12/21/22 AEW Dynamite: Holiday Bash Recap
The opening credits roll. Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from San Antonio, Texas.
The show opens with footage of MJF retaining the AEW World Championship over Ricky Starks last week, followed by Bryan Danielson returning and chasing MJF away from ringside. Starks’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring. Starks says he lost last week and he should’ve known better. He says he lost like a man while Maxwell won like a coward. Starks says he was close to beating MJF and there will be a next time between them. Starks says this is just the start and if that means he has to work his way back up to a title shot, then line them up so he can knock them down. Starks says he will the man around here, because he is Absolute. Chris Jericho’s music hits and he makes his way to the stage with Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara. Jericho says he has been watching Starks for a long time and he did come close to winning the title last week. Jericho says Starks is a million-dollar talent and will be a World Champion someday, but he is not ready yet. Jericho says he, Guevara, and Garcia think Starks has everything it takes to be successful in AEW, but he needs a little influence and advice from him. Jericho says they talked about it and they want Starks to join the Jericho Appreciation Society. Starks says he likes that Jericho can stay relevant and can reinvent himself constantly. Starks says Jericho has gone from looking like an air fryer to looking like a single dad on his fifth divorce, and says he is not joining JAS. Starks says Jericho lost to Action Andretti and his stock dropped, and perhaps the J in JAS should stand for Jobbers. Starks calls Guevara and Garcia the “JASsholes” and asks Garcia what Jericho has done for him. Starks says he doesn’t care about Guevara and challenges Jericho to a match on the January 4th Dynamite. Jericho tells Starks that was the wrong answer, and Jake Hager attacks Starks from behind. Guevara and Garcia join in on the beat down as Jericho watches on. Jericho stalks Starks with the baseball bat, but Andretti rushes the ring and makes the save. Andretti takes Jericho down and sends Hager and Guevara to the outside. Starks sends Garcia out and Andretti hits Jericho with the standing Shooting Star Press. The JAS backs up the ramp as Andretti and Starks stare them down from the ring.
Match #1 – AEW World Trios Championship – No Disqualification Match 5 in a Best-of-7 Series: Death Triangle (PAC, Penta El Zero, and Rey Fenix) (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson) (w/Brandon Cutler, Don Callis, and Michael Nakazawa)
All six guys brawl as soon as the bell rings, and Death Triangle sends The Elite to the floor and takes them out with dives. Fenix gets Nick in the ring and delivers shots in the corners. PAC does the same, but Nick dodges a shot from Penta. Omega and Matt pull PAC and Fenix to the floor, and then Cutler and Abrahantes get involves. Cutler sprays Abrahantes in the face, but Penta delivers a kick to Cutler. Everyone drops everyone with thrust kicks and dives, and then Omega takes Fenix out. Penta smashes a trash can over Omega’s head , and then smashes it down low while PAC and Fenix hold it in place. Fenix delivers elbows to Matt and Death Triangle triple-team him. PAC kicks Nick in the face a few times, but Nick sends Penta to the floor. NIck kicks Fenix in the face and slams PAC down in the ring. Nick dives onto Fenix, but Penta drops him with a Slingblade as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Penta sets a Christmas tree up in the corner, and then Fenix slams Matt into it. Nick comes in and drops Death Triangle with a cross-body, and then delivers a knee and a kick to PAC’s face. Nick kicks Fenix in the face and goes for a kick on PAC, but PAC dodges and Nick kicks a chair that was wedged in the corner. PAC puts Nick’s ankle in the chair and goes to the ropes, but Omega hits PAC with a trash can. Omega gets another trash can as Matt dives onto the Lucha Brothers on the floor. Omega puts the trash can on the ring post and drops PAC with a senton slam. Omega grabs the trash can and moonsaults onto PAC with it. Omega goes for the cover, but PAC kicks out. Tables are set up on the outside and Omega grabs a barbed wire broom. Omega hits Fenix with the broom a few times and then slams his face into it. Penta and PAC get sent to the floor by The Bucks and then get put on the tables. The Bucks climb up top and drive Penta and PAC through the tables with an elbow from Matt to Penta and a senton to PAC from Nick. Omega drops Fenix with a Tiger Driver 98 on the broom and goes for the cover, but Fenix kicks out.
