Earl Hebner on WWE: “I don’t watch their product”
Earl Hebner Says Working For WWE Made Him Feel Like A Prisoner:
On AEW vs. WWE:
“It doesn’t feel like you’re in prison here. You’ve got more leeway and it’s more relaxing. It felt like you were in a prisoner in WWE but not in AEW. This is just a more laid back company and at my age, this is great for me.”
On his most memorable moments:
“The first one would be Saturday Night Main Event when I screwed Hogan. And the next one would be the Bret Hart deal [Montreal Screwjob]. It made a name for me…I don’t think they are ever gonna let that go. It’s gotta be over 20 years ago… [The fans] wanna torture me but I’m torturing them!”
On what he thought of the Hell in a Cell match between Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt:
“I don’t watch their product.”