Bound for Glory

Follow along as the Starman recaps Impact Wrestling’s Bound for Glory 2020, live from Skyway Studios in Nashville, TN.
An opening video package highlights the main event and Josh Mathews welcomes us to Bound for Glory live from the empty sound studio as we head into the first match of the night.
Match 1: TJP vs. Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Willie Mack vs. Rohit Raju (Six Way Scramble for Impact X Division Championship)
The bell sounds as all of the challengers look to go against the X Division champion, but Raju is able to escape and escapes from the ring unharmed. The match turns into having only two people in the ring at a time with Jordynne Grace picking up the first near fall over Willie Mack. The ring starts to fill up as TJP locks Mack, Miguel and Bey into a three way submission, but Raju comes in and breaks it up. Raju picks up the pieces as the ring clears until it’s just Raju and Grace and he picks up a near fall after landing a suplex.
Mack then comes in and connects with a forearm and the rest of the competitors surround the ring and connect with shots on Raju. Mack then connects with a moonsault but his pin attempt is broken up by the other four wrestlers. The fight then heads out to the floor as Bey flies over the top rope and takes everyone out. Raju and TJP go back into the ring and trade near falls but it is broken up by Grace. Grace is then hung up in the ropes and she assists in a superplex in the corner that takes out TJP, Bey and Miguel. Raju then comes in and tries to pin Grace but Mack breaks it up.
The match continues with a series of quick moves that clears the ring and TJP connects with a splash on Miguel. Raju then nails TJP with a knee to TJP’s head and picks up the pin fall over Miguel to retain the X Division Championship.
Winner: Rahit Raju retains the X Division Championship by pin fall.
Josh Mathews and Don Callis run down the rest of the Bound for Glory card. Rich Swann is seen arriving earlier in the day as we head backstage where there is a pre-wedding party and that wedding may take place tonight in the ring. Heath and Rhino as the two try to hype each other for the upcoming Gauntlet Match. A video package that explains the rules is aired as we head into the second match of the night, which focuses on the stipulations for Rhino and Heath.
Match 2: Call Your Shot Gauntlet
Rhino and Daivari start out the gauntlet as Rhino quickly takes Davari down and sets up for the Gore, but Davari escapes out to the floor. Rhino follows and Davari sends Rhino into the announce table before heading back into the ring. Larry D is the third entrant into the gauntlet and help Davari work over Rhino. Crazzy Steve is the next one in the ring and sets his sites on Larry D. Acey Romero is in next as he and Larry D crush Crazzy Steve. Tenille Dashwood is next but she stays outside of the ring as Kaleb enters the ring instead. Havok comes in and takes Kaleb out with a powerbomb and eliminates him from the gauntlet.
Brian Myers comes in at number eight and eliminates Crazzy Steve from the ring and he is the first official elimination. Swoggle comes in as number nine as Tenille has officially joined in on the match. Swoggle and Meyers then eliminate Davari from the match and Myers quickly turns on Swoggle and eliminates him from the match. Tommy Dreamer comes out wearing Road Warrior Animal face paint as Dreamer and Swoggle connect with the Doomsday Device on Myers. Alisha comes in at number 11 as Myers sends Dreamer over the top rope. Alisha then nails Myers with a kendo stick as he then picks her up and sends her out to the floor. Kiera Hogan as Myers poses for a photo with Tenille before sending her out to the floor. Myers has eliminated everyone from the match thus far.
Tara Valkyrie is in at 13 followed by Fallah Bahh at number 14, who seems to be more concerned with hiding a stash of cash. Havok then eliminates Kiera before she is eliminated by Tara. James Storm is the 15th entrant into the gauntlet and goes right after both members of Triple XL. Storm eliminates Larry D as Adam Thornstowe comes in and mixes it up with Storm before going after Rhino. Reno Scum comes in and assists his partner before Heath comes out at number 18 and clotheslines Romero out to the floor to eliminate him from the match. Heath then eliminates Myers as Sami Callihan comes in at number 19.
Callihan goes right after Storm as Hernandez comes in as the final entrant into the gauntlet. Hernandez tries to steal Baah’s cash but Baah eliminates himself to prevent Hernandez from taking it back. Hernandez then goes out after Baah as Rhino eliminates Thornstowe and Scum as we are down to the final four of Rhino, Heath, Callihan and Storm. Callihan then eliminates Storm and Heath and the gauntlet becomes a one on one match with Rhino taking on Sami Callihan.
Callihan takes Rhino down with a piledriver for a near fall before heading out to the floor to grab a chair. The referee prevents Callihan from using the chair, which gives Rhino time to recover and takes Callihan down with a Gore and picks up the pin fall victory. Rhino is given the Call Your Shot Gauntlet trophy and earns a contract for himself and Heath.
Winner: Rhino won the 20 person Call Your Shot Gauntlet.
The North is being interviewed backstage by Gia Miller and say they will rise to occasion tonight against all the flashy free agent tag teams that have come in to Impact Wrestling over the past three months and they will climb back onto their throne. A video package highlighting the EC3/Moose matchup is then aired, which leads into the next match of the night.
