Meet the newborn sons of Nikki and Brie Bella
People Magazine got the exclusive photos of Nikki and Brie Bella’s newborn babies, available in this week’s issue as well as online at
Nikki named her son Matteo while Brie named her son Buddy. The two were born just 22 hours apart from each other on July 31 and August 1 respectively.
“What’s crazy about Buddy and Mateo is, they both have the same scream-cry,” says Nikki. “It’s the cutest high-pitch noise and they’re identical. Even their coos are identical and they’re so cute. Now, Mateo, he will grunt and like punch my boobs when he’s breastfeeding. Artem and I will sit and laugh because it’s perfect little punches he’ll do. He grunts at me, so I feel like I have a little boxer on my hands.”
While Matteo loves punching, his cousin Buddy loves kicking instead.
“Buddy loves kicking,” Brie said. “I actually was really nervous, because everyone’s like, ‘If you have a good baby, you’re going to have a really bad one.’ I was like, ‘Well, Birdie was so good. So here comes my wild one.’ He’s calmer than what Birdie was.”
You can check out the photos and the interview with both Nikki and Brie at