Davey Boy Smith Jr. Compares Bret Hart’s Hall of Fame Attacker to Enzo

May 6, 2019 - by James Walsh

Davey Boy Smith Jr said that when Bret Hart was attacked at this year’s WWE Hall of Fame, he thought the attacker could have been Enzo Amore at first. Enzo previously interrupted a WWE event at the Survivor Series PPV last year.

On trying to get there sooner: “I would have got there sooner had I been closer to the ring. I was seated right near the entrance. I’m out of touch with things there and I never know what Vince (McMahon) or WWE is planning. I had thought, maybe it was a work. It could have been Enzo that came out and Bret puts him in the Sharpshooter. When this idiot came down, when I saw everybody climb on top of him, I was like, ‘Oh, this has got to be a shoot.’ I ran down, started throwing guys aside, and tried to punch the kids head in. He was turtled up like a pansy. I may have cut the back of his head. If I had gotten closer to him. I probably would have done something a lot worse. I didn’t, which is a good thing because I wouldn’t want to get into any trouble.”

On wanting to land a shot: “When he was right near the exit, I went to kick him and Mark Carrano was in the way and I kicked Mark Carrano in the kidney. I apologized to him later and got a drink. I apologized and said, ‘I didn’t know it was you.’ He said, ‘If you had known it was me, you would have done it harder probably.’”

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