All Out
* Poll results: Grade AEW’s All Out PPV
All Out: Zero Hour kicks off with Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo be interviewed backstage. Guevara says he knows Chicago loves “America’s Favorite Champions” and knows all Chicago wants to see is them make out. They begin, but a horn blares and Guevara asks who is interrupting their kiss. It’s Ortiz and Ruby Soho on a cart, and they chase Guevara and Melo. Guevara shoves Melo out of the way and gets run over. Soho hits Melo with a trash can and carries her to the ring as Excalibur and Tony Schiavone are on the call.
AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship Match: Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo (c) vs. Ortiz and Ruby Soho
The bell rings as Soho and Ortiz are in control of Guevara. Ortiz drops Guevara with a Death Valley Driver and Soho follows with a hurricanrana. Ortiz goes for the cover, but Guevara kicks out. Ortiz sends Guevara into the corner, but Guevara dodges Soho and delivers an enzuigiri to Ortiz. Soho gets on Guevara’s shoulders, but Melo comes in with a kick to the face. Guevara and Melo kiss again, and then Melo kisses Soho on the cheek and clubs her across the back. Soho comes back with a back-drop driver and tags in Ortiz. Ortiz drops Guevara with a back elbow, and then follows with a clothesline. Ortiz plants Guevara with a flapjack and Soho goes up top, but Melo cuts her off. Guevara comes back with an elbow shot, and then Melo drop Ortiz with a Canadian Destroyer. Guevara hits a senton on Ortiz and goes for the cover, but Ortiz kicks out. Soho drops Melo with a missile dropkick and lands on Guevara with a senton. Anna Jay comes to ringside and pulls Soho to the floor. Soho counters and slams her into the ring steps, but Melo and Guevara take advantage in the ring. Guevara goes for the GTH and Melo goes for the Tay-KO, but Ortiz and Soho counter and slam them down. They go for covers, but Guevara and Melo kick out.
Ortiz sends Guevara to the floor and Soho climbs up, but Melo cuts her off with an elbow strike. Melo climbs as well, and then superplexes Soho onto Ortiz and Guevara. Melo rolls Soho back into the ring and goes for a kick, but Soho blocks it and delivers a knee to the face. Soho runs the ropes, but Jay grabs her ankle. Melo power bombs Soho into the corner and hits the Tay-KO and gets the pin fall as Guevara holds Ortiz back.
Winners and still AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions: Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo
Footage of the feud between Chris Jericho and Bryan Danielson airs.
FTW Championship Match: Hook (c) vs. Angelo Parker (w/Matt Menard)
They lock up and Parker backs Hook against the ropes. Hook comes back with a hammer-lock, and then transitions into a front chancery. Hook goes into a side-headlock, and then takes Parker down. Menard gets on the apron, and Parker delivers a right hand to the face. Parker slams Hook’s face into the middle rope, and delivers right hands in the corner. Parker delivers a snap suplex and goes for the cover, but Hook kicks out. Hook comes back with body shots, but Parker delivers another shot to the face and stomps on Hook’s hand. Parker delivers a dropkick against the ropes, but Hook comes back with a headbutt. Menard grabs Hook’s boot, but Hook stomps on his hand. Hook takes Parker down with Judo throws, and then follows with an exploder suplex. Parker comes back with a kick to the face, but Hook backs him into the corner and delivers body shots. Parker comes back with a right hand, but Hook drops him with another exploder suplex. Parker dodges Hook in the corner and goes for a Brain Buster, but Hook escapes and locks in Redrum, and Parker taps out.
Winner and still FTW Champion: Hook
-After the match, Menard attacks Hook from behind. Menard stomps Hook in the corner. Parker joins in on the beatdown, but Action Bronson, the guy who performs Hook’s theme song, gets in the ring and makes the save. He sends Parker and Menard to the outside. They go to get back into the ring, but Hook gets to his feet and he and Bronson send Menard and Parker backing up the ramp.
Footage for the feud between CM Punk and Jon Moxley airs.
Taz has joined the commentary team.
AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match: PAC (c) vs. Kip Sabian
They lock up, and PAC backs Sabian into the ropes. PAC takes Sabian down, but Sabian comes back with a kick to the face. Sabian stomps PAC down in the corner, and then follows with a senton. PAC comes back and stomps on Sabian’s head, and then drops him with a scoop slam. PAC goes up top, but Sabian counters with an enzuigiri. Sabian goes for a superplex, but PAC shoves him down. Sabian dodges a dive and sends PAC to the apron. Sabian delivers a springboard enzuigiri on the apron, and then fakes a dive onto PAC on the floor. PAC charges at Sabin in the ring, but Sabian pulls the ropes down and PAC falls to the floor. Sabian hits a springboard moonsault off the ropes and gets PAC back into the ring. PAC rolls to the other side, but Sabian goes after him. Sabian delivers a knee strike, but PAC comes back with a Brain Buster on the floor. PAC slams Sabian into the barricade and gets him back into the ring. PAC kicks Sabian in the head and puts his boot in his face against the ropes. PAC kicks Sabian in the head and chokes him with his boot in the corner. PAC takes Sabian down and delivers a dropkick to the back of his head. PAC goes for the cover, but Sabian kicks out.
