Peyton Royce on what she believes lead to her release

Jun 22, 2021 - by Steve Gerweck

Peyton Royce Recalls Terrible Meeting With Vince McMahon & Believes it lead to her Release

“This is when you were drafted to Smackdown and I decided to put on my big girl panties and talk to Vince. I had in my head what I wanted to say but he brushed it off very quickly and I went ‘crap’. I had an idea that I wanted to present, and he wanted to discuss other ideas – but I didn’t have other ideas. This is what I wanted to talk about and put my time and effort into. Vince says “What do you do for fun?” Me being me, the introvert and the homebody that I am, I had to let him know that I like to sit on the couch with my dogs and watch TV.

He just stared at me and Said Okay Whats your Plans? in my head I’m just like, ‘make something up’ and I couldn’t make anything up – nothing was coming out. I’m not a liar. I feel like he could have seen right through that. I basically said to him ‘I’m sorry, I’m boring’ and I just like to be home on my off days’. I didn’t contribute much during that unfortunately and that’s probably why I lost the job.”

source: “Off Her Chops” podcast

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