WWE RAW Report – 10/17/22

Oct 17, 2022 - by Staff

– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up live on the USA Network from the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Bobby Lashley is already speaking on the mic from in the ring, going on about Brock Lesnar. He calls Lesnar to the ring. Corey Graves welcomes us to RAW and he’s joined at ringside by Kevin Patrick. They talk about how Lesnar attacked Lashley last week, which softened him up for Seth Rollins to capture the WWE United States Title.

The music hits and out comes Lesnar to a big pop. Lashley looks on from the ring and Lesnar smiles, but he’s also ready to fight tonight. Lashley finally exits the ring but Lesnar attacks him at ringside, dumping him on his head. Lesnar sends Lashley into the ring post, then scoops him for a big F5 on the floor but Lashley slides out and sends Lesnar face-first into the ring post.

Lashley charges with a big Spear to put Lesnar through the barrier into the timekeeper’s area. Officials rush out to try and restore order as fans go wild. Officials, Superstars and security back Lashley away from the ring while Lesnar tries to recover.

Lashley gets around the group and delivers another big Spear, this time laying Lesnar out on top of the announce table. They tumble to the floor behind the announce table, brawling. They get back up and Lashley quickly puts Lesnar through the announce table with a big Spinebuster. Lashley is backed away from the ringside area while Lesnar is laid out flat on what’s left of the table. Lashley is fired up now. Adam Pearce yells at him from the apron. Lesnar is trying to recover but he’s still down. Lashley tells security he’s good, get away. We go to replays. We come back and Lesnar still has not fully recovered. Lashley looks on while security, officials and Superstars still keep him backed away. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see what just happened between Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley. Graves and Patrick are standing as their announce table was destroyed. They hype tonight’s loaded line-up.

The O.C. vs. Alpha Academy

We go back to the ring for tonight’s opener and out comes The O.C. – Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson with AJ Styles. They “too sweet!” and head to the ring as we get a replay of how Gallows and Anderson returned last week. Out next comes Alpha Academy – Otis and Chad Gable.

The bell rings s Gable and Anderson lock up, trading holds. Gable with a headlock. Gable drops Anderson with a shoulder, then shows off. Anderson mounts offense now. Anderson with a big chop and a back elbow to drop Gable. Anderson takes it to the corner and in comes Gallows. Gallows stares Gable down, and wants Otis.

Gallows and Otis meet in the middle of the ring, then start brawling. Gallows levels Otis in the corner, then unloads with big rights and lefts to the gut. Otis stuns Gallows with a back elbow, then misses a shot at Anderson as Anderson avoids it by jumping off the apron. Gallows takes advantage and drops Otis when he turns back around. Anderson comes back in but Gable knees him in the back when he runs the ropes. Anderson is dropped by Otis and sent to the floor.

The referee is distracted by an angry Gallows on the apron, which lets Gable send Anderson into the ring post from the floor. Gable poses at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Otis misses the Vader Bomb on Anderson. AJ rallies for Anderson to make the tag now. Gallows tags in as does Gable. Gallows runs wild with power moves. Gallows with big kicks to Gable and then Otis as he runs in. Otis is kicked to the floor.

Gallows with a big pumphandle slam to Gable for a pop. Otis stops the Magic Killer on Gable. Otis clotheslines Gallows over the top rope to the floor. Gable ducks Anderson and hits a Northern Lights suplex for a close 2 count. Otis is sent into the steel ring steps by Gallows. Gable goes to the top for a moonsault on Anderson but he gets a leg up.

Gable turns the block into an ankle lock but Anderson kicks him away, then nails the Spinebuster. Gallows tags back in and they hit the Magic Killer on Gable. Gallows covers in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winners: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