Sabian gets back to his feet and delivers a few shots, but PAC fires back with his own. Sabian comes back with a headbutt, but PAC kicks him in the face. Sabian hits an uppercut, and then a knee strike. Sabian delivers a right hand and a dragon suplex. PAC comes back with a dragon suplex of his own and drags Sabian to the corner. PAC climbs up, but Sabian rolls away. Sabian slams PAC’s head into the turnbuckle and drops him with a spinning DDT. Sabian delivers a Brain Buster and goes for the cover, but PAC kicks out. Sabian delivers a sit-out power bomb and goes for the cover, but PAC kicks out again. Sabian picks PAC up, but PAC gets free and knocks Sabian down with a forearm shot. PAC stomps on Sabian and drags him to the corner. PAC hits the Black Arrow and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW All-Atlantic Champion: PAC
-After the match, Schiavone interviews PAC. Before PAC can talk, Orange Cassidy interrupts. PAC tells him no, because they have been here before and they know how it ended. PAC says Cassidy isn’t a wrestler, but is a joke, and tells him to get to the back of the line. In the ring, Sabian is screaming at the cardboard box that he has been wearing over his head for months.
Footage for the feud between Eddie Kingston and Tomohiro Ishii airs.
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Eddie Kingston
They lock up, but neither man gains the advantage. They exchange chops for a few minutes, and then Kingston finally drops Ishii with a double-handed chop. Ishii comes back with forearm shots, but Kingston answers with another chop. Ishii sends Kingston to the corner, but Kingston comes back with another chop. Kingston delivers more chops in the corner, but Ishii counters with chops and forearm shots. They exchange more shots, and then Ishii blocks a back-drop driver and delivers a suplex. Ishii charges into the corner, but Kingston dodges and delivers machine gun chops. Kingston delivers a double underhook suplex and follows with a DDT. Kingston goes for the cover, but Ishii kicks out. Kingston kicks Ishii in the head a few times and follows with chops, but Isihii isn’t fazed. Kingston delivers a knee and sends him into the corner, but Ishii comes back with a shoulder tackle. Ishii delivers a side suplex and goes for the cover, but Kingston kicks out. Kingston comes back and they slap each other in the face repeatedly. Ishii comes off the ropes, but Kingston counters and lands on his shoulder.
Kingston feigns the injury and drops Ishii with an exploder suplex. Kingston delivers a few more suplexes, but Ishii rolls through the last one and delivers a clothesline. They hit simultaneous clotheslines, and then drop each other to the mat with more shots. They hit simultaneous clotheslines again, but only Kingston falls. Ishii comes off the ropes, but Kingston counters with a lariat. Kingston delivers a power bomb and goes for the cover, but Ishii kicks out. Kingston deliver a half-and-half suplex, but Ishii rolls through. Kingston drops him with a lariat and goes for the cover, but Ishii kicks out. Kingston goes for the spinning back fist, but Ishii counters and delivers an enzuigiri. Ishii drops Kingston to the mat and goes for the cover, but Kingston kicks out. Kingston comes back with an enzuigiri, but Ishii comes off the ropes with a low lariat. Ishii goes for the cover, but Kingston kicks out. They counter suplexes and Kingston hits the spinning back fist. Kingston goes for the cover, but Ishii kicks out. Ishii comes back and they exchange slaps. Kingston hits another spinning back fist, but Ishii hits a headbutt. Kingston comes back with a Northern Lights bomb and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Eddie Kingston
-After the match, Kingston tells them to cut his music, and they play Ishii’s. Kingston points at Ishii and wants to show him respect, but Ishii keeps pulling away from him. Kingston stares him down and leaves as Ishii walks around the ring.
All Out
Casino Ladder Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Wheeler Yuta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes_ vs. Rush vs. Andrade El Idolo (w/Jose the Assistant) vs. Dante Martin vs. The Joker
Yuta and Fenix start the match, and Fenix delivers a few quick kicks and shots in the corner. Fenix props a ladder up on the barricade and pulls Yuta up top. Yuta counters and shoves Fenix to the floor, and sends him onto the ladder with a dive. Yuta gets a ladder in the ring as Rush enters the match. Yuta climbs the ladder in the ring, but Fenix cuts him off. They exchange shots and Yuta climbs again, but Rush cuts him off. Rush suplexes Yuta into the ladder and delivers a headbutt to Fenix. Rush dives onto Fenix and slams him into the barricade a few times. Rush chokes Fenix with a camera cable as Andrade El Idolo enters the match. Rush sets the ladder up for Idolo to climb, but they prop another ladder between the rungs and the ropes. They go after Fenix on the outside, and then prop a ladder on the apron and the barricade. Rush slams Fenix into the ladder and he and Idolo get back into the ring. Rush tells Idolo to climb, and then Rush climbs the other side. Yuta and Fenix cut them off, and then Yuta and Idolo climb. Yuta delivers shots on top of the ladder, and then Idolo suplexes him down on the ladder propped between the rungs and the ropes.
Claudio Castagnoli enters the match and delivers an uppercut to Rush. Castagnoli and Idolo get in the ring and climb the ladder. The ladder is still wedged in the rungs, and then Castagnoli dumps Idolo to the floor. Dante Martin enters the match. Fenix gets into the ring and dodges a ladder from Castagnoli and Fenix, and then another ladder that almost fell on him. Martin delivers a few shots to Castagnoli and then sends he and Fenix to the floor. Martin goes to dive onto them, but he springboards onto a ladder that Yuta set up. Martin drops Yuta with a dropkick, and then escapes Castagnoli and climbs the ladder. Martin goes for a hurricanrana, but Castagnoli catches him. Martin takes Castagnoli to the floor and Penta enters the match. Penta spikes Martin on the ramp and drops Rush with a Slingblade. Penta kicks Yuta in the face, but Castagnoli meets him with an uppercut. Penta comes back with a Backstabber and an enzuigiri. Idolo delivers shots to Penta on the apron, but Penta comes back and drives Idolo onto a propper ladder with a Canadian Destroyer as Fenix kicks Rush in the face. Fenix gets Rush on a table and drives him through it with a frog splash.
