Sasha Banks pulling out of The Wendy Williams show leaves producers “fuming”

Apr 10, 2019 - by Colin Vassallo is reporting that the producers of The Wendy Williams Show are not happy with Sasha Banks pulling out of their show in the last minute.

Banks was scheduled to be part of yesterday’s talk show but Banks pulled the plug on her appearance, leaving “everyone fuming” at the show.

Sasha wrote on social media that she won’t be appearing due to personal reasons and hoped that another opportunity will be there again later. But an insider for the show told that it won’t happen. “She won’t be booked again,” the insider said. “She didn’t give a real reason for canceling, and she did it only hours before the show tapes, so production was left scrambling to fill her spot. Wendy ended up doing an extra segment of Hot Topics instead.”

The former champion wrote a cryptic message yesterday on social media which left many fans scratching their heads as to what the real meaning behind it is.

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