WWE Smackdown Report – 8/18

Aug 18, 2023 - by Staff

– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown on FOX opens live from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as Kevin Patrick welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by Michael Cole and Corey Graves. They hype tonight’s show.

– We go right to the ring and Mike Rome introduces Grayson Waller, who is already out for another edition of The Grayson Waller Effect.

Waller welcomes us and talks about tonight’s celebration for WWE Hall of Famer Edge. Waller then introduces his guests from The LWO – Santos Escobar and 2023 WWE Hall of Famer & new WWE United States Champion Rey Mysterio. They head to the ring and we see that Escobar is wearing a knee brace due to last week’s attack by Austin Theory. We get a video showing what led to Mysterio winning the title from Theory last week.

Mysterio and Waller sit while Escobar stands. Fans chant “619!” as Waller congratulates Rey and asks how he’s feeling. Rey says it feels good to be WWE United States Champion again. Waller mentions how Escobar must feel great also. Rey says they spoiled Theory’s plan last week. Waller says so they must be co-champions. Rey says no, but what’s important is the title belongs to The LWO. Waller stirs the pot and says Rey stole the title from Santos. Rey says this is not true.

Waller says this is what Legends do on SmackDown… Rey wasn’t ready to pass the torch because he’s selfish. Santos tells Waller to shut up. Santos is only angry with Theory. Santos says he gave Rey his blessing as he has nothing but respect for his friend and mentor. Santos sees what Waller is trying to do but it won’t work because he and Rey are family. Santos says Theory got what he deserved and once Santos is fully healed… the music interrupts and out comes Waller to boos as Santos and Rey standby.

Theory sarcastically congratulates Rey and knocks him for being a bad father. Theory says last week was a travesty. He says Santos wasn’t man enough to step up last week. Theory demands Adam Pearce come out and hand him back the title. Theory yells for Pearce and out he comes. Pearce had a feeling Theory would call him out, and nobody wants to hear that. The music hits and out comes LA Knight right behind Pearce. LA gets a massive pop from the crowd.

LA wants to talk to you. Fans pop again. LA dismisses Theory saying he was the greatest United States Champion and knocks him for how he barely defended. LA congratulates Rey and says he doesn’t care who has the title because it will be coming to him eventually. LA proposes a match with Theory, and says it should be for a shot at Rey’s title. Pearce says he can’t argue with that, and the only thing he can say to make it better is to have the match right now. LA agrees and insults Theory for another pop from the crowd. LA heads to the ring as Theory looks on and we go to commercial.

– Back from the break and the announcers hype today’s WrestleMania 40 ticket sales.

#1 Contenders Match: LA Knight vs. Austin Theory

We go back to the ring and LA Knight is waiting, as is Austin Theory. The bell rings but the music interrupts and out comes The Miz. He joins the announcers for commentary.

LA and Theory go at it now. Theory unloads into the corner but LA turns it around. They go on trading offense. LA drops Theory and drops an elbow from the middle rope. LA keeps control and hits a powerslam but Theory hangs on. LA gets sent to the floor, and Theory follows, keeping the attack going while Miz praises him. LA rocks Theory with a back elbow, then slams his face into the announce table over and over.

LA sends Theory back in, then turns to have words with Miz. LA turns back around to Theory decking him from the apron. Theory slams LA’s face into the table now while Miz talks trash. LA blocks a shot and sends Theory into the announce table, then into Miz. LA stands tall for a pop as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and LA drops Theory with a shoulder, then rolls him up for 2. Theory sends LA into the turnbuckles face-first and then hits the rolling dropkick for a 2 count. We see how Miz and Theory celebrated during the break after Theory turned it around on LA and sent him into the steel ring steps.

Theory with more offense on LA now. Theory rolls in from the apron but LA side-steps and slams him from mid-air. Fans rally for LA now as he turns it around. LA with an inverted neckbreaker from the corner. LA goes on and nails a running boot to the face for a 2 count.

LA stomps away in the corner now to “Yeah!” chants. LA with a running knee for a big pop. Theory fights back and calls for ATL Down but LA blocks him and slams him in the middle of the ring. LA goes for his signature elbow drop but he has to stop and swing at Miz on the apron.

Theory tries to take advantage but LA counters with a big DDT. LA ends up chasing Miz out and back in, then knocks him over the top rope to the floor. Theory takes advantage and rolls LA up for the pin to win using a handful of tights.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Austin Theory

– After the match, Theory stands tall as the music hits. LA stands in the ring and has words with Miz, who is yelling at him from the ramp.

