Sol Ruca injured

WWE NXT Superstar Sol Ruca is currently injured.
As seen below, Tuesday’s NXT Spring Breakin’ episode featured a segment where the NXT Anonymous Twitter account filmed a sneak attack on Ruca as she left the WWE Performance Center. Ruca’s friend Dani Palmer rushed to assist and was told to call for help. This is in line with the recent storyline sneak attacks on Wendy Choo and Nikkita Lyons.
In an update, a new report from the Wrestling Observer notes that Ruca is legitimately injured, which is why they did the sneak attack. She is reportedly dealing with a torn ACL.
“There’s a lot of injuries there [NXT]. It’s funny because a lot of people are blaming the strength training for the injuries, that they are doing heavy lifts as opposed to strengthening surrounding muscles to prevent injuries,” Dave Meltzer said. He continued, “When you are doing heavy stuff like that, the knees and the shoulders both can take a beating doing heavy one rep maxes or heavy, heavy weights, heavy squats, obviously, and they do that too, they have squat competitions there too. It sounds good but people have brought up to me there’s a lot of injuries, especially on the women’s side, there’s a lot of women’s injuries right now in NXT.”
WWE officials have been high up on Ruca and her in-ring work since signing her in March 2022 out of the University of Oregon, where she competed on the Acrobatics & Tumbling team.
Ruca last wrestled at the April 14 NXT live event in Largo, FL, where she and Palmer defeated Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson. Her last TV match was a loss to Tiffany Stratton on April 11.
Ruca has not publicly commented on the injury as of this writing.