The Elite go for the BTE Trigger, but Abrahantes grabs Omega’s ankle. Omega kicks him away, but The Bucks get sent to the floor. Omega dodges Fenix and delivers the V Trigger. Omega goes for the One Winged Angel, but Fenix coutners with a hurricanrana roll-up for a two out. Fenix hits Omega with the hammer and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. PAC locks in the Bruatalizer with some Christmas tinsel on Omega, Fenix locks Nick in an ankle bar, but Matt beats down Penta and breaks up both of the holds. Abrahantes gives the hammer to Penta as Fenix goes after Matt. All three members of Death Triangle have a hammer, but The Bucks pull PAC and Penta to the floor. Omega drops Fenix with a snap dragon suplex, and then The Bucks drop Fenix with an assisted pile driver on the chair and get the pin fall.
Winners: The Elite
Series: Death Triangle Leads 3-2
Next Match: December 28th at Dynamite New Year’s Smash, Falls Count Anywhere
-After the match, Death Triangle attack The Elite and beat them down. Nick has been busted open and then Fenix finally pulls Penta back for a bit. Penta backs away, but then goes after The Elite again before being pulled back once more.
Footage of MJF after his title match last week airs. He calls out Bryan Danielson and tells him that he is a nobody in his world. He says Danielson ruined his moment and calls him a worthless scumbag. MJF says everyone wants to ride his wave and eat off his plate, but Danielson will eat less than he desires and more than he deserves.
Tony Schiavone interviews Action Andretti. Andretti says last week, he did the unthinkable and the impossible. He says he beat Jericho in the middle of the ring, and his life hasn’t been the same since. Andretti says while all that is good, he knew the Society would take their anger out on whoever. Andretti says he had Starks’ back tonight, and then Angelo Parker and Matt Menard walk up. They say he is on a hot streak and on fire. A fireball goes off in his face, and then Jericho grinds his face into the ground.
Renee Paquette interviews Bryan Danielson. Paquette asks where the Blackpool Combat Club is without William Regal, and Danielson says he doesn’t expect the Club to forgive Regal because he did some bad things. Danielson says he first trained for wrestling in San Antonio by Rudy Boy Gonzalez and Shawn Michaels. He says the man who turned him into the wrestler he is today is William Regal and says he knows Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta doesn’t have the same relationship with him. Danielson says he cried when he saw Regal in the hospital, because Regal has made his entire life better. Danielson says he loved having Regal in AEW, and he learned from Regal that actions have consequences. Danielson says he has heard everything that MJF says and tells MJF that there are consequences for him as well. Danielson tells MJF to come to the ring, but Ethan Page and Stokely Hathaway interrupt. Page says he made it to the finals of the Eliminator Tournament and the Diamond Battle Royale, while Danielson didn’t. Page says everyone knows he would have beaten MJF for the title, and for some reason Danielson thinks he can jump to the front of the line. Hathaway tells Danielson he can go back home and do all of his homely things, and then Danielson cuts himself and insults him for being bald. Hathaway calls Danielson a raggedy bitch, but Page stops him and says if Danielson thinks he is jumping in front of him, he will turn him into a vegetable. Danielson challenges Page to get into the ring, but Page says he’d rather do it next week and says he isn’t doing it for San Antonio. Page and Hathaway leave as MJF is shown watching from backstage.
Footage of the ongoing brawls between Adam Page and Jon Moxley airs, and then Moxley cuts a promo. He talks about the $300,000 Trios Christmas Casino Battle Royale on Rampage this Friday, and says Page can find him there again. Moxley says they can fight all across Texas and go as long as Page wants, but wonders when they are going to settle it in the ring. Moxley asks what exactly there is to settle, because Page got knocked out the last time. Moxley says it isn’t his fault that Page has a glass jaw. Moxley talks about his opponent tonight, Darius Martin. Moxley says he is a teacher, and he is going to have to teach Martin a tough lesson tonight.
Earlier today, Samoa Joe cut a promo. Joe wishes everyone a Happy Holidays, and tells Wardlow to enjoy his holiday now because he will not have a happy New Year next week. Joe says he is going to give Wardlow more than he could ever ask for next week.
