Hangman Page says Jay Briscoe was his favorite singles opponent

Hangman Adam Page recently shares his memories of the late Jay Briscoe, noting that Jay was his favorite singles opponent. The former AEW World Champion was one of the people who appeared on Talk is Jericho this week to discuss Jay’s life and legacy. You can see a couple of highlights below, per Wrestling Inc:
On facing Jay in the ring:
“After all this, I’ve thought about it a lot and I think Jay is probably my favorite singles opponent I’ve ever had. I wouldn’t say he’s the best technical wrestler in the world, I wouldn’t say any of those specific kinds of things. But I just loved wrestling him. It felt like home as far as wrestling goes.”
On the Briscoes’ intensity in the ring:
“There’s only a handful of guys I’ve wrestled who I feel like will beat the absolute dogsh*t out of you in such a good way. It brings something else out of you and makes it, in the moment, feel like a fight… [The Briscoes] were that way — Jay, especially.”