1/6/23 AEW Rampage Recap
The opening credits roll. Chris Jericho Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Portland, Oregon.
Match #1 – Tag Team Match: The Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin and Darius Martin)
Moxley gets taken out with a dive to start the match, and then Danielson takes Dante our with a dive as well. Moxley and Darius get in the ring as the bell rings, and then Darius takes the momentum and takes Moxley to the corner. Dante tags in and connects on a senton. Dante goes for a sunset flip, but Moxley stays up and tags in Danielson. Danielson kicks Dante into the corner and then delivers corner chops and kicks. Danielson sends Dante across and delivers a running kick to the head. Danielson delivers more chops and kicks and sets him up top. Danielson climbs and delivers right hands and tries a hurricanrana. Dante lands on his feet and drops Danielson with a dropkick. Darius tags in and delivers a dropkick, but Moxley tags in. Darius delivers a dropkick to Moxley, as well, but Moxley comes back with a kick of his own. All four men get into the ring now and Danielson brawls with Darius as Moxley brawls with Dante. Danielson kicks Darius in the corner as Moxley takes Dante to the outside and slams him into the barricade. Danielson takes Darius to the outside and slams him into the barricade as Moxley puts Dante on a chair and kicks him in the face.
Danielson and Moxley double dropkick Darius against the barricade and get Dante back into the ring. Danielson puts Dante in the Romero Special and then grinds at his face. Danielson applies the dragon sleeper and then delivers elbow strikes. Danielson delivers a chop and tags in Moxley. Moxley kicks Dante in the chest a few times and then takes him to the corner. Moxley puts Dante up top and delivers a superplex. Moxley goes for the cover, but Dante kicks out. Moxley goes for an arm-bar and tags in Danielson. Danielson stomps on Dante’s face as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Moxley stomps on Dante and Danielson tags back in. Moxley and Danielson double-team Dante with kicks to his chest and back. He blocks the last one and Danielson and Moxley knock shins. Darius tags in and delivers chops to Moxley and Danielson. Darius delivers an uppercut to Moxley and sends Danielson into him in the corner. Darius delivers an enzuigiri to Moxley, but Danielson comes back with a chop. Danielson slaps Darius in the face and delivers kicks to his chest. Darius blocks the last one and delivers chops and shots to Danielson. Danielson runs the ropes, but Darius drops him with a Spanish Fly. Moxley tags in and tosses Darius to the apron. Darius comes back in with a Flatliner and tags in Dante. Dante drops Moxley with a springboard senton and goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Darius drops Danielson with a DDT and Dante slams Moxley down. Dante goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Dante connects with a frog splash and goes for the cover, but Moxley rolls over and delivers the hammer-and-anvil elbow strikes. Moxley goes for the King Kong Lariat, but Dante rolls through and gets a two count on a roll-up.
Moxley delivers the King Kong Lariat this time and goes for the cover, but Dante kicks out. Dante slaps Moxley in the face, but Moxley takes him to the corner. Danielson tags in and Moxley gets sent to the floor. Darius tags in and he and Dante deliver shots to Danielson and Moxley. Danielson delivers the running knee strike to Darius and goes for the cover, but Dante breaks it up. Darius gets a roll-up for a two count, but Danielson comes back with a few kicks to the head. Moxley takes Dante down with a double sledge on the floor and Danielson stomps on Darius repeatedly in the ring. Danielson locks in a submission, but Darius is already out.
Winners: The Blackpool Combat Club
Adam Page cuts a promo backstage. He has his clearance papers from the doctors, but he said he was getting ready to knock Moxley’s ass out in the parking lot anyway. Page says he wants Moxley to remember every single second of what happens to him on Wednesday and will do whatever it takes to make sure he does.
Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Jamie Hayter (w/Rebel) vs. The Renegades (Charlette Renegade and Robyn Renegade)
Baker and Hayter attack The Renegades at the bell and Baker takes Charlette to the outside and slams her into the barricade. Hayter and Robyn go at it in the ring, and Robyn dropkicks Hayter into the corner. Robyn delivers a back elbow in the corner and delivers another dropkick. Robyn goes for the cover, but Hayter kicks out. Charlette tags in and The Renegades double team Hayter in the corner. Hayter comes back and sends Robyn to the apron, but Charlette delivers more shots and takes Hayter down. Robyn tags back in and The Renegades go for a double suplex, but Hayter counters and delivers one of her own. Hayter slams Robyn into the corner and chokes her with her boot. Baker tags in and delivers forearm shots against the ropes. Robyn comes back with a shot, but Baker delivers more forearm shots. Robyn fires back with forearms of her own, but Baker sends her off the ropes and drops her with a Slingblade. Baker goes for the cover, but Robyn kicks out as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Hayter delivers forearm shots to Robyn in the corner. Robyn comes back with a kick to the face and then delivers an enzuigiri. Baker and Charlette tag in, and Charlette drops her with a few slams. Charlette drops Hayter as well, and then delivers a spine-buster to Baker. Charlette delivers a fisherman’s suplex with a bridge, but Baker kicks out at two. They exchange forearm shots and Baker connects with a kick to the midsection. Baker slams Charlette with a double under-hook slam and goes for the cover, but RObyn breaks it up. Hayter comes in with the Hate Breaker to Robyn, and then she and Baker double-team Charlette with elbow strikes. Baker drops Charlette with a neck-breaker, Hayter follows with the low clothesline, and Baker gets the pin fall after the stomp.
Winners: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Jamie Hayter
The House of Black cut a promo. Malakai Black says he once knew a man who did everything through a scope of violence, but now asks him why he does things by breaking the rule. He is talking about Eddie Kingston, and says the Kingston now is not the Kingston he knew and loved. Brody King says Kingston has kept them waiting and Julia Hart says they are here to help Kingston.
Match #3 – Singles Match: Preston Vance (w/Jose the Assistant) vs. Sonico
Vance shoves Sonico away, and Sonico comes back with achops and slams to the chest. Vance drops him with a spine-buster and applies a Full Nelson. Vance lets go of the hold and drops Sonico with a discus lariat for the pin fall.
Winner: Preston Vance
-After the match, Vance rips the mask off of Sonico and walks over his back before leaving the ring. Vance and Jose then drag Sonico up the ramp.
An interview with Renee Paquette and Darby Allin from Wednesday airs, but he was interrupted by The Kingdom. Mike Bennett says he is happy for Allin, and Allin doesn’t seem to have an entitlement issue. Bennett challenged him to a match for tonight, and Allin accepted.
Match #4 – AEW TNT Championship Match: Darby Allin (c) vs. Mike Bennett (w/Maria Kanellis-Bennett and Matt Taven)
Bennett shoves Allin away, but Allin comes back with a side-headlock. Bennett gets free and takes Allin down, but Allin comes back with a side-headlock again. Bennett turns it into a wrist-lock, but Allin goes behind for a hammer-lock. Bennett backs Allin into the corner, but Allin comes back with a side-headlock take down. Bennett gets up and backs Allin into the corner, and then sets him up top. Bennett chops Allin, but Allin slaps him in the face and they exchange shots. Bennett kicks Allin in the knee and sends him to the floor. Bennett throws Allin into the barricade and kicks him in the face. Bennett throws Allin into the barricade again and delivers another shot. Taven gives Bennett extra momentum on a charge, but Allin dodges and Bennett hits the barricade. Allin delivers a few shots, but Bennett delivers a right hand. Allin comes back with a kick to Bennett and then dives onto Taven. Bennett drops Allin to the floop from the apron with a Russian leg-sweep as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Allin and Bennett exchange shots in the ring. Bennett drops Allin with a right hand and follows with a Death Valley Driver. Bennett goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Allin comes back with a back drop, but Bennett holds onto him with goes for an arm-bar. Allin rolls through and gets to the ropes, and then goes to the floor. Allin pulls Bennett to the floor and slams him into the barricade. Allin grabs a chair and goes after Taven and then sets the chair up on the floor. Allin puts Bennett in the chair and delivers forearm shots. Allin goes up top and dropkicks Bennett in the chair. Allin gets Bennett back into the ring and goes up top. Maria gets in the ring and crawls on top of Bennett, and then Allin climbs back down and smiles at her. Allin goes back up top, but Taven delivers an enzuigiri as Maria gets out of the ring. Bennett slams Allin down and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Bennett drags Allin to the corner and sets him up top. Bennett delivers a chop and sets up for an avalanche pile driver, but Allin counters and slams Bennett’s head into the turnbuckle a few times. Allin hits an avalanche Code Red, and then follows with the Coffin Drop for the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TNT Champion: Darby Allin