– After the match, AJ hits the ring to celebrate as the music hits and The O.C. stands tall. We go to replays. The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day’s Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. They taunt them with “too sweet!” and say it’s the same old crap we’ve all seen before. Priest says the three of you think you actually accomplished something great… a “you suck!” chant interrupts but Priest says they stopped giving a damn about fans a long time ago. He says the only thing The O.C. accomplished was guaranteeing they will be cooked by The Judgment Day. Balor reminds us he started this little club, and says he will end them as well. Balor challenges The O.C. to a match at Crown Jewel. AJ accepts. AJ says he can’t understand why everyone does this – this is RAW, let’s do this in the ring tonight, right now. Fans pop. That is unless you three boys have to ask your mother for permission. Balor asks how dare they but Dominik tells AJ to shut his mouth unless he wants to be like his dad, running to the other brand with his tail between his legs because he can’t hang with The Judgment Day. AJ insults Dominik and calls him a piece of trash for turning his back on his own father. AJ calls him scum and a little punk. AJ challenges Dominik to a match tonight. Ripley says Dominik will rip AJ from limb to limb. She asks Dominik if he agrees and if he’s a man or not. Dominik talks some trash but doesn’t sound sure. AJ calls him to the ring but Dominik isn’t ready and doesn’t even have his gear or tape. Dominik says when he is ready, he will mop the floor with AJ… in about an hour. AJ tells Dominik to go get ready, then he will do what his father should’ve done – beat the piss out of him. Then that will be too sweet. The two sides talk trash to each other as the music hits.

– Still to come, Seth Rollins makes his first title defense against Matt Riddle. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see how Bobby Lashley lost the WWE United States Title last week.

– We go back to the ring and out comes new WWE United States Champion Seth Rollins in a red suit.

Rollins takes the mic as fans sing along with his theme. Rollins welcomes Oklahoma City to Monday Night Rollins. He reintroduces himself as a visionary, a revolutionary, and your new United States Champion. Rollins says for all the haters who doubted him, turned their backs on him and counted him out… they can kiss his big, beautiful, red behind. Rollins laughs. He says for all the fine folks out there who have always had his back, never counted him out and always believed in him… do what you have done and sing his song.

Fans start singing again. Rollins thinks they sound beautiful. He says tonight is historic as it will be the first defense in what will be the greatest WWE United States Title reign of all-time. He says tonight he will wipe the mat with Matt Riddle’s face, and in doing so, he will clear up a bit of a miscommunication that was the Fight Pit loss at Extreme Rules. Fans chant “you tapped out!” now. Rollins says he may have tapped out in the Triangle Sleeper but that was a strategic move, he did that for the fans, because two days later he needed to be in the best physical condition so he could come to RAW and beat Bobby Lashley, for the fans.

The music interrupts and out comes Mustafa Ali. Ali congratulates Rollins on his title win. Ali was waiting for Rollins to thank Brock Lesnar for the assist. Ali says Lashley promised him he was next in line for a title shot, and he realizes things change, champions change, but his challenge remains the same. Ali is in the ring now. He says he wants to fight Rollins and he wants to fight for the title. Rollins laughs in Ali’s face. Rollins asks Ali if he looks like Lashley… Rollins says sorry, Ali has to go to the back of the line. Rollins is focused on Riddle for tonight… he says Ali has two options – stay out here and party to celebrate the new champion, or get out of Rollins’ ring because you don’t belong in this ring with him.

Rollins laughs some more. Ali pulls Rollins’ sunglasses off and Rollins is speechless. Ali says it’s not going down like that… Rollins may be Seth Freakin’ Rollins but Ali is his next freakin’ problem. Ali yells about not backing down without a fight for the title. Rollins appreciates what he’s doing, and Rollins actually likes and respects Ali as he’s one of the best performers in the ring. Rollins says Ali is an even better human being. Rollins sees Ali helping others out backstage… he’s a great friend, a great father… Rollins suddenly decks Ali with a cheap shot, then tosses him out of the ring to boos.

Rollins exits the ring and walks off with the title as fans sing his song. Ali attacks from behind but Rollins nails him in the throat. Rollins sends Ali face-first into the ring post, turning him inside out. Fans boo as Rollins walks away, calling for his music to be hit. We go to replays. Rollins laughs and marches up the ramp while Ali tries to recover.

– We see the white horned limousine of WWE Hall of Famer JBL arriving in the back. Back to commercial.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY vs. Candice LeRae and RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair

Back from the break and out comes Damage CTRL for this non-title match – WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY with Bayley. Candice LeRae is out first for her team. Out next is RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair. Bayley joins the announcers for commentary.

LeRae and SKY go at it to start the match. LeRae mounts offense and goes for a head scissors but SKY lands on her feet. LeRae drops SKY and in comes Belair with a big cartwheel moonsault for a 2 count. SKY counters and tags in Kai. Kai fights Belair off but Belair runs over her with a shoulder.

