Lilian Garcia’s mother’s cancer is progressing rapidly

Mar 2, 2021 - by Steve Gerweck

Lilian Garcia via Instagram….

I’ve heard some people say that showing sadness or tears is a sign of weakness, but I call bulls–t on that! There is a time to laugh and also a time to cry. And if 2020 and now 2021 has shown us anything, it’s that life can be tough and throw us some doozies that will bring you to your knees. If that’s you, IT’S OK!! DON’T be ashamed! It’s ok to be vulnerable. Allow yourself to feel and accept where you are in your life. By doing that, you can embrace the lessons from that moment in time and truly grow.
Today, I am in that moment of sadness because my moms cancer is progressing rapidly and we know time is not on our side. But I am also embracing the beautiful time we have gotten to spend together and the privilege of taking care of her alongside my sister and husband. We have rallied around her in her time of need and mom is surrounded by our loving care everyday, which is all we can do for her right now.
So if you are going through a tough time, please remember it’s temporary and it’s ok to show emotion. A good cry always makes things better. Hang in there

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