Updates on Chelsea Green and Alberto Del Rio

Dec 21, 2022 - by Steve Gerweck

– During a recent interview on Ten Count, former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio revealed whether or not he has spoken to Triple H regarding a return to the company. He said “To be honest I haven’t talked to the new administration, I did when John Laurinaitis was around and a couple of phone calls that didn’t go anywhere and then you know it happened what happened. We have a new administration doing fantastic things.”

– It has been rumored for quite some time that Chelsea Green may return to WWE under the new Triple H regime. She now seems to have deactivated her OnlyFans accounts which has now added more fuel to the fire. Her page now reads ‘Sorry this page is not available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.’ Its yet to be confirmed whether or not her page is down for another reason or if she did indeed remove it herself.

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