Kai beats Belair down now. SKY tags in for the double suplex but Belair counters and in comes LeRae. They hit the double dropkick. Belair scoops LeRae and swings her around to knock the champions down. LeRae with a baseball slide to put SKY down at ringside. Belair dumps Kai to the floor. LeRae leaps off the apron with a springboard to take the champions down on the floor with a crossbody. LeRae and Belair stand tall as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and SKY has Belair in an abdominal stretch. Belair counters with a backbreaker and they’re both down. Kai tags in and stomps Belair on the back to prevent a tag. Kai runs into an elbow. Belair fights both opponents off from their corner. Kai pulls Belair by her hair to stop a tag. LeRae kicks SKY away as she runs over to interfere.

LeRae finally tags in and unloads on Kai. LeRae ends up delivering strikes and more offense on both opponents in the corner. She hits the step-up senton to SKY, then kicks Kai for a 2 count as SKY breaks it up just in time. More back and forth for a few minutes. SKY with double knees to LeRae in the corner. SKY drops LeRae on her head and in comes Kai to take over. Kai with a running kick to LeRae in the corner. LeRae kicks out at 2. LeRae counters Kai with a roll-up for 2. Kai catches a kick but LeRae hits an enziguri.

Belair tags in and runs wild on SKY, then nails a Gutbuster on Kai. Belair with a big back-drop to SKY. Belair mounts SKY in the corner with right hands as fans count along. LeRae is legal now but SKY goes at it with Belair instead. Belair and LeRae with a double team suplex for a 2 count as Kai breaks it up. Kai with a Scorpion Kick to LeRae. Belair goes for the Glam Slam but she is sent to the apron, then kicked off by Kai. LeRae drops Kai and everyone is down now.

Bayley gets up and grabs a kendo stick from under the ring but Belair attacks from behind. Belair tackles Bayley over the announce table to the floor. SKY drops LeRae on her head, then the champions hit a big double team powerbomb for the pin to win.

Winners: Damage CTRL

– After the match, the champs stand tall as the music hits and we go to replays.

– Matt Riddle is stopped by Cathy Kelley backstage. She asks about what Seth Rollins said earlier. Riddle says he already exposed Rollins in the Fight Pit but tonight he will beat his ass bad and become the new WWE United States Champion. Riddle walks over to Mustafa Ali and promises to give him the title shot he deserves when he wins the United States Title tonight. We hear The Miz screaming out in pain. Ali and Riddle walk over to see Miz down and clutching his knee. He claims he slipped on something and hurt his knee when looking over his shoulder for Dexter Lumis. Miz says there’s no way he can compete tonight. He sends Riddle and Ali to get him a doctor. Back to commercial.

– The Judgment Day is backstage talking when WWE NXT’s Cora Jade walks up. They seem a bit annoyed but they leave Rhea Ripley to handle it. Jade explains her “Pick Your Poison” situation with Roxanne Perez, who has her facing Raquel Gonzalez tomorrow night. Ripley mentions how she and Raquel were once like Jade and Perez. Ripley says she’s in, she will face Perez tomorrow night.

– We go back to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer JBL to a big pop.

JBL says it takes a momentous occasion for The Wrestling God to come back to WWE and tonight is no exception. JBL says he has an announcement that will shake the very foundation of RAW, but first he wants to say something from the bottom of his heart… in all sincerity, to the world… he apologizes. For doing this… in Oklahoma. Fans boo but JBL starts ripping the locals, pointing to how the great state of Texas is nearby. JBL goes on and says as much as he’d love to stay out here an bash Oklahoma, because he really despises the state and all of these fans, but he’s got great news.

JBL says Rey Mysterio left RAW for SmackDown as Dominik Mysterio found out what we’ve known for years, that Rey the deadbeat dad is one of the worst human beings ever. Fans boo. JBL says Rey wears a mask because he’s ashamed of himself, but that void has created the biggest trade since Babe Ruth came to the New York Yankees. JBL calls for the sweathogs to stand on their feet, put their chubby hands together and welcome the greatest addition to RAW ever – Mr. Baron Corbin.

