3/12/19 WWE 205 Live Results

Mar 12, 2019 - by Michael Riba

1. #1 Contender’s (WWE Cruiserweight Championship) Tournament Semifinal Match
Cedric Alexander defeated Oney Lorcan

-Mike Kanellis tells Drake Maverick that he deserves better, and Maverick tells him he will go one-on-one with one of the best cruiserweights in the world next week. Maverick tells Kanellis that there isn’t room for losers on 205 Live, so next week’s chance might just be his last if he loses again.

2. #1 Contender’s (WWE Cruiserweight Championship) Tournament Semifinal Match
Tony Nese defeated Drew Gulak

-Alexander and Nese will face off in the Tournament Finals on next week’s show.

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