Tracy Williams on the Origin of His Nickname, Cesaro
ROH Wrestling recently interviewed Tracy Williams, who discussed the origin of his nickname and more. Below are some highlights.
Williams on his nickname ‘Hot Sauce’: “I do get that question a lot — enough for me to give up on coming up with lies for my answers. Years ago, some friends and I had a group chat where we would come up with absurd wrestling names, and Chuckie T threw out the name that I’m now forcing announcers all over the world to say out loud into a microphone.”
Williams on the best advice he received for wrestling from Cesaro: “One of the people who trained me in wrestling from Day One was Cesaro, and before he went to WWE his last bit of advice to me was just to wrestle as often as I possibly could. It might seem like simple advice, but at the time I was mainly wrestling for my home promotion. If I had remained complacent instead of getting into that mindset of just getting out there and doing as much as I can, I don’t think the sequence of events that led me to where I am now would have happened.”
Tracy Williams on his most embarrassing moment: “One time in Maryland I got knocked out by a flying elbow strike, and while I was on dream street my opponent picked me up for a deadlift brain buster, but as he yanked me down for the impact he pulled my junk out of the bottom of my trunks. So I had been concussed, then brain bustered, and unceremoniously exposed upon impact all within the span of like a minute. That was pretty embarrassing.”
Tracy Williams on joining LifeBlood: “I think everyone would agree that Ring Of Honor is in a state of flux with all the changes happening in the wrestling world. Juice, myself, and all the other members of LifeBlood share the same mindset: that this great company needs to be set back on the course that got it to where it is today. In my opinion, Ring Of Honor’s foundation has always been that it’s where you turn to when you want to see the best in-ring wrestling that the United States has to offer.”
“Years ago, when the wrestling on TV was giving you giant characters who couldn’t actually wrestle for 30 seconds to save their lives, Ring Of Honor was giving you the greatest professional wrestlers on the scene giving it everything they could in the ring. Now that Ring Of Honor has the spotlight and the platform that it does, LifeBlood is here to bring the focus back to what makes Ring Of Honor special: passion, ability, grit, and pardon the cliche, but HONOR.”