Dustin Rhodes Still disappointed He didn’t get his Wrestlemania Match with Cody
Dustin Rhodes Still disappointed He didnt get his WM Match with Cody & Says Talent wanna be on the card on WrestleMania not in the God damn Andre The Giant Battle Royal
Dustin spoke about the disappointment he felt knowing that he and his brother were not going to get that WrestleMania moment and he chimed in more about the topic during his live show tour with Inside The Ropes.
“Yes, it really sticks in me because we both pitched to work and have a WrestleMania moment — brother versus brother.
A lot of people didn’t believe in it, we did. You look back at some of the brother versus brother[matches] like Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy and it wasn’t the best, so maybe they were gauging it on that match in particular, I don’t know, but I knew Cody works hard, I work hard. We could bring everything we got and we could make this thing f*cking work.” Runnels expressed. “We could make it work, we just weren’t given that opportunity. Instead, we were given Fastlane. Fastlane is not WrestleMania. Nothing is WrestleMania. WrestleMania is the f*cking pinnacle.
You wanna be on the card on WrestleMania — not in the God damn Andre The Giant Battle Royal. It just didn’t happen, and our match at Fastlane — we were talking over stuff and we start going in a direction that was just wrong. I chose to take the match in a different direction and I was wrong for it, but then after that, that match at Fastlane, we went on tour for the European two week tour that we do twice a year and we were tearing it up…. Every match, every night, we were going 20, 25 minutes and our chemistry was on and everything was clicking and we did it differently than we did on Fastlane and the crowd was behind it and they were excited, and so I know it’s there. I know that the interest is there for me versus Cody at WrestleMania. I just think it’s passed now and I can’t do anything about it so, what time I did have with Cody and working with him, I will always cherish.” He said.
(Pro Wrestling & MMA World)