Transcript of Court Bauer’s media call: Confirms Davey Boy Smith Jr.’s departure

Davey Boy Smith Jr. failed to advance in tonight’s Opera Cup. What’s his status with MLW?
CB: Davey Boy’s exit in the opening round of the Opera Cup marks the end of this chapter for DBS in MLW. I have immense gratitude for (Davey) and his contributions inside the MLW ring over the past 2 ½ years. The MLW system was a great fit for him. Winning the 2019 Opera Cup as well as his run as a World Tag Team Champions. A real certified beast. Davey Boy Smith Jr. is the real deal and I wish him luck with whatever comes next.
With Davey’s spot on the roster opening up, there will be a familiar face arriving soon to fill it. I’m a little surprised it hasn’t leaked yet. This one is a big surprise.
How will the semi-finals work?
One semi-final match per week. Next week it will kick off with Low Ki and (Richard) Holliday.
Can we expect to see Laredo Kid again in MLW?
Yes, Laredo (Kid) is going to be in the mix on a regular basis. We may even see the AAA title defended.
Any further comment on the promotion MLW is in talks with that you alluded to earlier this week on Twitter?
(Laughs) Which one? In all seriousness, I think we all see a world war of sorts brewing. I can’t say anything right now but hope to be able to say a lot more before the end of the year. We’ll see.
Can you tell us how Mads Krügger figures into MLW moving forward?
With The Restart signaling the return of MLW, CONTRA needed to revamp and I think that starts with Mads Krügger. That’s a pretty impressive deterrent and weapon.
What are the numbers like thus far for FUSION?
Fubo is very happy and we were once again at the top (of the ratings) for beIN. On YouTube we’re way up compared to where we left off in the Spring. We’re waiting on DAZN data for episode 111 but the restart episode destroyed all of our prior episodes in terms of viewers.
In a nutshell: we’re growing and getting more eyes on the product. But I’m never satisfied with what we just accomplished. I want more, which is why we’re continuing to talk with different networks and services about expanding our programming footprint domestically and abroad. More eyes, more awareness. This is my mantra.
Can you share who you’re in talks with?
No, but I will say we’re pretty deep in talks in the cable and streaming space. If and when a deal gets done, we won’t be shy about sharing the details then.
When do you expect Hammerstone back in the ring?
We hope to know more on that in the next week or two. Hammer wants back in yesterday. If it was up to Hammer, he’d just power through it and be in the ring every week.
What’s the status of the Lio Rush/Myron Reed championship match?
We’re working on it. Lio’s team feels very strongly about certain terms being met. Again, we’re working on it.
When is the next big special?
That will be Kings of Colosseum. We’ll have more on that on next week’s FUSION.