– We get a video for WWE Hall of Famer Edge and his 25th Anniversary Celebration. The video features the following Superstars thanking and congratulating Edge – John Cena, Sheamus, Natalya, The Miz, Charlotte Flair, Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Sami Zayn. We go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and the announcers show us a video package of highlights from Edge’s career, which includes older comments from fellow Hall of Famers and Legends such as Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Steve Austin, Randy Orton, and Batista. The video also shows Cody Rhodes, Natalya, Sami Zayn and others doing Edge’s signature pose. Fans in the arena chant for Edge now as Graves hypes tonight’s main event.

WWE Women’s Champion IYO SKY and Bayley vs. Charlotte Flair and Bianca Belair

We go back to the stage and the Damage CTRL music hits as Bayley and Dakota Kai are out. Bayley calls for the music to be cut, then insults the crowd before giving WWE Women’s Champion IYO SKY a grand introduction. SKY and Bayley head to the ring with Kai, then they all pose on the apron. The announcers point to how this is SKY’s first match since winning the title at SummerSlam. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Michael Cole hypes up Kayla Braxton’s interview with Paul Heyman for an update on The Bloodline later tonight. We go back to the ring and Bayley is yelling at Cole. The music hits and out first comes Bianca Belair for her team. Charlotte Flair is out next to big pyro and a pop. We see what happened at SummerSlam with Flair vs. Belair vs. Asuka and SKY’s Money In the Bank cash-in. The bell hits as Bayley starts off with Belair.

Bayley slams Belair first and covers for a 1 count. Belair kips-up. They lock up again and Belair applies a headlock. The crowd sings to Bayley and she tells them to shut up. Belair knocks Bayley down into their corner, then tags in Flair to keep control. Flair stomps away on Bayley in the corner. Bayley tries to fight back but Flair nails a big kick. Flair goes on but Bayley rocks her and tags in SKY. Bayley holds Flair while SKY chops her.

Flair comes back and ends up booting SKY off the apron to the floor. Flair dives off the apron with a flip onto Bayley and SKY, taking them both down at ringside. Flair stands tall for a pop as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Bayley is going at it with Flair. Flair goes up top but Bayley slams her to the mat for a 2 count. SKY tags in and kicks Flair while Bayley holds her. SKY and Flair tangle now. SKY takes Flair down into a Crossface but she quickly escapes. SKY goes for a double underhook suplex but Flair back-drops her.

Flair crawls to make a tag but SKY knocks Belair off the apron. They go on and SKY dropkicks Flair for a 2 count. Belair finally tags in to a pop. She runs wild on SKY as fans cheer her on. Belair with a vertical suplex, then she mounts her in the corner with punches as fans count along. Bayley attacks but Belair fights them both off. Bayley tangles with Belair, allowing SKY to dropkick Belair’s knee out. Bayley tags in and spikes Belair’s hurt knee for 2. More back and forth between Bayley and Belair now. SKY runs in but Belair drops them with a DDT and neckbreaker combo.

Flair finally tags in and hits a big crossbody on SKY. Flair fights both off and drops Bayley, then kips-up. Flair with a big lariat to Bayley for 2. Fans chant for Flair now. Flair goes up top but she’s shoved to the floor, and now clutching her knee. Bayley works her over and rolls her back in for 2. SKY tags in but misses the moonsault as Flair moves. SKY then nails an uppercut but misses the running charge into the corner as Flair moves.

Bayley tags in and gets decked with a stiff right as she tries to use the Figure Four on Flair. Belair tags back in as Flair boots Bayley in the back, sending her right into Belair’s KOD in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winners: Charlotte Flair and Bianca Belair

– After the match, Flair and Belair stand tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Damage CTRL regroups as Flair and Belair look on.

– We get another video package on Edge with congratulatory messages from Superstars and his fellow Hall of Famers – AJ Styles, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Ricochet, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Rey Mysterio, Kevin Owens, Kurt Angle.

The Street Profits vs. The O.C.

We go back to the ring and out comes The Street Profits – Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. They are wearing new ring attire. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Cathy Kelley is with Bianca Belair in the back, asking if tonight’s win felt like payback. Damage CTRL suddenly attacks and beats Belair down now. They wrap a steel chair around Belair’s hurt knee, then smashes it again. Damage CTRL retreats as officials tend to Belair and she screams out in pain. We go back to the ring and out comes The O.C. – Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson with Mia Yim.

The bell hits and Ford starts off with Gallows. Gallows unloads and takes it to the corner. Anderson then tags in as they double team Ford in their corner, keeping him down.

Dawkins tags in and goes at it with Anderson now. Dawkins unloads and knocks Gallows off the apron. Dawkins with a big Frogsplash to Anderson but Gallows makes the save. Ford and Gallows go at it now, and Gallows is sent out.

The Profits double team Anderson but he counters. Gallows tags in and they hit a version of the Magic Killer on Dawkins for 2. They go for the Magic Killer but Dawkins kicks them away, sending Gallows to the floor.

