On Nyla Rose hiring: “People are angry that we did not know”

7:30 Brandi on Nyla Rose: “We, all of us, V P’s included, we did not know anything about that when we hired her. People are angry that we did not know. There is nothing under job application that says tell us your sexual orientation so how would we know. Tony Schiavone then said, ” we don’t talk about it on TV, just like we wouldn’t talk about a person’s color, she is just another athlete coming out.”
22:00 Brandi on when she started liking wrestling: ” when I was a kid, my brother was a big wrestling fan and as a family we use to get the pay per views. I always liked Koko B Ware and Frankie, but let’s just say it was Koko B Ware. My brother got older and was no longer into it and I lost interest too and I was gone from it for a long time. Cut to, my reintroduction at the University of Michigan and I was presented with a video of Trish on her knees barking like a dog. I was like, what is wrestling now. This is not what I remembered; this is terrible. Cut to, a few years later, getting a call from John LAURINAITIS saying we are interested in you. I’m thinking no, I’m not getting on my knees. I started watching again and saw it was completely different and none of that was happening anymore and the women were actually featured as athletes and telling these great stories and I was sold.”
24:00 On Dusty Rhodes introducing her to Cody: “I started watching again, and instantly I saw Dashing Cody Rhodes, and how can you not notice him. So, I noticed him, and I thought this is a good-looking guy. I never saw him and went to training and Dusty was a trainer and I wasn’t sure if they were related and I didn’t want to ask. Dusty was the first to tell Cody there is this new girl, she is cool, you should check her out. Then we worked together at a live event and it was crazy because he gave me all these instructions and never looked at me…He tells the story that at Air Canada in Toronto, he gave me a hug backstage and I blew in his ear and that’s how he knew I was into him. That never happened, I was just breathing.
(thanks to CHRIS SIGGIA)