Former WWE Women’s Champion Victoria on Who She Would Face from the Current Roster and If Her Era is being Forgotten

Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria) sits down with The Wrestling Chatter to discuss her classic feud with Trish Stratus as well as her thoughts on the current division and if she thinks her era is forgotten.
Victoria on who she would face from the current Women’s Division:
I think Charlotte is one that sticks out, Charlotte. I’m still a big fan of Nattie, I really am. She’s a genius in the ring, she’s just a natural. As they say, she can have a good match with a broomstick, she can make anyone look good. I think she’s amazing. All the girls, there’s so many talented girls there now. And Mickie is still going, good for her. I’m very proud.
If she feels her women’s division era is forgotten:
Maybe not for the Divas though. I think the girls acknowledge like, you know I’m sure they study certain matches, we did. We got a lot of shout outs from the girls when they do interviews, they go “I watched Victoria, she’s a good heel” or something like that. I’m still proud, I’m not bitter at all. The way I look at it, I don’t want to hate the business at all, I’m just so proud to be part of this. You guys are the ones that let us know, and fans know about ‘you paved the way’ and I’m like “Thank you very much” and I get to thank Mae and Moolah, Sherri Martel, Madusa, like all these legends before me, Ivory, all these people before me that they paved the way for me too.