AEW Dynamite 4/19/23

Join us tonight for updates from the latest episode from AEW! AEW hails from Pittsburgh, PA tonight.
The show begins with Jungle Boy, Jack Perry entering the arena in street clothes. Perry soaks in the sing along. Before he can start his promo, Sami Guevara enters. He is not enjoying the same fan reaction. Sami starts talking and right on cue, Darby Allin enters. They are known as the 4 pillars of AEW, along with MJF. Darby makes fun of Sami for being a whipping boy for Chris Jericho. He tells Sami if he has a problem with that, he should come to talk to his equal, his partner, Sting. Darby says Perry worked the least to get to the top. He is part of the California group. Darby says nothing about Perry intimidates him. Perry goes on a tirade about Darby’s horrible attitude and disposition. He then calls him a failed skate boarder. Perry says he thinks Sami is a dirtbag, but he respects him more than Darby. Sami tells Jack he is just as big of a jerk as MJF. Sami hates Darby, but he at least had to struggle to get his spot on the roster. They all then explain why they will be the next World Champion. Enter AEW World Champion, MJF. He immediately attacks Pittsburgh and knocks Britt Baker. MJF then says there will be a Pillars Tournament. The winner will face him at Double or Nothing. Darby gets a bye in the first round. Sami and Perry will face each other tonight.
Match 1. The Outcasts, Toni Storm and Rubi Soho (with Saraya) VS AEW Women’s World Champion, Jamie Hater and Britt Baker
The match starts on the ramp and eventually gets to the ring. Hater takes out Storm and Rubi, whipping them around the ring and double suplexing them. Saraya interferes and Hater doesn’t care. She takes her out too. Back in the ring, Storm finally connects with a forearm and then lays in some kicks from the apron. We go to break. We return to see the hot tag to Baker. He starts with a sling blade and superkick on Storm. She then face plants Storm in the corner. She calls for the lock jaw. Soho interferes. Baker hits an air raid. Hater disposes of Soho. The two work together to beat on Storm. Soho finally makes the save and dumps Hater. Baker gets hit with a belt from Saraya. Storm piledrives her. Baker kicks out at two. Storm throws Hater into the steps. Soho mounts the turnbuckle, Britt knocks her off and hits a Panama Sunrise for a two count. Baker hits a curb stomp and locks on the lockjaw. Soho taps.
Winners. Britt Baker and Jamie Hater
Wardlow is interviewed backstage. He calls in Arn Anderson out to have his back. Arn says he and Wardlow will now start playing chess, not checkers.
The Elite enter the arena next in street clothes. (Kenny Omega, Matt and Nick Jackson) Omega is very upset and it all has to do with the Blackpool Combat Club. He calls them out to the ring. Brian Danielson goes on the jumbo tron, setting up The BCC to jump them from behind. They brawl all over the floor. Jon Moxley and Omega go at it, while Wheeler Yuta works on the injured arm of Matt Jackson. Claudio Castagnoli powerbombs Nick Jackson. Mox hits a death rider on Omega. Danielson walks out on the mic. Don Callis comes out with a chair, then looked around and ran off. Danielson verbally runs down everyone, then pulls out a screw driver. Konosuke Takeshita comes in to protect Omega. They overcome the BCC. Callis raises their hand, as Omega looks confused.
Match 2. Wardlow (with Arn Anderson) VS TNT Champion, Powerhouse Hobbs (with QT Marshall)
Wardlow drives Hobbs to the corner and then Hobbs hits three belly to belly suplexes in a row. The fight spills to the floor. Hobbs gets whipped in the barricade. Wardlow lariats him over the railing. Wardlow then tosses him back over the barricade. We go to break. Wardlow hits a senton bomb on Hobbs as we return to action. The two get to their feet and trade blows for about a minute. Hobbs goes down from a clothesline and then again off several suplexes. QT attacks Wardlow, but Hobbs could only get a two count. Arn confronts QT and QT runs. Penta chases him from the back. He ends up eating a Arn Anderson DDT. Wardlow powerbombs Hobbs 3 times. It is over and he gets the pin.
Winner and now a 3 time TNT Champion, Wardlow
Christian Cage and Luchasaurus enter the arena post match. They glare at Wardlow.