Match #2 – Singles Match: Hook vs. Exodus Prime
Hook takes Prime to the corner and delivers body shots, and then throws him to the mat. Hook follows with a suplex and a big lariat. Hook delivers cross-face shots and locks in Redrum, and Prime taps out.
Winner: Hook
-After the match, Hathaway calls out Hook while Lee Moriarty and Big Bill attack Jack Perry. Bill chokeslams Perry into a dumpster and Hook heads backstage.
Match #3 – Singles Match: Darius Martin (w/Dante Martin) vs. Jon Moxley (w/Claudio Castagnoli)
They lock up and Moxley backs Martin into the corner. They shove each other away and Martin goes for a front face-lock. Moxley gets free and locks in a side-headlock. Martin comes back with a few shoulder tackles, but Moxley doesn’t budge. Martin trips Moxley up, but Moxley comes back with an elbow shot. Martin delivers a dropkick and Moxley rolls to the floor. Moxley comes back with a kick to the midsection, and then sends Martin to the floor. Moxley slams Martin into the barricade, and then pulls the barricade apart. Moxley suplexes Martin on the floor in the crowd and fist bumps Castagnoli. Martin comes back with a shot, but Moxley delivers one of his own and slams Martin into the barricade again. Moxley gets Martin in the ring, but Martin comes back with a dive. Martin delivers shots to Moxley on the floor and gets him back into the ring. Martin goes up top, but Moxley cuts him off with a forearm shot that sends him to the floor.
Martin gets back into the ring, but Moxley slams him down. Moxley works over Martin’s arm and chops him in the corner a few times. Moxley suplexes Martin down and delivers the hammer-and-anvil elbows. Moxley picks Martin up, but Martin comes back with a chop. They exchange shots and Martin delivers a quick series of chops and uppercuts. Moxley kicks Martin’s knee and tears at his knee brace. Martin pulls Moxley’s face down on the knee brace and delivers a Pele Kick in the corner. Martin goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Martin drops Moxley with a few clotheslines, and follows with an uppercut in the corner. Martin delivers a shoulder to the midsection, and then slams Moxley down with a Flatliner. Martin goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Martin goes up top and delivers a cross-body, but Moxley rolls through and stomps on Martin’s head repeatedly. Moxley delivers the hammer-and-anvil elbows and locks in a rear choke. Martin gets to his feet, but Moxley delivers the Death Rider and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Jon Moxley
The video package for tonight’s main event between Jamie Hayter and Hikaru Shida airs.
The next chapter of the Book of Hobbs airs.
Match #4 – Tag Team Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn)
Harwood and Colten start the match. They lock up and Colten drops Harwood with a quick shot. Harwood comes back with a chop, and then Wheeler and Austin come in and all four men stare down. Wheeler tags in and delivers a shot to Colten. Wheeler delivers a pair of atomic drops and delivers a back elbow. Wheeler delivers an atomic drop and a Manhattan drop to Austin, and then dodges a dropkick from Colten. Wheeler slams Colten into Austin in the corner a few times, and then back drops Colten to the mat. FTR clothesline The Gunns to the floor and go after them on the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Austin has Wheeler in a rear choke. Wheeler counters and slams Austin into the turnbuckle. Colten tags in, but Wheeler dodges him on a corner splash. Harwood tags in, as does Austin. Harwood delivers a few shots, and then drops Colten as well. Harwood clotheslines Austin in the corner and follows with chops and right hands. Harwood drops Colten with a clothesline and delivers another shot to Austin. Harwood goes for the Sharpshooter, but Colten pulls him to the floor. Wheeler dives and drops Colten with an elbow shot, and then Austin slams Wheeler onto the barricade. Austin slams Harwood into the steps and gets him into the ring. Austin tunes up the band, but drops Harwood down and locks in the Sharpshooter. Wheeler breaks it up and then sends Colten back to the floor. Wheeler goes after him, but Colten slams Wheeler into the barricade again. Harwood goes for the pine-driver on Austin, but he can’t lift him up. Harwood delivers a right hand and gets a roll-up for a two count. Austin gets a roll-up on Harwood and Colten grabs onto him to help him get the pin fall.