The music hits and out comes Corbin wearing new gear, and with an updated theme. He stops as the pyro goes off and fans boo. JBL applauds from the ring as Corbin makes his way in. Corbin shakes hands with JBL, then hits the corners to pose. JBL praises Corbin as three times the size of Mysterio, and says the dominance of Baron Corbin starts tonight. JBL says he asked for competition and WWE gave them a former World Champion – Dolph Ziggler. JBL says Ziggler isn’t stealing the show, he’s been stealing money from the company for years because if he was in the Attitude Era, he would’ve never made the cut. JBL says looking at the rest of the roster backstage today, they also would never have made it, they would’ve had to watch the show from the crowd like you fans, and praise the greats like Corbin. JBL goes on and declares today starts the Monday Night RAW emergence of The Modern Day Wrestling God – Mr. Baron Corbin. The music hits and out comes Ziggler to a pop.

Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler

Baron Corbin and JBL look on as Dolph Ziggler makes his way into the ring. They stare Ziggler down from the corner as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the bell rings as they go a tit. Corbin sends Ziggler to the corner but runs into an elbow. JBL is on commentary. Corbin sends Ziggler to the floor and follows. Corbin keeps control and brings it back in, then continues to beat Ziggler around the ring.

Corbin levels Ziggler with a big boot. Corbin beats Ziggler down in the corner, then puts a boot to him on the apron. Ziggler tries to fight but Corbin levels him with a running back elbow. Ziggler kicks out at 2. Ziggler kicks Corbin, then dodges a splash in the corner. Ziggler mounts Corbin in the corner with right hands as fans count along. Corbin catches Ziggler in mid-air and tosses him but runs into a right hand.

Ziggler with a big DDT for a 2 count as JBL continues to praise Corbin on commentary. Ziggler beats Corbin down in the corner now as the referee warns him. Ziggler rakes Corbin’s face across the top rope. Corbin counters a neckbreaker and hits a long inverted vertical suplex, holding Ziggler there for a few seconds.

Corbin levels Ziggler with a Clothesline from Hell and fans boo as he stares out. Corbin follows Ziggler to the floor and launches him into the steel ring steps. Corbin stands tall at ringside as the boos continue. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Corbin mounts Ziggler with right hands. Corbin continues to beat Ziggler around as fans taunt him with the “Bumass Corbin!” chant from Pat McAfee. Ziggler dumps Corbin to the floor and then beats him up at the apron. Corbin fights back in but Ziggler mounts offense. Ziggler leaps onto Corbin in the corner with right hands, then nails a neckbreaker. Ziggler plays to the crowd for a pop, then drops the big elbow for a 2 count.

JBL says he’s been working with and talking to Corbin, and is confident in his abilities. Corbin fights back and hits the fall-away slam for a close 2 count. They tangle some more. Ziggler with the Fame-asser for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. They go on and Corbin nails a Deep Six after blocking the Zig-Zag. Corbin is furious now as he yells out. They trade more offense. Ziggler nails a dropkick. Corbin misses a big boot. Ziggler nails the Zig-Zag for another close 2 count.

Fans rally for Ziggler now. Ziggler is fired up as he waits for the superkick. Corbin blocks it and nails End of Days in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the match, JBL enters the ring and applauds while Corbin celebrates. We go to replays. JBL drops to a knee and presents Corbin to the crowd as he stands tall.

– Byron Saxton approaches The Miz in the trainer’s room. Miz is still selling the knee injury but Saxton says the custodial staff came forward and says they saw Miz pouring water on the floor, and then sit on it, and he also put up the wet floor sign. Miz can’t believe they’d accuse him of staging the incident. He goes on until Johnny Gargano yells about seeing Dexter Lumis from the hallway. Miz suddenly jumps up with no knee issues. Gargano taunts Miz and walks off. Miz says he will fight tonight because his superior DNA has allowed him to heal, but it’s unfortunate for He Who Shall Not Be Named, because he is the one who will be injured tonight. Miz walks off.

– We get a look back at Bray Wyatt’s return on SmackDown last Friday.

