks Wheeler. Matt and Wheeler superkick Austin and Colten, but White comes back in. FTR and Matt go for a triple-superkick on White, but he ducks and Nick slams him down. Colten shoves Wheeler to the floor and then Harwood and Matt deliver a spike piledriver to Austin. Harwood goes for the cover, but it’s broken up. Robinson, Austin, and White all get sent to the outside, and then Harwood superplexes Austin to the mat. Wheeler splashes onto Austin, Matt drops an elbow, and then Nick hits a 450 splash. Harwood goes for the cover, but Robinson pulls him to the floor.
Nick kicks Robinson in the face, Nick gets sent into the ring post, White and Harwood get dropped with shots, and then Matt dives onto Colten. Harwood runs the ropes, but Austin rolls him up for a two count. Harwood comes back and slams him down, and then White tags in and delivers chops to Harwood. Harwood comes back with chops of his own and drops White with a lariat. FTR go for Shatter Machine on White, but Robinson breaks it up. Harwood and Nick hit Shatter Machine on Austin, and then Nick dives onto Robinson on the outside. Harwood and Matt hit the BTE Trigger on White and Harwood goes for the cover, but Colten breaks it up. Matt sends Colten to the floor, but Colten drops him with a Famouser. Harwood delivers a right hand to Colten. White goes for the Bladerunner, but Wheeler tags in, as does Colten. White drops Wheeler with the Bladerunner and Colten gets the pin fall.
Winners: Bullet Club Gold
AEW International Championship Match
Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley
Moxley drops Cassidy with an elbow strike and chops him in the corners. Moxley follows with right hands and bites Cassidy’s head. Cassidy comes back with a dropkick and goes for the Orange Punch, but Moxley ducks and suplexes him across the ring a few times. Moxley delivers a right hand and beats Cassidy into the corner. Cassidy comes back with a few elbow strikes and slams Moxley’s face into the turnbuckle a few times. Cassidy connects with a diving cross-body, but Moxley rolls through and stomps on Cassidy’s head. Cassidy comes back with Stundog Millionaire and sends Moxley into the barricade with a dive. Cassidy gets Moxley back into the ring and goes for a DDT, but Moxley counters and slams him down. Moxley stomps on Cassidy’s head and tosses him to the floor. Moxley slams Cassidy into the ring post, and Cassidy has been busted open.
Moxley puts Cassidy on the announce table and delivers right hands to the open wound. Moxley bites Cassidy’s head and gets back into the ring. Cassidy gets back in at the six count, but Moxley drops him with an inverted piledriver. Moxley goes for the cover, but Cassidy breaks it up. Moxley chokes Cassidy with his wrist tape and bites his head again. Moxley delivers cross-face shots to Cassidy and follows with headbutts. Cassidy comes back with right hands, but Moxley knocks him down in the corner. Moxley chokes Cassidy with his boot and puts him up top. Moxley climbs as well and delivers more headbutts. Cassidy comes back and rakes Moxley’s back and then bites his head. Cassidy delivers an elbow strike and drops him with a diving DDT. Cassidy follows with another DDT and delivers an Orange Punch. Cassidy goes for the cover, but Moxley counters into the Bulldog Choke.
Moxley transitions into the LeBell Lockand goes back to the Bulldog Choke, but Cassidy makes it to the ropes. Moxley rips up the padding on the floor and drags Cassidy over. Moxley goes for a piledriver on the concrete, but Cassidy counters and delivers Beach Break. Cassidy dropkicks Moxley into the ring steps and gets back into the ring. Moxley gets back into the ring at the nine count, but Cassidy delivers the Orange Punch. Cassidy delivers another and goes for a third, but Moxley counters with a cutter. Cassidy comes back with a third Orange Punch and follows with a Spear. Cassidy goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets and delivers his kicks to Moxley. Cassidy delivers harder kicks to Moxley’s face, but Moxley drops him with the King Kong Lariat. Cassidy gets right back up, but Moxley delivers two more and goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out.
Moxley delivers Death Rider and goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out again. Cassidy flips Moxley off and Moxley drops him with a high-angle Death Rider for the pin fall.
Winner and new AEW International Champion: Jon Moxley
-After the match, Moxley grabs the title and leaves the ring as the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club come out to help him to the back. The BCC head backstage as Cassidy lies in the ring. Cassidy gets to his feet and the crowd cheers for him as the show comes to a close.