Castagnoli, Yuta, and Martin climb a ladder, but men in masks get into the ring and knock them all down and beat them down. One of them climbs the ladder and pulls down the casino chip. The rest of his men unmask, and then The Joker enters. The Joker comes to the ring with a mask, and Hathaway hands him the chip as the bell rings.
Winner: The Joker
-After the match, The Joker feigns taking his mask off, but doesn’t. He leaves with Hathaway and the rest of his men and puts his finger to the lips of his mask.
Don Callis joins the commentary team for the next match.
AEW World Trios Championship Tournament – Final Match: Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) (w/Brandon Cutler and Michael Nakazawa) vs. Adam Page and Dark Order (Alex Reynolds and John Silver)
Page and Nick start the match. Page applies a wrist-lock, but Nick turns it into one of his own. Page turns it into a side-headlock and drops Nick with a shoulder tackle. Reynolds and Matt tag in and they lock up. Reynolds applies a wrist-lock, but Matt turns it into one of his own. Reynolds comes back with a side-headlock, but Matt takes him down. Reynolds wants a headshake, but Matt spits in his face. Reynolds takes Matt down and delivers shots, and then they lock up again. Silver makes a tag and hits Matt in the back. Silver and Reynolds stomp Matt, but Page gets in the ring and tells them to stop. Page tags in, as does Omega. They lock up and Omega backs Page into the corner. Silver makes the tag and works over Omega’s arm. Reynolds tags in and slams Omega into the corner shoulder-first. Silver tags back in, and he and Reynolds double-team Omega. Silver applies a wrist-lock and Page tags in. Omega chops Page against the ropes, but Page comes back with a chop of his own. Omega delivers more shots, but Page drops him with a kick to the face. Page follows with a fall-away slam, and then knocks Matt to the floor.
Page goes for the springboard clothesline on Omega, but Omega ducks and Nick kicks Page in the face. Matt takes out Silver and Reynolds with a double dropkick as Nick drops Page on the apron. Nick takes Silver and Reynolds out with a dive and Matt tags in. Matt drops an elbow on Page and goes for the cover, but Page kicks out. Nick tags in and stomps on Page. Nick drives his shoulder into Page’s midsection and Matt tags back in. Omega tags in eight after, and they triple-team Page. Omega goes for the cover, but Page kicks out. Omega delivers shots in the corner, but Page fights out with shots to The Bucks and a Death Valley Driver to Omega. Silver tags in, as does Matt, and Silver drops him with a few clotheslines. Silver delivers an enzuigiri and dives onto Cutler and Nakazawa. Nick comes back with a kick to Silver’s face, and then plants Page with a face-buster. Silver comes back with a kick, and then he and Reynolds drop Nick with a Brain Buster on the floor. Silver kicks Matt in the head and drops him with Spin Doctor. Silver goes for the cover, but Omega breaks it up. Reynolds sends Omega to the floor, and then he and Silver double team Matt.
Matt comes back with a double Northern Lights suplex and tags in Omega. Omega takes Silver down with a cross-body, and then drops Reynolds and Page with snap dragon suplexes. Silver comes back with kicks to Omega, but Omega drops him with a snap dragon. Nick kicks Reynolds in the face, and then The Bucks and Omega triple-team Silver. Reynolds comes back and sends The Bucks to the floor, and then he, Silver, and Page triple-team Omega. Reynolds goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Page and Dark Order go for a triple bomb, but The Bucks make the save. Omega hits Silver with the V Trigger and then dives onto everyone on the floor. Omega gets Reynolds in the ring and tags in Matt. Matt tries to power bomb Reynolds in the corner, but Reynolds sends him into it with a hurricanrana as Omega and Nick kick Matt in the head. Page takes out Nick as he tags in with a dive as Omega gets taken out as well. Page and Dark Order his the Pendulum Bomb on Nick and go for the cover, but Matt breaks it up. Dark Order and The Bucks exchange superkicks, and all four men collapse to the mat.
Page and Omega tag in and exchange shots. Omega hits the V Trigger and a Tiger Driver 98. Omega goes for the cover, but Page kicks out. Page comes back with a shot to Omega and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Page hits the Buckshot Lariat to the back of Omega’s head and goes for another one, but Matt grabs his ankle. Nick hits a Buckshot on Page and then The Bucks hit the BTE Trigger. Omega goes for the cover, but Reynolds breaks it up. Omega goes for the V Trigger, but Page collapses. Silver hits an enzuigiri on Omega and gets a roll-up for two. Silver kicks Omega in the knee and goes for a rolling lariat, but Omega hits a V Trigger. Omega goes for the One Winged Angel, but Silver counters with a roll-up for two. Silver hits a a back elbow and holds Omega in place. Page goes for the Buckshot, but Omega ducks and Page hits Silver with it. Omega gets the pin fall on Silver as Matt holds Page back.
Winners and inaugural AEW World Trios Champions: Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks
Footage of the feud between Athena and Jade Cargill airs.