– We go backstage to MVP and Omos. MVP praises Braun Strowman and says he’s not here to disparage him, just celebrate him. He goes on and says the mention of Braun’s name brings fear into ordinary men, but The Nigerian Giant standing next to him is very far from ordinary, he is the personification of extraordinary. MVP says he and Omos will be on SmackDown this week and Omos will walk up to Strowman, look down at him, in his eyes, to make sure the so-called Monster of All Monsters understands the 7-foot-3, 403 pound giant fears no man. MVP says let’s face it, monsters aren’t real but giants are. The camera cuts to Omos pounding his fist in his hand.

– The O.C. is backstage when NXT’s Cameron Grimes walks up. AJ Styles asks what brought him to RAW. Grimes says he’s had some problems with The Schism on NXT, and he could use some help, so he came to RAW to see if you boys might be his tag team partner. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson like the talk of how much money Grimes has, and they are to be paid in cash only. They accept and Grimes says it will be too sweet. Grimes walks off. Anderson says that’s another payday for the boys. AJ says they haven’t changed a bit.

– Still to come, AJ Styles vs. Dominik Mysterio. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a promo for WWE Crown Jewel. The announcers hype Crown Jewel now. Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley is confirmed.

AJ Styles vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes The O.C. – AJ Styles with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Out next is The Judgment Day – Dominik Mysterio with Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. Ripley stops at ringside and whispers some words to Dominik before they hit the ring.

The bell rings and AJ goes to work on Dominik. AJ beats Dominik around and takes his time while The Judgment Day taunts him. AJ with a snap suplex. Balor and his crew encourage Dominik to get up.

Dominik looks to turn it around but AJ drops him with a kick to the head. AJ works Dominik into the corner, then mounts him with right hands as fans count along. AJ follows to the floor and sends Dominik into the barrier, then head-first into the barrier as the referee counts. Ripley taunts AJ now. AJ backs her closer to Balor and Priest. Dominik launches himself from the ring, taking AJ down on the floor. Ripley laughs at AJ. Dominik brings it back in the ring, rocking AJ with a right hand and then mounting him with punches.

Dominik stands tall to boos while Balor also taunts the crowd. Dominik chokes AJ on the middle rope. Gallows and Anderson rally for AJ as he fights back but Dominik drops him throat-first over the top rope. Dominik launches himself in from the apron with a senton. AJ kicks out at 2. AJ gets up swinging with several strikes. AJ drops Dominik, sending him to the floor for a breather.

AJ launches himself over the top rope, flying at Dominik with a big right hand on the floor. AJ tosses Dominik into the timekeeper’s area. The O.C. and The Judgment Day face off at ringside as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and AJ is taking Dominik from corner to corner as the two factions look on from ringside. AJ drops Dominik in the corner and goes to the top as fans pop. AJ looks to fly but Dominik meets him up top with right hands as Ripley cheers him on. AJ fights back with rib shots, sending Dominik to the mat. Balor distracts the referee while Ripley pushes AJ off the top to the mat. The O.C. has words with The Judgment Day at ringside. Dominik stomps away on AJ now, then stops to pose to boos. Dominik keeps control and shuts AJ down but can’t put him away.

Dominik with more stomps while Ripley laughs from ringside. Dominik goes for the Three Amigos suplexes now and he hits them for a 2 count. Dominik runs into a boot in the corner. AJ fights back and nails a big clothesline. AJ with more offense, including the sliding forearm. AJ with a pumphandle slam into a Gutbuster. Dominik kicks out at 2. AJ blocks a tornado DDT attempt and climbs up but Dominik headbutts him to the mat. Dominik with the DDT but AJ kicks out.

The Judgment Day yells at the referee. Dominik dropkicks AJ in the back, putting him into position for 619 as fans chant for AJ. Dominik misses 619 as AJ moves. AJ with the Calf Crusher submission now. Dominik gets the bottom rope to break the hold. Balor and Priest pull Dominik to safety. Gallows and Anderson come over and the two factions face off. AJ strikes Dominik first and beats him around. The other four argue while the referee is in between them.

AJ is coming back in with Dominik to finish him off but Ripley distracts AJ by grabbing his leg, allowing Dominik to roll him up for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

– After the match, AJ is shocked over the upset. The Judgment Day taunts AJ and celebrates up the ramp as their music hits. Gallows and Anderson join AJ in the ring as we go to replays. The Judgment Day is all smiles on the stage.