Winners: The Gunns
Sonjay Dutt cuts a rap on The Acclaimed as he hypes up Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett. This Friday on Rampage will be Anthony Bowens and Billy Gunn vs. Lethal and Jarrett.
Tony Schiavone is in the ring, and he introduces Rick Ross and Keith Lee. Lee gets in the ring, and Ross says they have some business they have to discuss. Ross introduces Swerve Strickland. Strickland comes out after a delay and says he wasn’t aware they were going this on Lee’s time again. Strickland says he is going to do things his way. Strickland says he and Lee could have had everything, but Lee can’t keep his eyes on anything. Strickland tells Lee to keep his eyes in the back of his head from now on, and then Parker Boudreaux gets in the ring and attacks Lee. Boudreaux delivers shots to Lee, but Lee comes back and sends Boudreaux to the outside. Ross keeps calling Strickland a legend and Lee goes after Strickland. Another guy comes in and attacks Lee on the ramp, and then Boudreaux hits Lee with a chair. They lay Lee on top of the steps with a cinder block on his chest, and then Strickland connects with the Swerve Stomp from the top rope.
Best Friends talk about the trios battle royale on Rampage on Friday and what they would do with the money if they won, and then Dark Order talk about it as well. They ask Adam Page to not get involved and say Moxley will be in it, and then Page says he will see them there.
Match #5 – AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Jamie Hayter (c) (w/Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Rebel) vs. Hikaru Shida
Shida ducks a shot and delivers a series of quick strikes to Hayter. Hayter turns it around and chops Shida against the ropes, but Shida counters back and delivers forearm shots. Hayter turns it back around with chops, and Shida turns it around again with forearm shot. Shida delivers a knee strike and stomps Hayter in the corner. Shida chokes Hayter with her knee, but Hayter comes back with shots to Shida’s back. Shida counters with a scoop slam and delivers right hands on the mat. Shida suplexes Hayter into the corner and delivers a knee strike on the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Hayter rolls Shida back into the ring. Hayter clubs Shida in the back, but Shida fires back and they exchange shots. Hayter slams Shida into the corner and drops her with a suplex. Hayter goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out. Shida delivers forearm shots and sends Shida off the ropes, but Shida comes back and they drop each other with simultaneous clothesline. They get up at the eight count and exchange shots again, and Shida gains control. Shida delivers a dropkick and delivers a series of right hands in the corner. Shida kicks Hayter away and drops her with a missile dropkick. Shida slams Hayter into the corner on the apron and tries to suplex her back into the ring. Hayter counters and suplexes Shida onto the apron. Hayter tries to suplex Shida onto the floor, but Shida holds onto the ropes. Shida delivers a back elbow and shoves her into the ring post. Shida delivers a knee strike and drops Hayter with a brain buster to the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Hayter slams Shida to the mat. Hayter goes for a moonsault press, but Shida dodges it and delivers the knee strike. Shida goes for the cover, but Hayter kicks out. Shida sets up for the Katana, but Hayter collapses to the mat. Shida grabs Hayter, but Hayter counters with a shot and hits the sliding lariat. Hayter goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out. Shida comes back with elbow shots and runs the ropes, but Hayter delivers a back-breaker. Hayter goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out. Hayter goes for the Hayteraid, but Shida counters with a knee strike and an ax kick. Shida goes for the Katana, but Hayter ducks it. Shida drops Hayter with a suplex as Rebel gets on the apron. Baker gets Shida’s kendo stick and gets on the apron, but Shida pulls her into the ring and slams her down. Shida hits Baker with the kendo stick, but Hayter grabs Shida and delivers a powerbomb. Hayter goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out. Hayter delivers the running lariat and goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out again. Hayter drops Shida with the Hayteraid and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Jamie Hayter
-After the match, Rebel and Baker attack Shida, but Toni Storm charges the ring and makes the save. Hayter hits Storm in the back of the head with the title belt, and then Baker and Rebel grab Storm. Saraya’s rushes the ring and drops Rebel on the outside. Saraya drops Baker with a thrust kick. Saraya, Storm, and Shida stare down Baker, Hayter, and Rebel from the ring as the show comes to a close.