AEW TBS Championship Match: Jade Cargill (c) (w/Kiera Hogan and Leila Grey) vs. Athena
Athena delivers a few shots and goes up top. Cargill tries to come back, but Athena delivers shots to get her away. Athena hits the Offace and goes for the cover, but Cargill kicks out as Grey and Hogan try to pull Athena out of the ring. Athena goes after them, and Cargill takes advantage back in the ring. Cargill drops Athena with a few shots and then follows with a Spear. Cargill goes for the cover, but Athena kicks out. They exchange shots in the corner, and then Cargill throws Athena across the ring. Athena comes back with a take down and gets a two count, but Cargill powers out. Athena takes Cargill down with a cross-body and goes for the cover, but Cargill kicks out. Athena goes for the Offace again, but Cargill counters and goes for Jaded. Athena gets free and hits a thrust kick. Athena delivers a Stunner and goes for the cover, but Cargill kicks out. Athena goes to the apron, but Hogan distracts her. Athena gets back into the ring and comes off the ropes, but Cargill kicks her in the midsection. Cargill delivers Jaded and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TBS Champion: Jade Cargill
Earlier today, Alex Marves interviewed CM Punk. Marvez asked Punk if he was 100 percent, and Punk asks if he has ever been 100 percent. Punk says Jon Moxley has an easy target with his foot. Punk says Moxley isn’t just fighting him, but he is fighting everyone in Chicago tonight.
Trios Tag Team Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) and Wardlow vs. Jay Lethal and The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) (w/Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt)
Wardlow and Lethal start the match. Lethal goes for a wrist-lock and a side-headlock, but Wardlow gets free. Lethal gets Wardlow down and goes for the Figure Four, but Wardlow kicks him away. Sabin tags in, as does Harwood. They lock up and Sabin takes him down with an arm-drag. Sabin pie-faces Harwood, but Harwood does the same. They exchange slaps and then Wheeler and Shelley get into the ring. Harwood comes back with a headlock and then drops Sabin with a shoulder tackle. Harwood delivers rights and lefts to Sabin, and then a few to Shelley as well. Harwood drops Sabin with a short-arm clothesline, and then Dutt distracts him. Harwood chases Dutt around the ring, and then the Guns double-team Harwood and take him down. Shelley tags in, but Harwood comes back with a chop and a back suplex. Wheeler tags in and FTR drop Shelley with a double sledge, Harwood slams Wheeler onto Shelley and Wheeler goes for the cover, but Sabin breaks it up. Wheeler delivers a few uppercuts to Shelley and tags in Wardlow. Wardlow delivers a shot to Shelley, but Shelley comes back with a chop.
Sabin comes in and Wardlow goes for a double chokeslam, but they double-team him. The Guns go for a double suplex, but Wardlow counters and delivers one of his own and tags in Harwood. Harwood applies the Sharpshooter to Shelley and Dutt distracts the referee again. Harwood blocks a Lethal Injection. Shelley comes back as Lethal delivers a thrust kick to Harwood. Shelley goes for the cover, but Harwood kicks out. Shelley takes Harwood to the corner and tags in Sabin. The Guns double-team Harwood with dropkicks and low kicks. Sabin goes for the cover, but Harwood kicks out. Lethal tags in, and he and Harwood exchange chops. Lethal backs Harwood into the corner and The Guns double-team him as Lethal delivers a few more kicks. Sabin tags in and slams Harwood into the corner. The Guns double-team him again and Shelley tags back in. Harwood dodges a shot and causes Sabin to kick Shelley in the face. Harwood kicks Sabin into Shelley and tags in Wheeler. Wheeler delivers shots to Sabin and an uppercut to Shelley. Wheeler delivers a knee lift and back elbow in the corner. Wheeler delivers a chop and drops Shelley with a lariat.
Wheeler blocks Sliced Bread and slams Shelley down. Wheeler goes for the cover, but Lethal and Sabin break it up. Wardlow comes in and sends the out, but Shelley dropkicks Wheeler’s knee. Shelley works over Wheeler’s knee, and Lethal wraps his knee around the ring post. Sabin does the same as Harwood and Wardlow get in the ring. Lethal delivers another shot to Wheeler’s knee and then Sabin delivers a dragon screw to the other knee in the ropes. Lethal tags in and locks in the Figure Four, but Wheeler gets free and kicks him away. Wheeler delivers a few back elbows, but Shelley kicks him in the knee again. Sabin tags in, but Wheeler drops him with a back-breaker over his knee. Wheeler grabs his knee again and tags in Wardlow. Wardlow takes everyone down with shots and spine-busters. Wardlow drops Lethal with the F-10 and goes for the cover, but Lethal kicks out. The Guns pull FTR off the apron and deliver thrust kicks, and then Singh delivers a shot to Wardlow. Lethal rolls Wardlow up for two, and then kicks a knee to the face. The Guns double-team Wardlow in the corner and then Sabin takes FTR out with a dive.
Lethal and Shelley hang Wardlow in the corner, and then they and Sabin each deliver a dropkick to Wardlow as he hangs upside sown. Lethal goes up top and delivers the elbow drop. Lethal goes for the cover, but Wardlow kicks out. Lethal and the Guns deliver kicks, but FTR come back and. Harwood drops Sabin with a slingshot Liger Bomb, and then FTR hit the Big Rig on Shelley. Lethal drops FTR with a double Lethal Injection, but then Wardlow drops Lethal with a lariat. Wardlow delivers four power bombs in the Powerbomb Symphony to Lethal and gets the pin fall.
