1/14/20 AEW Dark Recap

Jan 14, 2020 - by Michael Riba

The opening credits roll. Excalibur and Dave Brown are on commentary from Southaven, Mississippi. They run down the card for tonight’s show. Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzalez host the show from the AEW Control Center in Southaven. They toss it to Justin Roberts, who leads the honorary ceremony for Memphis wrestling legends, including Jimmy Valiant, Brian Christopher (represented by Kevin Lawler), Dave Brown, Lance Russell (represented by Shane Russell), Austin Idol, Doug Gilbert (representing himself and the rest of the Gilbert Family), The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson), and Lanny Poffo (representing himself and the rest of the Poffo Family).

Match #1 – Singles Match: Darby Allin vs. Brandon Cutler
They tie up and Allin takes Cutler to the mat. Cutler gets free and shoves Allin away. Allin takes Cutler down again and rolls him up, but Cutler kicks out. Allin applies a side headlock, but Cutler gets free. Allin comes right back with the headlock and then drops Cutler with a shoulder tackle. Allin delivers a headbutt to the midsection and then a dropkick. Allin charges, but Cutler counters with a kick to the face. Cutler connects with a moonsault and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Cutler slams Allin into the corner and charges, but Allin counters with a back elbow. Cutler comes back and slams Allin to the mat and goes for a cover, but Allin kicks out. Allin gets Cutler in a crucifix pin, but Cutler kicks out. Allin locks in an arm-bar, but Cutler gets to the ropes. Allin delivers a chop in the corner, but Cutler comes back with a right hand and a kick to the face. Cutler applies a Torture Rack submission, but Allin gets free and manipulates Cutler’s finger joints.
Allin delivers a headbutt to the midsection and drops him with Code Red. Allin goes for the cover, but Cutler kicks out. Allin goes up top for the Coffin Drop, but Cutler cuts him off. Cutler defeated a few knees to Allin and stretches him over the ropes. Cutler connects with a guillotine leg drop and tosses Allin back into the ring. Allin comes right back and takes Cutler out with a dive. Allin tosses Cutler back into the ring and drops him with a few clothesline. Allin goes for the Coffin Drop, but Cutler catches him. Cutler comes off the ropes, but Allin catches him and delivers a Stunner. Allin hits the Coffin Drop and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Darby Allin

Match #2 – Singles Match: Nyla Rose vs. Shanna
Shanna attacks Rose during Rose’s entrance. Shanna slams Rose into the barricade, but Rose comes back and backs Shanna into the barricade. Rose stomps on Shanna and goes for the Beast Bomb on the apron, but Shanna gets free. Shanna kicks Rose in the face and charges, but Rose catches her and slams her to the floor. Rose gets a table and sets it up. She goes for the Beast Bomb from the apron, but Shanna gets free and gets into the ring. Shanna charges and Spears Rose through the table. Referees come out to check on both women.
-After the brawl, Shanna is backstage for an interview but Rose attacks her. Rose beats Shanna down and says nobody is going to stop her, but Shanna jumps on her back and chokes her. Referees finally pull them apart as the segment ends.

Tony and Dasha run down the upcoming events for AEW:

January 15th: Dynamite: Bash at the Beach – Miami, Florida
January 29th: Cleveland, Ohio
February 5th: Huntsville, Alabama
February 12th: Cedar Park, Texas
February 19th: Atlanta, Georgia
February 26th: Independence, Missouri
February 29th: Revolution – Chicago, Illinois
March 4th: Broomfield, Colorado
March 11th: West Valley City, Utah
March 25th: Newark, New Jersey

Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Peter Avalon and Shawn Spears (w/Leva Bates and Tully Blanchard) vs. Gunn Club (Austin Gunn and Billy Gunn)
Billy and Spears start the match and lock up. Spears sends Billy off the ropes, but Billy drops him with shoulder tackles. Billy tells Spears to suck it and Spears rolls to the floor. Spears gets back into the ring and Billy tags in Austin. Spears drops Austin to the mat and slams him in the corner. Spears delivers a few chops and tags in Avalon. Avalon stomps away on Austin and delivers a few forearms. Austin comes back with a hip toss and goes for the cover, but Avalon kicks out. Billy tags in and he and Austin double team Avalon. They go after Spears, but he drops to the floor. Billy charges at Avalon, but Avalon gets his boots up. Avalon comes out of the corner, but Billy catches him. Bates pulls Avalon to the apron and Avalon drops Billy with a cross-body. Avalon goes for the cover, but Billy kicks out. Spears tags in and delivers a few chops and a series of lefts to Billy. Billy counters and delivers a few chops of his own. Austin tags in and sends Spears off the ropes. Austin goes for a dropkick, but Spears holds on and slams Austin into the ring post.
Spears wrenches Austin’s arm and tags in Avalon. Avalon works over Austin’s arm and slams him to the mat. Avalon runs into Billy, but Billy gets into the ring. Spears gets into the match, but Austin meets him with a few forearm shots. Spears drops Austin to the mat and delivers a series of cross-face shots. Austin comes back and drops Spears with a clothesline. Billy and Avalon tag in and then Billy drops Avalon and Spears with right hands. Billy takes Avalon out with a power slam and then slams Spears as well. Billy grabs Avalon, but Spears knocks him away. Austin tags back in, but Avalon delivers an enzuigiri. Austin comes back and delivers the Famouser to Avalon and goes for the cover, but Avalon kicks out. Austin goes up top, but Spears pulls him down. Billy slams Spears into the barricade as Avalon climbs as well. Avalon goes for a suplex, but Austin delivers a headbutt. Billy slams Avalon to the mat and Austin connects with a senton and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Gunn Club

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