4/14/20 AEW Dark Recap
Cody and Tony Schiavone are on commentary for this week’s show.
Match #1 – Singles Match: Billy (w/Austin Gunn) vs. Shawn Spears
Spears leaves the ring immediately, but then comes back in. He backs himself into the ropes before Billy can tough him. They finally lock up and Billy backs Spears into the corner. Spears comes back with a snapmare and taunts Billy. They lock up again and Billy applies a wrist-lock. He wrenches Spears to the mat and applies an arm-bar. Spears gets free, but Billy drops him with a right hand. Spears comes back with a chop, but Billy tosses him into the corner. Spears counters with shots in the corner and goes fora cross-body, but Billy dodges it. Billy kicks Spears in the corner a few times and then kicks him in the knee. Billy delivers a right hand and goes for the cover, but Spears kicks out. Spears rolls to the floor and Austin follows him around the ring. Spears backs around the ring and then Billy gets behind him. Spears gets back into the ring, but Billy drops him with a right hand on the apron. Billy slams Spears into the steps and then the barricade a few times.
Spears comes back and slams Billy onto the floor and rolls back into the ring. Billy rolls in at the six count and Spears stomps him into the mat. Spears chokes Billy with his boot and Billy rolls to the floor. Spears follows and slams him into the apron. Spears delivers more shots on the outside and tosses Billy back into the ring. Billy comes back with shots to the midsection, but Spears connects with a superkick. Spears drops Billy with a DDT and goes for the cover, but Billy kicks out. Spears delivers a few lefts, but Billy comes back with a clothesline. Billy connects with a back elbow and then a few clotheslines. Billy sends Spears to the corner and delivers another clothesline. Spears comes back and goes for the C-4, but Billy gets free. Billy goes for the Fameasser, but Spears dodges it. Spears delivers a superkick and takes Billy to the mat. Spears goes for the cover, but Billy kicks out. Spears goes up top for a double stomp, but Bills dodges and slams Spears to the mat.
Spears pokes Billy in the eye, but Billy comes back and delivers the Fameasser. Spears rolls to the floor, but Billy rolls him back in. Billy charges, but Spears dodges and delivers the C-4 and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Shawn Spears