Winners: FTR and Wardlow
-After the match, Dutt, the Guns, and Singh get on the apron, but Samoa Joe returns and makes the save for FTR and Wardlow. They surround Dutt as Harwood’s daughter comes to the ring. She breaks Dutt’s pencil in half and Harwood drops him with a right hand. She stands on Dutt’s chest and the referee makes the three count for her.
Footage for the feud between Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks airs.
Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
Starks delivers a few quick shots, but Hobbs tosses him across the ring. Hobbs clubs Starks against the ropes and stomps him down in the corner. Starks comes back, but Hobbs delivers another shot and drops him with a suplex. Starks comes back and sends Hobbs to the corner. Starks goes for a Spear, but Hobbs moves and Starks goes shoulder-first into the ring post. Hobbs follows Starks to the floor and throws him into the barricade. Hobbs gets Starks back into the ring and puts him across the top turnbuckle. Hobbs slams Starks down and wrenches his neck. Hobbs delivers a knee strike to Starks’ back and wrenches his neck again. Hobbs sends Starks to the corner and charges, but Starks dodges and delivers quick strikes. Hobbs delivers a back elbow and drops Hobbs with a spinning DDT. Starks goes for the cover, but Hobbs kicks out. Starks dodges a few clothesline as he runs the ropes, but Hobbs drops him with a big spine-buster and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs
Footage for the feud between Swerve in Our Glory and The Acclaimed airs.
Jim Ross has joined the commentary team.
AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: Swerve in Our Glory (Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland) (c) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) (w/Billy Gunn)
Bowens goes behind Strickland and takes him down. Strickland counters and works over Bowens’ knee, and then transitions and goes for an arm-bar. Bowens gets free, but Strickland goes back to working on his knee. Bowens gets free again and Strickland runs the ropes. Strickland leaps over Bowens and grabs his leg, but Bowens gets a pair of roll-ups for two. Strickland takes Bowens down with a hurricanrana and tags in Lee. Caster tags in and goes behind. Caster applies a side-headlock, but Lee gets free. Lee tries to toss Caster across the ring, but Caster lands on his feet. Caster trips Lee up, but Lee comes back. Caster holds the ropes to avoid Lee, but Lee tosses him into the corner. Caster kicks Lee in the face and drops him with a hurricanrana. Caster follows with a dropkick, and then Bowens takes down Strickland. The Acclaimed send Lee and Strickland to the floor and then scissor in the ring. Lee gets back into the ring and delivers a right hand to Caster. Lee delivers rights and lefts to Caster and beats him down. Lee delivers a low cross-body to Caster’s back and goes for the cover, but Caster kicks out.
Strickland tags in and he and Lee double-team Caster in the corner. Lee tags back in and delivers a double chop to Caster in the corner. Lee puts Caster up top, but Caster counters with a back elbow and drops Lee with a diving cutter. Bowens and Strickland tag in and Bowens delivers a few clotheslines. Bowens drops Strickland with a neck-breaker and an elbow strike. Bowens delivers a Brain Buster and goes for the cover, but Strickland kicks out. Strickland sends Bowens into the corner, but Bowens kicks him in the face. Bowens knee buckles on the ropes and Strickland dodges him, but he gets back to his feet. Bowens delivers a few more shots, but collapses against the ropes and holds his knee. Bowens pulls himself up, but Strickland dumps him to the outside again. Strickland takes Bowens down as Gunn and Caster were checking on him. Strickland gets Bowens back into the ring and works over his knee. Lee tags in and splashes onto Bowens. Lee goes for the cover, but Bowens kicks out. Lee splashes Bowens in the corner and delivers a double chop. Lee tosses Bowens across the ring, but Bowens fires up. Bowens delivers elbow strikes and kicks Lee in the face.
Bowens goes up top and drops Lee with a flipping neck-breaker. Caster tags in. Caster drops Strickland with a back-body drop and clotheslines Lee against the ropes. Caster dives onto Strickland and takes Lee down with a cross-body. Caster goes for the cover, but Lee kicks out. The Acclaimed double-team Lee in the corner, and then Bowens collapses again. Caster tries to pick Lee up, but Lee fights him off. Lee goes for the Pounce, but Caster dodges and Lee hits Strickland. Caster takes Lee down and Bowens delivers a knee strike. Caster goes for the cover, but Lee kicks out. Lee delivers a headbutt to Bowens and sends Caster to the floor. Bowens delivers a few shots to Lee, but his knee gives out again. Lee trips Bowens up and goes up top. Caster comes back and he and Bowens cut him off. Strickland makes a blind tag as they double suplex Lee down. Strickland hits the Swerve Stomp on Bowens and goes for the cover, but Bowens kicks out. Strickland works over Bowens’ knee and locks in a single-leg Boston Crab. Strickland stomps on Bowens, but Caster comes off the ropes and kicks Strickland in the face.
Caster tags in, but Strickland kicks him in the head. Strickland goes for the cover, but Caster kicks out. Strickland goes for a springboard, but Bowens grabs his ankle. Bowens gets Strickland on the apron and holds him, and Caster delivers a Mic Drop onto the floor. Caster rolls Strickland into the ring. Bowens and Lee get into the ring, as well, and Lee takes them down. Lee double chops Bowens and Gunn gets on the apron. Lee gets in his face and Gunn drops off the apron. Caster delivers shots and a thrust kick to Lee. Caster picks Lee up and drops him with a fireman’s carry slam. Bowens tags in and slams Strickland down with The Arrival. Caster hits the Mic Drop and Bowens goes for the cover, but Lee breaks it up. Caster goes after Strickland, but Strickland drops him with a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Bowens grabs Strickland, but Strickland delivers shots to his knee. Strickland delivers a back-breaker and Lee tags in. Bowens delivers a shot to Strickland, but Lee comes in. Bowens delivers shots to both of them and causes Strickland to kick Lee in the head. Bowens rolls Lee up and gets a two count.