– The Miz is backstage warming up when Johnny Gargano appears, introducing himself as a fellow Clevelander. He says he’s known Dexter Lumis for a while and he knows the real story between Miz and Lumis. Miz says the truth is he’s been victimized by a demented stalker but after he beats him tonight on RAW, he will be gone forever. Gargano says OK, good luck with that. Miz says after he’s done with “him” tonight, maybe he has a score to settle with Gargano as well. Gargano taunts Miz and walks off. Miz looks ahead and continues warming up.

The Miz vs. Dexter Lumis

We go back to the ring and out comes Dexter Lumis. If he wins, he earns a WWE contract but if The Miz wins, Lumis will be gone forever. Miz suddenly attacks Lumis during his entrance and beats him down on the stage with a steel chair. Miz unloads with numerous chair shots, then backs away to boos as officials rush out to check on Lumis. Miz heads to the back while more help is called for Lumis, who is face-down and out.

– Byron Saxton is backstage with Damage CTRL. He congratulates them on the earlier win and asks what’s next for the group. They are tired of being asked what’s next. They brag about what they’ve done, and take credit for Alexa Bliss and Asuka being gone. They go on about how what they’ve done is just a preview of how they will continue to reign over the tag team division. IYO SKY speaks in Japanese and Bayley agrees, saying Shotzi and Raquel Rodriguez don’t stand a chance on Friday’s SmackDown against the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Bayley says as for herself, she’s over what RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair did tonight, and over what happened at Extreme Rules because Belair did not pin her. Bayley says she’s not letting Belair off that easy so next week she will show Belair what it’s like when Bayley is back in control. The announcers confirm Belair vs. Bayley for next week, with no mention of it being a title shot.

– Still to come, Elias returns. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and The Miz is walking backstage. Johnny Gargano says that was a bad move and Dexter Lumis won’t stop until you give him what he wants. Gargano feels bad for Miz, saying what’s the worst that can happen if you tell the truth. Gargano is wearing a whistle. He says he blow the whistle on Miz if he doesn’t come clean. Miz storms off.

– We go back to the ring and Elias is introduced as fans cheer on his return. The lights are low and Elias has a spotlight. He also has a keyboard set up, with two guitars.

Elias introduces himself and says it feels great to be back. He says his younger brother Ezekiel tragically had his career cut short, but that’s the reason he’s here tonight. Elias says there’s a saying in his family – the show must go on. He has one question for the crowd tonight – who wants to Walk With Elias? He says normally he comes out and plays one of his songs but he wanted something special for Oklahoma City tonight. Fans pop.

Elias has written a song, straight from the heart and soul. He wanted to play it on the keys but he gets a little emotional doing this one. He asks fans to silence their phones and hold their applause until he gets done. Elias sighs and gets ready to go but the music interrupts and out comes Matt Riddle with a set of bongo drums. Fans chant “bro!” as Riddle enters the ring.

Riddle says he’s a huge Elias fan, and he was getting Zeked Up when Ezekiel was around. Riddle asks if Elias wants to hit his “bong” drums. Fans pop. Elias says that’s not really his thing. Riddle says he and everyone else knows WWE means Walk With Elias. Riddle gets fans to sing along and clap to the phrase, using the tune of “Seven Nation Army” as Elias looks on.

Elias tells Riddle to relax and listen to the song he has for Oklahoma City, it will put everyone in a good mood. Fans chant “Bro!” after Riddle asks if they could possibly perform together one day. Elias promises Riddle in front of the whole world that one day they will play together. Riddle is excited. Riddle takes his seat on the mat and tells Elias not to hesitate if he needs anything. Elias begins his song on the keyboard. Thankfully the music interrupts and out comes WWE United States Champion Seth Rollins.

Riddle jumps up to his feet and he’s not happy. Riddle and Elias look on as Rollins makes his way out for the main event. Fans sing Rollins’ theme and he says that’s a real song. We go to commercial.

WWE United States Title Match: Matt Riddle vs. Seth Rollins

Back from the break and Matt Riddle is in the ring with WWE United States Champion Seth Rollins. We get formal ring introductions from Mike Rome.

The bell rings for the main event and Riddle charges, immediately taking Rollins down into the Triangle. Rollins escapes and goes to the floor for a breather. Elias is at ringside, and Rollins tells him to get out of the way. Graves wonders why Elias is even at ringside.