MJF injects himself in Sami Guevara interview backstage. MJF tries to convince him he will give money and a blank check to lose tonight. Sami hugs MJF with the ridiculous amount Sami wrote on the blank check.
Match 3. Komander VS Jay White (Bullet Club Gold, with Juice Robinson)
They shake hands to begin. Komander is blindsided immediately by Jay and Juice on the outside. Shawn Spears is shown in the crowd. Komander quickly recovers and bounces around the ring and scissors White to the floor. He misses a moonsault to the floor. White faceplants him on the apron. White seems distracted by Shawn Spears. White takes some chops and kicks from Komander. He gets a two count off a nice pinning rollup. White loses it and lariats Komander violently. Jay goes to the top, Komander follows. Jay rakes eyes, but Komander knocks him to the floor. Komander walked the entire rope, jumps to the other rope and springs himself in to a breathtaking moonsault to the floor. That was nuts. He then hits a rope walk shooting star for a two count. Another two count off a spring board Phoenix splash. He then locks on a arm hyperextending lock. White reverse it into a cut throat suplex. After a spike reverse spinning DDT it is over.
Winner by pinfall, Jay White.
Shawn Spears attacks Juice post match. Jay and Juice gain a numbers advantage until Ricky Starks makes the save.
FTR find out Mark Briscoe has been attacked backstage. Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett agree to team with FTR to gain some retribution for Mark.
Chris Jericho enters the arena. Adam Cole enters next. These two have been one upping each other the last few weeks. Cole says he idolized and looked up to him growing up. He says it is cool to be in the ring with him. They shake hands. Jericho then says he has no respect for him. He says Cole is lucky he doesn’t slap his face. Cole then calls him a jack–f. Everyone chants jackoff. He calls him an ego maniac or one of the best ever. Cole then calls him a stupid idiot, in reference to his WWE days. Cole then says, so now what? Jericho says he is not a jackoff. He then warns Cole to leave. They come to blows. Daniel Garcia jumps Cole. Britt Baker enters and pulls off Jericho. She slaps Jericho. The Outcast enter and jump Britt Baker. They handcuff Cole to the bottom rope and The Outcast beat on Baker. Jericho gets a kendo stick and hands it to Saraya, who beats on Baker. Baker is left a mess in the ring.
We get a Hardy Boys backstage promo. They hype seeing them in person Friday.
Match 4. Jake Hager, Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang (The JAC) VS The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, Billy Gunn
The JAC don’t let the Acclaim finish the rap entrance. They fight off the JAC and a scissor me daddy chant starts. After a scissor me timbers, we get the scissor and go to break. Back Gunn misses a famouser and Hager slams him. Anthony Bowens tags in with Cool Hand. Ang hits Bowens with a loaded object. He then hits Hager by accident. Gunn grabs it and destroys the object. Max Caster hits a top rope elbow after a Bowens slam. It is over.
Winners. The Acclaim and Billy Gunn
Match 5. Sami Guevara VS Jungle Boy, Jack Perry (Pillars Tournament)
MJF paid Sami to take a dive. Perry attacks him just the Sami, and Sami fights back and doesn’t seem to be going down without a fight. They take turns taking flight on each other off the top. Sami hits a Spanish Fly off the top. Darby Allin watch from the rafters. They trade knee strikes and kicks. Sami then hits another Spanish fly to the floor. Back from break, they are trading chops in the center of the ring. Jack gets the best of the exchange. He then kicks Sami and power bombs him on the apron. Jack then hits a destroyer off the top rope. That was insane. He heads back to the top. Sami is groggy, but knocks Jack off the ropes. Sami hits a cutter off the top rope and then a implant DDT. That was narly. Sami mises a GTH then hits a ranna. Jack then levels Sami, but can’t make the pin. Perry looks a bit depleted after that implant DDT. They trade blows from their knees. They get to their feet. Perry locks on the snare trap. Sami gets to the ropes. Perry ends up on the top rope. Sami runs up and drop kicks him. Perry flies out to the floor, he barely missed the barricade and landed on his head on a table. Perry stops the refs count. MJF runs out and levels Perry.
Perry gets times out.
MJF and Sami hug post match. This was a total set obviously. Sami bows to MJF and MJF bows back. The show ends.