Bowens drops Strickland with a spinning DDT and goes after Lee, but Lee catches him. Strickland goes up top and they double slam Bowens to the mat and Lee gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: Swerve in Our Glory
-After the match, Lee and Gunn share a scissor, but Caster, Bowens, and Strickland don’t.
Jon Moxley is shown warming up for his match backstage.
AEW Interim Women’s World Championship – Four-Way Match: Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (w/Rebel) vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida
Hayter goes after Storm as Shida goes after Baker. Storm turns it around and stomps Hayter down as Shida sends Baker to the floor. Hayter comes back and goes after Storm as Shida gets sent to the outside. Storm drops Hayter with a dropkick and runs the ropes, but Baker trips her up. Baker delivers shots to Storm on the apron, and then Shida delivers shots to Baker. Shida gets back into the ring and delivers a knee strike to Hayter. Baker grabs Shida’s arm, but Shida shoves her away. They all exchange two counts for a bit, and then Hayter applies a single leg Boston Crab on Shida. Baker goes for the Lockjaw on Shida, but Storm breaks it up. Storm begins joint manipulation on Hayter as Hayter still has the hold applied to Shida, but Baker breaks it all up with a shot to Storm. Shida comes back, but Baker drops her with a Slingblade. Baker delivers one to Storm as well, but Shida kicks Baker in the midsection. Shida delivers shots and sends Baker to the floor, and then Hayter delivers an elbow strike to Shida. Hayter delivers back elbows to Shida and Hayter in the corner, and then delivers a double sledge to both of them.
Hayter drops them with a double suplex and a double clothesline. Hayter gets Storm against the ropes and delivers a chop. Storm comes back and sends Hayter to the floor and takes her out with a dive. Baker drops Storm with a Slingblade, but then Shida drops Baker with a dropkick. Storm comes back and sends Baker into the barricade, and then Storm and Shida get into the ring. They exchange arm-drags and Shida applies a side-headlock. Storm gets free and drops Shida with a shoulder tackle. Shida kicks up and drops Storm with a shoulder tackle of her own. Storm kicks up this time and they exchange shots. Rebel gets in the ring and pulls them apart, but they lay her out with a double headbutt. Hayter and Baker come in and take them down. Baker throws Shida to the outside, and then they double-team Storm in the corner. Baker and Hayter go after Shida on the outside and Hayter throws Shida on the stage. Baker has Shida’s kendo stick, but she stomps Shida’s head onto the stage. Baker throws the kendo stick on Shida and they walk back to the ring. Trainers check on Shida as Hayter and Baker double-team Storm in the ring.
Trainers take Shida to the back as Storm fights back with a kick to Hayter. Storm trips Baker into the corner and takes Storm down with a cross-body. Storm goes for the cover, but Hayter kicks out. Baker delivers an elbow strike to Storm, and then slams her to the mat. Hayter chokes Storm with her boot in the corner, and then Baker does the same. Storm fights back with forearm strikes, but they double suplex her down. Shida comes back to the ring with two kendo sticks, and she beats Baker and Hayter with them. Shida sends Baker into Hayter in the corner, and then climbs up and delivers shots to both of them. Shida delivers a dropkick to Baker and suplexes her into Hayter in the corner. Baker goes to the outside and suplexes Hayter from the apron back into the ring. Shida goes for the cover, but Hayter kicks out. Shida goes for the Kitana, but Hayter counters with a chop. Shida hits the Question Mark Kick, but Baker delivers a thrust kick. Storm kicks Baker in the face, and then Hayter drops Storm with a back-breaker. Baker and Hayter get a double-cover on Shida, but Storm breaks it up.
Storm and Shida exchange shots to Baker and Hayter, and then Hayter and Shida deliver knee strikes. Shida delivers an elbow strike and an enzuigiri to Hayter. Shida drops Hayter with a Falcon Arrow, but Storm breaks it up. Storm suplexes Shida and Baker, and then Hayter delivers a Tombstone Piledriver to Storm. Shida takes Hayter down with a Meteora, and then Baker delivers an elbow strike and a twisting neck-brekaer to Shida. Baker stomps Shida and goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out. Baker puts on her glove, but Storm throws her to the floor. Hayter knocks Storm to the outside and drops Shida with the ripcord lariat. Hayter goes for the cover, but Baker pulls the referee out of the ring. Hayter yells at Baker, and then Storm kicks Hayter in the midsection and delivers Storm Zero. Baker tosses Storm out of the ring and goes for the cover on Hayter, but Hayter kicks out. Storm comes back and drops Baker with a DDT, and then does the same to Hayter and gets the pin fall on Hayter.
Winner and AEW Interim Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm
The video package for Full Gear airs. It will take place in November from Newark, New Jersey.
Footage for the feud between Christian Cage and Jungle Boy airs.