Match 3: EC3 vs. Moose
EC3 is shown beating up some guy in a ring in some warehouse. Moose then enters the room and the two stare each other down before trading blows, while people wearing matching Free EC3 hoodies stand around the ring and pound on the mat as we are watching a cinematic style match. EC3 is busted open and gets blood all over Moose’s white ring gear.
Moose grabs a chair and asks EC3 why he has been tormenting him as EEC3 fights back. The fight then heads out to the floor where EC3 sends Moose into a guard railing and then the ring post a few times. EC3 says Moose is finally starting to become what he is supposed to be, an animal, an killer, a wrestling god, a champion, but right now he is nothing.
Moose then spears EC3 onto the unsanctioned TNA World Championship title and picks it up and smashes it into EC3’s head a few times while asking EC3 if he wanted him to become a monster. The hoodie gang start chanting “Moose!” as he smashes the title against EC3’s head one last time. The hoodie gang then remove EC3 from the ring as the match comes to a close.
Josh Mathews wonders if EC3 sacrificed himself for Moose to control his own narrative. Don Callis says Moose is now a changed man. Footage of Ken Shamrock being inducted into the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame by Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson is aired. A video package highlighting the events leading up to the Ken Shamrock/Eddie Edwards match is then aired, which leads us into the next match of the night.
Match 4: Eddie Edwards vs. Ken Shamrock (w/Sami Callihan)
The match starts and Shamrock connects with a series of punches on Edwards before taking him down with a knee strike. Shamrock then wears Edwards down with some grapple holds as Edwards fights his way out. Shamrock then connects with some more kicks and strikes as the match heads out to the floor. Shamrock continues on the offensive attack as the match returns to the ring. Edwards finally gets in some offense and slams Shamrock to the mat and begins to work over Shamrock’s leg.
Shamrock rolls out to the floor where Callihan tries to regroup with Shamrock, but Edwards dives out to the floor and takes them both out. Shamrock is rolled back into the ring where Edwards connects with a missile dropkick for a near fall. Edwards then takes Shamrock down with a powerbomb, but Shamrock counters the pin attempt with an arm bar but has to break the hold in order not to be pinned. Edwards then connects with the Backpack Stunner but Shamrock follows with a headlock.
Edwards counters with a head butt and connects with the Boston Knee Party. Edwards then locks in a single leg Boston Crab and Sami Callihan jumps on the apron as the lights go out. The lights come on and Callihan is in the ring with a baseball bat, but Edwards sends Callihan out to the floor with a couple of shots with a kendo stick. Shamrock then takes Edwards down with a suplex and the locks in the ankle lock to pick up the submission victory.
Winner: Ken Shamrock defeated Eddie Edwards by submission.
Eric Young and Rich Swann are seen backstage. We then get a video package highlighting the four way tag team match is aired, which brings us to the next match of the night.
Match 5: The North vs. Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs. Good Brothers vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Impact Tag Team Championship)
The North goes right after the Motor City Machine Guns as Josh Alexander takes out Alex Shelley on the entrance ramp with a piledriver. The medical team and security come out to check on Shelley and take him to the back. Chris Sabin has to go at it alone and goes right after the North. Ethan Page takes down Sabin as Ace Austin and Madman Fulton tag themselves in to continue wearing down Sabin. Alexander tags himself into the match as he continues to wear down Sabin in their corner with quick tags and double team moves.
Alexander misses with a moonsault as Fulton tags himself in and continues working over Sabin. Austin is tagged in and picks up a near fall on Sabin as Austin and Fulton begin to use quick tags and double team moves to continue to wear down Sabin. Sabin is able to counter their double team moves and rolls into the Good Brothers corner where Karl Anderson finally tags himself into the match. Anderson takes Austin down with a spinebuster and tags Doc Gallows into the match where Gallows picks up a near fall.
Fulton and Gallows then go at it in the middle of the ring as Austin tags in Page and Page tags Alexander as Gallows takes them both out. Sabin then tags Gallows to enter the match, who comes in and takes everyone out in the match. Sabin and Anderson are the ones left in the ring as the two trade blows and Austin tags in. Sabin takes out Austin before going after the rest again out on the floor. Sabin then goes for a cover on Austin, but it is broken up by Page.
Page tags himself in and tags in Alexander to do some double team moves on Sabin to pick up another near fall on Sabin. Anderson tags in and the Good Brothers take out the North as Austin and Fulton come in and take out the Good Brothers. The North then take out Austin and Fulton but Anderson takes out Page with a neckbreaker. Page counters the Good Brothers double team move and Alexander nails Anderson with a title belt. Page then covers Anderson to pick up the pin fall and win the Impact Tag Team Championships.
Winner: The North won the Impact Tag Team Championship by pin fall in the Four Way Tag Team match.
Rosemary and John E. Bravo are backstage with Tara Valkyrie. Havok enters and leaves with Rosemary as Tara asks Bravo if Rosemary knows about the unicorn decorations and sparkles that he has planned for their wedding. Bravo brushes off her concerns as we then see a video package hyping the Impact Knockouts Championship match between Deonna Purrazzo and Kylie Rae.