Ford ends up flying out onto Gallows. The Profits go on and hit the sit-out powerbomb neckbreaker combo on Anderson in the middle of the ring. Ford covers for the pin to win.

Winners: The Street Profits

– After the match, the music hits and we go to replays as Ford and Dawkins stand tall. We come back to The Profits on the stage now. The music hits and out comes Bobby Lashley. Lashley celebrates the win with Ford and Dawkins.

– Paul Heyman is shown backstage, and he appears to be in deep thought. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and tonight’s Progressive Match Flo replay looks back at what happened with The Bloodline on last week’s post-SummerSlam edition of SmackDown.

– Paul Heyman is backstage when Kayla Braxton approaches him. She asks if he has an update on the status of The Bloodline. Heyman says no. Braxton says she sees how this interview is going to go. Braxton asks about rumors now. Heyman can’t believe Kayla is asking him about rumors. Are these about the cousins of Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Are these rumors about Jey Uso quitting WWE? Or how about the rumors on your family, Kayla… how is your mother? Heyman heard rumors about her. How about your daddy and cousins? Heyman goes on ranting but then stops to take a phone call. The person on the other end tells Heyman something interesting, then hangs up on him. Braxton asks Heyman if he wants to share what he was just told. Heyman says this is a spoiler, not a rumor… Jimmy Uso will be live on SmackDown next week. Braxton asks Heyman if he’d like to share his source. Heyman says he’d love to but even he would not dare. Heyman walks off.

Edge vs. Sheamus

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out comes The Brawling Brutes – Sheamus with Ridge Holland and Butch. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sheamus paces in the ring as everyone waits for the music to hit. WWE Hall of Famer Edge then makes his way out to a big pop. He poses on the stage as the pyro goes off. Edge greets people at ringside, including his wife, WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix and their kids. Edge hits the ring now and stares Sheamus down as the bell rings.

Sheamus and Edge lock up and tangle, then Edge drops him with a shoulder. They lock up again and Sheamus applies a headlock, then drops Edge with a shoulder.

Fans are already chanting “This is awesome!” as they continue going at it. Sheamus takes control and drops Edge with the Irish Curse backbreaker. We go back to commercial while Edge is down.

Back from the break and Edge is fighting Sheamus off. Edge almost botches a springboard back elbow for a 2 count. Edge keeps control with more offense but Sheamus hangs on. Edge goes on and powerbombs Sheamus off the apron to the floor, and he hits hard.

Edge brings it back in and flies off the top with a high crossbody for another close 2 count. Sheamus blocks the Edge-ucator or Sharpshooter by kicking Edge away. Sheamus with a big slam now. Fans rally for Edge, and he blocks 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Edge fights back in and delivers knee strikes as fans count along.

Sheamus is sent to the apron now. Edge runs the ring and sends Sheamus to the floor with a big Spear. Edge also lands on the floor and we go to commercial with both Superstars down at ringside as a concerned Phoenix looks on.

Back from the break and Sheamus has Edge down in the Cloverleaf submission as fans rally. Edge turns this into a Crossface. Sheamus drags them to the bottom rope and finally gets it to break the hold.

Edge and Sheamus slowly get up and Edge runs into a big boot. Sheamus pulls himself to the top but Edge rocks him. Edge climbs up for a superplex and hits it. Edge immediately hits the Edge-ucution but Sheamus kicks out just in time. Fans chant “you still got it!” now. Edge goes back to the top but Sheamus decks him with a big pump kick. Sheamus pounds on Edge and climbs up for a super White Noise as Phoenix looks on. Sheamus then follows-up with a Celtic Cross in the middle of the ring but Edge kicks out just in time. Sheamus can’t believe it.

Edge crawls to the apron but Sheamus delivers 10 Beats of the Bodhrán, right in front of Edge’s family. Edge won’t go down, and this angers Sheamus so he pounds on Edge with more Beats of the Bodhrán. Sheamus grabs Edge and talks some trash but Edge connects and avoids a Brogue Kick by nailing a clothesline. Edge prepares for the Spear but Sheamus intercepts him with a big knee, then a Brogue Kick. Edge still hangs in there.

Sheamus readies for another Brogue Kick but Edge ducks it and comes right back with a big Spear. Sheamus kicks out and Edge can’t believe it. They both slowly get back up and look to connect with their finishers but Edge strikes first with a Spear for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Edge

– After the match, Edge stands tall to a big ovation from the crowd as the music hits and we get a quick replay. Edge plays to the crowd now as pyro goes off. Edge and Sheamus hug in the middle of the ring as fans cheer them on. SmackDown abruptly goes off the air with almost two minutes to go, while Edge and Sheamus embrace.

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