Jungle Boy vs. Christian Cage (w/Luchasaurus)
During his entrance, Cage got in Jungle Boy’s mother’s face, and the slapped him across the face. During his entrance, Luchasaurus comes from behind Jungle Boy and choke slams him on the steel stage siding. Luchasaurus carries Jungle Boy to the ring and dumps him at ringside. Luchasaurus slams Jungle Boy through the timekeeper’s table and tosses him into the ring. Jungle Boy pulls himself to his feet, but Cage drops him with a Spear. Cage goes for the cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out. Cage drops Jungle Boy with the Killswitch and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Christian Cage
Marvez is backstage with Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, Danhausen, and Death Triangle. He says there will be a Trios match on Dynamite, and PAC says there wasn’t a confrontation earlier, it was simply a little dog barking up the wrong tree.
Footage for the feud between Bryan Danielson and Chris Jericho airs.
William Regal joins the commentary team for the next match.
Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho
They go back-and-forth for a bit, and then Danielson takes Jericho down and stomps on his face repeatedly. Jericho goes to the floor, but then gets back into the ring and backs Danielson into the corner. Jericho delivers a few chops, and then they lock up again. Danielson applies a side-headlock, and then goes into a wrist-lock. Jericho turns it into one of his own, and then takes Danielson down and locks him in a leg-scissors choke. Danielson gets free and wrenches at Jericho’s face. Danielson stomps on Jericho’s knees and then locked in an inverted Figure Four. Jericho counters with a front guillotine, but Danielson delivers forearm strikes. Danielson goes for an arm-bar, but Jericho counters out and goes back to the leg-scissors hold. Danielson counters out and goes for the Stretch Muffler, but then drops down and works over Jericho’s legs. Jericho rolls through and gets a two count, and then they exchange chops and shops. Jericho delivers one big shot and follows with a back-breaker. Danielson comes back with a few uppercuts, but Jericho knocks him right back down. Jericho delivers a springboard dropkick that sends Danielson to the floor.
Jericho follows Danielson out, but Danielson takes advantage and drops him on the floor. Danielson gets Jericho back into the ring and drops him with a dropkick. Danielson kicks Jericho in the chest a few times, but Jericho dodges the kick to the head and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Danielson sends him away and trips him into the turnbuckle. Danielson goes for a hurricanrana off the top, but Jericho counters and locks in the Walls. Danielson counters with a roll-up for two, and then he sends Jericho to the outside. Danielson drops Jericho with a dive and chops him against the barricade. Danielson gets Jericho back into the ring, but Jericho counters and gets Danielson up top. Jericho delivers a series of shots, but Danielson comes back with a headbutt that sends Jericho down. Danielson goes for a diving headbutt, but Jericho dodges it and goes for the Lionsault. Danielson gets his knees up and locks in the LeBell Lock. Jericho counters out, and delivers a Tombstone Piledriver. Jericho hits the Lionsault and goes for the cover, but Danielson kicks out. Jericho kicks Danielson in the face, but Danielson comes back with a few kicks of his own.
Danielson stomps on Jericho’s head repeatedly and then locks in the LeBell Lock. Jericho crawls toward the ropes, but Danielson rolls over and keeps the hold applied. Jericho counters out, but Danielson goes to a triangle hold. Jericho gets toward the ropes and catapults Danielson’s throat into the bottom rope. Danielson tries to fight back, but Jericho keeps him grounded and applies the Lion Tamer. Danielson grabs the rope and comes back with a running knee strike. Danielson applies the Cattle Mutilation, but Jericho gets free. Danielson delivers elbow strikes and goes back to the Cattle Mutilation. Jericho makes it to the ropes, but Danielson delivers kicks to Jericho’s back. Jericho gets a roll-up after the referee told Danielson to back off, but Danielson kicks out. Danielson takes Jericho down and delivers the elbow strikes again. Jericho gets up and they go to the corner, and Jericho delivers a low blow and hits the Judas Effect for the pin fall.
Winner: Chris Jericho
-After the match, Daniel Garcia is shown with his head in his hand after seeing what Jericho did to win the match. The rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society come out to celebrate with Jericho.
Footage of the feud between Darby Allin, Miro, and Sting and The House of Black airs.
Trios Tag Team Match: The House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, and Brody King) (w/Julia Hart) vs. Darby Allin, Sting, and Miro
Black and Miro start the match, and Miro delivers shots in the corner. Miro stomps Black down, but Black comes back with kicks and elbow strikes. Black delivers body shots and Matthews tags in. Matthews comes off the top, but Miro suplexes him down. Miro backs Matthews into the corner and doesn’t tag in Allin. Miro slams Matthews down and still doesn’t take in Allin. Matthews comes back with a kick and a jaw-breaker, and Allin tags himself in. Miro gets in his face and Allin comes off the ropes. Matthews catches him, but Allin rolls him up for a two count. Allin delivers shots to Matthews, but Black made the tag in and kicks Allin in the face. Black slams Allin into the corner and stomps him down. Allin delivers a running knee strike and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. King tags in and Black stomps on Allin. King delivers a chop and throws him into the corner. King puts Allin on the top rope and chops him to the floor. King slams Allin into the barricade a few times and gets him back into the ring. Black tags in as King chokes Allin with his boot in the corner. Black kicks Allin in the back and applies a rear choke.