Rollins goes back in but quickly stalls some more and retreats to the floor to regroup. Fans boo. Rollins comes back in but Riddle attacks and unloads with kicks in the corner. Rollins goes back to the floor. Riddle follows and nails a running elbow. Riddle brings it back in and hits a big gutwrench suplex. Riddle approaches but Rollins jabs him in the throat, then drops a knee. Rollins stomps away now. Rollins keeps control and whips Riddle hard into the turnbuckles, putting him back down.

Fans chant for Riddle while he’s down. Riddle gets up and fights back but Rollins drops him. They trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. Rollins dazes Riddle and hits a snap suplex for a quick pin attempt. Rollins with big chops against the ropes now. They tangle and Riddle sends Rollins to the floor. Riddle looks to do the Floating Bro to the floor but Rollins moves and Riddle puts the brakes on.

Elias taunts at Rollins and Rollins mushes him back with a forearm. Elias comes right back with the jumping knee to the face, leveling Rollins and leaving him face-down at ringside. Riddle is surprised but impressed as he applauds and we go back to commercial with Rollins laid out.

Back from the break and Rollins drops Riddle, then superkicks him for a 2 count. We see how Rollins hit a big double Stomp during the break for a 2 count. Rollins kicks away now. Riddle catches a kick and drops Rollins with an overhead kick. Riddle with running elbows to the jaw. Rollins elbows Riddle away. Riddle blocks the discus clothesline with a big Exploder suplex. Riddle misses the Bro-ton as Rollins gets his knees up. Riddle drops Rollins in the corner. Riddle climbs up for the Floating Bro but Rollins kicks out just in time.

Elias looks on as Riddle gets up first. Rollins dodges a powerbomb and goes for The Pedigree but it’s blocked. Riddle kicks out of a roll-up but Rollins nails an elbow to the jaw. Riddle blocks another forearm to the back of the neck and hits the Ripcord knee strike. Riddle hits the Bro-Derek in the middle of the ring but Rollins kicks out at 2. Riddle can’t believe it.

Riddle goes to the top but wastes some time with the crowd. Rollins rocks him from behind and climbs up. Rollins with the inverted superplex into a modified Falcon Arrow. Riddle kicks out and Rollins can’t believe it. Rollins climbs back up to the top for the Frogsplash but Riddle blocks it, pulling Rollins right into the Triangle again. Rollins throws elbows and powerbombs Riddle but the hold is still locked in. Rollins powers up into a Buckle Bomb but Riddle still has the Triangle applied.

Rollins then keeps Riddle up, and brings him down with a sitdown powerbomb. Riddle kicks out but the Triangle is still locked in. Rollins is screaming out. Rollins finally gets his foot on the bottom rope. Riddle takes advantage of the 5 count as the referee warns him. Rollins gasps for air as he rolls to the floor near Elias. Fans want Elias to hit Rollins. Rollins begs Elias to hit him for the disqualification so he can retain. Rollins drops Elias with a superkick. Riddle punt kicks Rollins from the apron. Riddle brings it back in, ducks a clothesline and connects with the powerslam to Rollins.

Riddle nails Randy Orton’s second-rope draping DDT for a pop. Fans continue cheering as Riddle calls for the RKO. Rollins blocks the RKO as Elias rushes into the ring. Rollins, while blocking the RKO, sends Riddle flying into Elias and they both go down. Rollins bounces off the ropes and nails the Stomp to Riddle in the middle of the ring for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– After the match, Rollins’ music hits but Elias is coming to. Rollins immediately puts him back down with a Stomp. Rollins raises the title in the air as fans begin singing his theme. We go to replays. Rollins places the title belt under Riddle’s face and goes for a Stomp but Mustafa Ali interrupts him with a tackle. Ali mounts Rollins with punches, then knocks him to the floor. Ali with a suicide dive to send Rollins over the announce table. Ali runs and leaps over the table again, then sens Rollins into the crowd. Rollins retreats and Ali tries to grab him but he gets away. Ali stands on top of the announce table and yells out about being Rollins’ problem now. Rollins raises the WWE United States Title from the crowd as Ali stares him down. They yell some trash talk to each other as RAW goes off the air.

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