Madison Rayne, the five time former Knockouts Champion, joins the commentary team for the Knockouts match. Kylie Ray doesn’t come out to the ring when her music hits. Deonna Purrazzo issues an open challenge to anyone in the back and it is answered by Su Yung as the announce team wonders what happened to Kylie Rae.
Match 6: Deonna Purrazzo (w/Kimber Lee) vs. Su Yung (Impact Knockouts Championship)
Yung goes on the early attack and the two begin to battle on the ring apron until Yung takes Purrazzo down with a slam on the apron. Yung sets up a chair in the ringside area but Purrazzo sends Yung back into the ring where they trade pin attempts. Purrazzo begins working over Yung’s arm before locking in a cross armbreaker submission hold. Purrazzo ties up Yung in the ropes before sending her out to the floor with a dropkick. Purrazzo then hits Yung with a series of German suplexes but Yung quickly counters with a DDT.
The two trade blows in the middle of the ring as Yung gains control of the match. Yung connects with a bulldog, but Purrazzo rolls out to the floor to regroup. Yung follows and sends her into the ring post and puts Purrazzo in the chair before diving off the apron and onto Purrazzo. The match returns to the ring where Yung hits Purrazzo with a Pedigree for a near fall. Yung then puts on her glove but a series of counters ends up with Purrazzo taking out the referee with a kick. Kimber Lee then comes in with a chair but Yung puts the mandible claw on Purrazzo and sprays Kimber Lee with red mist to take her out. Purrazzo fights her way out but Yung connects with a stunner and the Panic Switch as the referee recovers and slowly makes the three count to become the new Impact Knockouts Champion.
Winner: Su Yung defeated Deonna Purrazzo by pin fall to become the new Impact Knockouts Champion.
Josh Mathews then announces that Impact Wrestling will be brining back the Knockouts Tag Team Champions and new champions will be crowned in January at Hard to Kill. A promo for Hard to Kill is aired, which will take place on January 16th. Mathews accidentally says it will take place in 2020, before correcting himself and says he said it like that as this seems like 2020 is a year that won’t ever end. A video package highlighting the feud between Eric Young and Rich Swann is aired as we head into the main event of the night.
Match 7: Rich Swann vs. Eric Young (Impact World Championship)
The bell rings and Young tries to go right for Swann’s leg, but Swann is able to get out of the way. Swann is able to counter Young’s attacks and flies around the ring before taking Young out with a couple of dropkicks. Young rolls out to thee floor to regroup before pulling Swann to the floor. Swann kicks Young that sends him into the ring post before rolling Young back into the ring. Young rolls out to the floor once more to regroup as Swann takes Young out on the floor.
Swann appears to have injured his neck while countering a move on the floor. Swann makes his way back into the ring as Young targets Swann’s neck and picks up a few near falls. Young continues to methodically wear down Swann while continuing to focus on Swann’s neck and picks up another near fall after connecting with a neckbreaker. Swann tries to fight back but Young takes Swann down with a Death Valley Driver for another near fall. Young then shouts out that this is all on Scott D’Amore and on Impact Wrestling and tells Swann to go away. Swann pulls himself up and Young knocks him back down as Young tells him to stay down.
Swann stands up and begins to fight back as he connects with a series of strikes and sends Young flying across the ring. Swann follows with a clothesline and a series of spin kicks and sends Young down off the turnbuckle with a Frankensteiner. Swann then hits a frog splash for a near fall on the champion. Young stalls Swann’s momentum by biting Swann in the forehead before landing a elbow from the top rope to the back of the neck. Young then locks in a crossface submission but Swann manages to get to the bottom rope to break the hold.
The two trade blows in the middle of the ring and Swann tries for a handspring, but Young catches him and slams Swann down to the mat for another near fall. Young then locks Swann in an ankle lock but Swann is able to reach the bottom rope to break the hold. Young then tries for a piledriver, but Swann counters with a rollup for a near fall. Swann then connects with a series of kicks and picks up a near fall of his own. Swann heads to the top rope but Young is able to hang Swann up and works over the ankle. Swann is able to break free and hits Young with a cutter and then hits the Phoenix Splash to pick up the pin fall and become the new Impact World Champion.
Winner: Rich Swann defeated Eric Young by pin fall to become the new Impact World Champion.
The Impact locker room empties out as they come out to the ring to celebrate Rich Swann’s victory. Swann is held up on their shoulders as he holds up the title and Bound for Glory comes to a close.
Quick Results
– Rohit Raju won the Six Way Scramble to retain the X Division Championship.
– Rhino won the Call Your Shot Gauntlet.
– Ken Shamrock defeated Eddie Edwards by submission.
– The North won the Impact Tag Team Championship by pin fall in the Four Way Tag Team match.
– Su Yung defeated Deonna Purrazzo by pin fall to become the new Impact Knockouts Champion.
– Rich Swann defeated Eric Young by pin fall to become the new Impact World Champion.