WWE Reportedly Will Not Air Any New 205 Live Matches to End the Year

Dec 17, 2019 - by James Walsh

There will be no new live episodes of WWE 205 Live to end 2019.

WWE will run live SmackDown episodes this Friday in Brooklyn and next Friday in Detroit, but they will not be taping any new 205 Live episodes with matches, according to F4Wonline.com. There’s no word yet on why they aren’t taping any matches, but we will keep you updated.

The 205 Live episodes scheduled to air this Friday and next Friday on the WWE Network will be “Best Of” shows to end the year for the cruiserweight division.

On a related note, there have been incorrect reports on WWE taping two episodes of SmackDown this Friday in Brooklyn due to the holidays, but that is not the case. There is a live SmackDown scheduled for Friday at the Barclays Center, and then another live SmackDown scheduled for next Friday, December 27 at the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit. These shows will wrap the year for the blue brand, but they will both air live on FOX.

The future of 205 Live has been up in the air for several months now. There was talk at one point of doing away with the show altogether, but there hasn’t been any new information since then. The 205 Live show and the WWE cruiserweight division have been booked by the WWE NXT creative team since the title was re-branded as the NXT Cruiserweight Title. Last week’s NXT episode saw Angel Garza defeat Lio Rush to become the new champion.

There’s no word yet on if WWE plans to tape new 205 Live matches on Friday, January 3, 2020, after the SmackDown in Memphis at the FedExForum.

Stay tuned for updates on the future of 205 Live.

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