Allin comes back and he and Black connect with simultaneous kicks, but Matthews tags in and chops Allin into the corner. Allin fights out of the corner, but Matthews delivers a pop-up knee strike. Matthews knocks Sting down, but Allin tags in Miro. The referee didn’t see it and tells Miro to get out of the ring. Matthews throws Allin into the corner and kicks Miro to the floor. Allin goes for a roll-up, but Matthews blocks it. Allin gets free and tags in Sting. Sting delivers shots to Matthews and King, and then delivers Stinger Splashes to them in the corners. Sting dodges King and sends him into Matthews in the corner. Sting sends King to the apron and drops him to the floor. Sting tosses Matthews into the corner and stares Black down. Black tags in and they exchange shots. Black connects with a kick, but Sting takes him down and applies the Scorpion Deathlock. Matthews kicks Sting in the face, but Sting isn’t fazed. King does the same, but Sting still isn’t fazed. They both kick Sting in the face, and Black is able to turn it into a knee bar. Miro pulls Black to the ropes by the hair, and Matthews kicks Miro in the face.
King tags in and the House goes for Dante’s Inferno. Sting escapes and Allin tags in. Sting drops King with the Scorpion Deathlock and Allin hits the Coffin Drop. Allin goes for the cover, but Matthews breaks it up. Matthews takes Sting down in the corner, but Miro clotheslines Matthews to the floor. Miro kicks King in the face and runs at Matthews, but Matthews hits Miro with Sting’s baseball bat. Allin drops Matthews with a Stunner and takes him out with a dive on the outside. Black goes for a spinning kick on Sting, but Sting spits mist in his face and Allin gets the pin fall with the Last Supper pinning combination.
Winners: Darby Allin, Miro, and Sting
Schiavone tries to interview Garcia, but Jericho interrupts and asks him why he didn’t celebrate with him. Garcia says he told Jericho he didn’t need to cheat, but he still did and he let him down. Jericho says Garcia also let him down, and Jericho says no one in the Society will be at ringside with Garcia when he takes on Yuta for the ROH Pure title. Garcia says what he means, and Jericho says Garcia made he decision, and now he is making his.
Footage for the feud between CM Punk and Jon Moxley airs.
AEW World Championship Match: Jon Moxley (c) vs. CM Punk
Moxley sits down and flips Punk off, and they they exchange shots in the corner. Punk delivers a series of chops, but Moxley turns it around with a series of right hands. Punk delivers a roundhouse kick, and then two rising knee strikes in the corner. Punk drops Moxley with a bulldog and delivers elbow strikes. Punk delivers the Go To Sleep and goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out. Punk takes Moxley out with a dive that sends Moxley over the barricade. Punk follows and they exchange shots in the crowd. Punk brings Moxley back to ringside and slams him into the ring steps. Punk kicks Moxley in the face and goes for the GTS, but Moxley slams him into the ring post. Moxley gets back into the ring and Punk has been split open. Moxley goes after Punk and delivers right hands on the floor. Moxley grinds his elbow into Punk’s head and licks the blood off of his arm. Moxley slams Punk’s head into the ring steps and gets him back into the ring. Punk fights back with a few uppercuts, but Moxley kicks him into the corner. Moxley delivers right hands and elbow strikes, but Punk comes back with more chops and strikes.
Moxley kicks Punk’s knee and chops him in the corner. Punk comes back with a knee strike, but Moxley counters with a knee-breaker. Moxley drops an elbow on Punk’s knee and then works over Punk’s foot. Punk comes back with a few shots, but Moxley gets Punk’s leg over the middle rope and delivers a dropkick to it. Moxley drops Punk with a dragon screw leg-whip, and then locks in a Figure Four. Punk’s shoulders hit the mat a few times, but he sits back up and spits in Moxley’s face. Moxley releases the hold and drops Punk with a pile driver. Moxley goes for the cover, but Punk kicks out. Punk comes back with a shot to Moxley’s shoulder and kicks Moxley in the face. Punk slams Moxley’s shoulder into the ring post. Punk stomps on Moxley’s head and locks in the Anaconda Vice. Moxley bites Punk’s face to break the hold, and then stomps Punk’s face a few times. Moxley goes for a clothesline, but Punk ducks under and delivers a dropkick. Punk delivers a scoop slam and goes up top. Moxley dodges the elbow drop and eventually gets Punk in the Bulldog Choke. Punk rolls through, but Moxley transitions into an ankle lock.
Moxley drops Punk with a German suplex and flips off the crowd, but Punk comes back with a roundhouse kick. Moxley comes back with the King Kong Lariat. Punk gets up first and goes for the GTS, but Moxley counters and goes for the Paradigm Shift. Punk counters out and they exchange shots. Punk delivers a neck-breaker and goes for the GTS, but Moxley counters out with a kick. Moxley delivers the Death Rider and goes for the cover, but Punk kicks out. Moxley delivers elbow strikes and locks in the Bulldog Choke. Punk gets to his feet and goes for the GTS, but Moxley drops down and steps on Punk’s knee. Punk rolls through and delivers the GTS. Moxley falls against the ropes and falls onto Punk’s back while Punk kneels on the mat. Punk picks Moxley up and hits the GTS again and gets the pin fall.
Winner and new AEW World Champion: CM Punk
-After the match, the lights go out in the arena. A voicemail plays over the speakers of Tony Khan telling someone that if he shows up to All Out, he can be in the Casino Ladder Match, won’t have to sign an extension, and will be paid a certain amount of money that was bleeped out. The Joker from earlier appears on the screen, and revealed himself to be MJF. He comes to the stage and stares down Punk. Punk holds the title in the air and tells MJF to come to the ring. MJF flips off Punk and the crowd and then stares Punk down again as the show comes to a close.